“There must be a road before the car reaches the mountain, there is your uncle!”

Scolding in annoyance, Lin Yu threw a stone into the sea in front of him again.

The sea is calm, everything around is calm, not even a trace of wind, all of which seems to indicate a very serious problem, that is, at this moment, the place where Lin Yu is located is a windless zone, or rather, an island in the windless zone.

There is almost no wind here, ships that rely on wind power can not sail here, in addition to a large number of sea kings, one accidentally will become sea king food, all in all, for all those who like to sail, this place is undoubtedly a nightmare!

And right now, Lin Yu is trapped on an island in the area where the windless zone is located, of course, in addition to him, there is a huge broken ship, although the ship is very large, but it is already broken and can no longer be broken, it cannot sail at all, and there are many huge tooth marks on the hull, which are attacked by the sea king.

Lin Yu is not a person from this world, he is a traverser, a traverser who crosses from other worlds to the world of One Piece.

Lin Yu couldn’t figure it out, didn’t he just fall before? How did you fall into the world of One Piece all of a sudden? This wrestling is inevitably too hard, right?

Originally, when he first woke up, there were still a lot of corpses here, but they were all buried by Lin Yu, and it was by relying on these corpses that Lin Yu figured out where he was now, or rather, the world he was in right now!

Although I didn’t want to admit it, according to the dress of one of the corpses before, Lin Yu still knew that he was in the world of “One Piece” at the moment, because that corpse was not an ordinary corpse, but the corpse of a Draco!

As a veteran pirate fan, Lin Yu knows everything in the One Piece world, of course, including those annoying Draco!

But not long after, Lin Yu discovered a fact that shocked him, that is, the body under his moment was not his original body, and the former owner of this body was actually a Draco!

It seems that the way he crossed is not physical crossing, but soul crossing!

After knowing his identity as a Draco, Lin Yu immediately took off his Draco’s clothes, and then found an ordinary dress from the broken ship to wear on his body, the reason why he did this was only because the reputation of Draco was so bad!

If he was wearing Draco’s clothes, even if someone saw him, they would definitely not save him, after all, in Lin Yu’s opinion, everyone hated Draco, although under normal circumstances, they did not dare to hurt Draco, but in this situation, it was difficult to say, in order to get rescue, Lin Yu could only do this.

However, to his disappointment, it had been several days, and there were still no ships passing here, and the fresh water and food he had found from the broken ship had just been eaten today, and if no one came to rescue him, he might die here.

Damn, I’m going to starve to death if I go on like this! But there is nothing to eat on this island! What should I do?

Lin Yu held a stone in one hand and a piece of wood in the other, and he thought helplessly that on this island, there are only these two things, but obviously, these things are inedible.

“Ding, congratulations to the host for triggering the god-level synthesis system, the system has been bound!”

In the next second, a voice suddenly sounded in Lin Yu’s mind, which startled Lin Yu.

“Yes, who’s talking?”

Lin Yu looked around a little nervously.

But then, he was suddenly shocked again, because at this moment, a synthetic interface actually appeared in his mind.

Lin Yu recognized it at once, isn’t this the god-level synthesis system game he played before? Why did he also follow himself to the world of One Piece? And also mutated into a system?

“Congratulations to the host for binding the god-level synthesis system, now the host has first-level synthesis permissions and a hundred synthesis points.”

“Level 1 synthesis privileges? What does that mean? ”

Lin Yu asked a little puzzled.

“The god-level synthesis system is divided into six levels in total, the higher the level, the better the things that can be synthesized, but the host is currently only one level, so it can only synthesize first-level items!”

“So what can I synthesize now?” Is food and water OK? ”

Lin Yu hurriedly asked, after all, these two things are life-saving things.

“Of course you can!”

With the sound of the system, Lin Yu’s synthesis interface in front of him changed slightly.

Requires a crafting item: bread.

Synthesis Level: Level 1!

Synthetic materials: one pound of stone, two pounds of wood, ten points of synthesis!

No way!

Lin Yu was first startled, and then asked with an incredulous look: “Wait a minute, are you saying that I can synthesize bread with stone and wood?” ”

“Of course, in addition to this, the host can also synthesize many other things, even weapons and demon fruits, given the host’s current low level, it can only synthesize some small things! However, because it is the first time to use the system, the host has a chance to draw anything at random! ”

No way! So good!

Hearing this, Lin Yu was a little excited at the moment, and for a while he even forgot to synthesize the bread, and hurriedly said: “Well, hurry up and let me draw the lottery!” See what you can draw! ”

As soon as the words fell, the synthetic interface in Lin Yu’s mind suddenly disappeared again, replaced by a large turntable specially used for lottery, and the large turntable was densely packed with various prizes, and upon closer inspection, the prizes above did not seem to be just things in this world, but even other worlds.

“Hehe, I hope I’m lucky, it’s better to draw a devil fruit or something, so that it will be developed!”

Lin Yu said with a smile while pressing the button of the lottery with his thoughts, and for a while, the pointer on the large turntable rotated rapidly.

Not long after, the pointer stopped again, and then landed on a strange-looking fruit.

“Congratulations to the host, I drew a devil fruit!”

In the next second, the sound of the system sounded again.

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