Hearing that Lin Yu agreed to his request, Figo closed his eyes peacefully.

Lin Yu felt that Figo’s body temperature gradually became cold, and slowly pulled out the arm that was grabbed by Figo.

“Figo…” The water princess on the stage looked at the dead Figo, and she cried hoarsely.

Lin Yu’s heart was a little heavy, although he had not known this man for a long time, and he was not obliged to help him at all, but since he agreed to his request, as a man, what he promised, then he must do it, thinking of this, Lin Yu turned around and walked to the stage.

Princess Water Phantom looked at Lin Yu, who was gradually approaching, and couldn’t help but tremble.

Lin Yu didn’t care, and immediately hugged the Water Illusion Princess.

Looking at the frightened look of the Water Illusion Princess, Lin Yu said with a serious face: “Don’t worry, Figo will not die in vain, I will bring you to Dragon Palace City.”

When Princess Shui heard this, she gradually calmed down, and then reluctantly looked at Figo’s body.

Just like that, Lin Yu walked out of the auction hall with the Water Illusion Princess in his arms.

On the way, Lin Yu has been thinking about Rolman’s arrogant appearance, although Lin Yu and Rollman are both Draco, but Lin Yu is very disgusted with Rolman, Lin Yu’s eyes reveal a faint killing intent, in his heart he has made up his mind.

“I’m going to kill Rollman sooner or later.”

Lin Yu originally planned to beat Rollman to make him remember for a long time, don’t be so rampant again, but what he didn’t expect was that Rollman actually dared to pull out a gun.

This guy is so presumptuous!

“You… You can…… Don’t put your hands there? Princess Aqua whispered with a hint of shyness.

Hearing this, Lin Yu felt a wonderful touch coming from his right hand, soft as cotton basking in the midsummer sun, and when he looked down, he saw that his right hand fell on the proud chest of the Water Illusion Princess without fail.

Lin Yu looked at the flushed water illusion princess in his arms, cherry small mouth with bright eyes, a pair of thin willow eyebrows as if conveying something, a bright blue silky hair was wet by water obediently stained on Lin Yu’s strong arms, Lin Yu carefully felt the touch in his hand, and slowly moved his hand from the chest / chest of the water illusion princess.

Not long after, Lin Yu came to the gate of the palace where the Draco of the Chambord Islands lived, and saw Qiao Ya and Robin waiting outside the door for some reason.

As soon as they saw the water illusion princess in Lin Yu’s hand, Qiao Ya and Robin immediately showed surprised expressions.

At this time, the water fantasy princess did not know when she had fallen asleep, maybe she was too tired from being frightened, or maybe Lin Yu’s embrace was too warm.

“You actually bought a mermaid!” Joya couldn’t believe it.

“I’m afraid it cost more than a billion Baileys, I know, mermaids are very expensive.” Robin also said.

“Well, I’ll talk about this later, let’s take a look at her first, she’s in a very bad state.”

Lin Yu spoke.

Seeing this, Qiao Ya carefully looked at the Water Illusion Princess, only to see that the Water Illusion Princess’s face was a little pale, and it seemed that she was really injured, and Qiao Ya, who was a nurse, immediately took the Water Illusion Princess carefully and placed her on the sofa in the bedroom/room.

Robin also looked solemnly at the water illusion princess on the sofa at this time, “It seems that she has experienced a lot.” ”

“Well, sort of, I hope she can recover quickly.” Lin Yu said again.

“By the way,” Lin Yu continued, “I’m afraid that the trip to the G5 base will be postponed in the future.”

“What’s wrong?” Robin asked suspiciously.

“Do you know who she is?”

Lin Yu pointed to the Water Illusion Princess on the sofa and asked.

“Isn’t she a captured mermaid slave?” Robin said with some doubt.

“He is the princess of Dragon Palace City, the Princess of Water Illusion!” Lin Yu said word by word.


Hearing this, Robin was instantly shocked again.

Qiao Ya was also attracted by these words and turned around, her eyes flashing with doubt.

Then Lin Yu said all the things before, Qiao Ya and Robin were silent after listening to it, and then, Qiao Ya asked, “How long do we leave?” ”

Lin Yu looked at the water illusion princess who was sleeping on the sofa, and said lightly: “Let her rest well, we will leave in three days.”

In fact, Qiao Ya and Robin didn’t understand why Lin Yu spent so much effort and cost to save a fish man who had never known each other, but when the two learned that this was a promise, they were relieved, and the promise between men must definitely be kept.

Early the next morning, after returning to the Chambord Islands, Lin Yu began to be busy rushing to Dragon Palace City, first of all, the question of how to go, as we all know, Dragon Palace City is located in the deep sea, in addition to fish people, ordinary people want to go to Dragon Palace City There is only one way, that is, to coat the ship and dive down.

And in the deep sea, the water pressure is extremely large, the undercurrent is turbulent, it cannot be said that the coating can be 100% safe, the quality of the ship must be good, Lin Yu’s first thought is the warship, although it is very troublesome and cumbersome to get the right to use the naval warship, but for Lin Yu it is a piece of cake, after all, Lin Yu as a Draco or vice admiral, that is an absolute privilege, so soon Lin Yu got the right to use three warships, but the coating process is more troublesome, about a day to complete.

At this time, Lin Yu’s turmoil in the auction hall quickly spread to the navy, and the whole navy was discussing Lin Yu’s beating of Rollman, from the general to the second class, almost everyone was talking about Lin Yu, a special vice admiral.

One of the most surprised was Tina, as soon as she heard the rumors about Lin Yu, she asked everywhere, when Tina knew that Lin Yu was actually a Draco, and also a vice admiral, she was completely shocked,

Tina, who had just been promoted to captain, wanted to take advantage of this incident to show off in front of Lin Yu, but what she didn’t expect was that Lin Yu’s identity gave her a big surprise.

At this moment, Tina really wanted to see Lin Yu, and Lin Yu suddenly became a figure in her mind at this time, as if blocked by a black curtain, and suddenly became mysterious again. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect

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