
Hearing this, the slaves all looked at Lin Yu with an incredulous face, they originally thought that this Tianlong people had snatched them over just to use them purely as slaves, but this sentence was greatly unexpected by everyone, and even the navy team following Lin Yu was shocked.

Lin Yu looked helpless, and could only order the navy on the side: “Hey, go over and open the lock around their necks!” ”

The lock that locks the neck of the slave is not an ordinary lock, but a bomb lock containing a bomb, if the slave tries to escape, the bomb will explode immediately, so that the slave dies, so under normal circumstances, the slaves are afraid to escape, besides, this is the Holy Land of Mary Joa, where the world government is located, where can they escape?

Immediately afterwards, in the shocked expressions of everyone, the bomb locks on their bodies were opened, and looking at the piles of bomb locks on the ground, everyone had a feeling of dreaming.

Looking at the tall slave who was still kneeling on the ground in front of him, Lin Yu said again: “Get up!” You are free! ”

When the slave heard this, he trembled and climbed up, and when Lin Yu saw his appearance, he was a little shocked at the moment, because this slave was not a human, but a fish man!

Because he is familiar with the story of One Piece, Lin Yu naturally knows the things between humans and fish people, it seems that in the human world, fish people and mermaids are raised as slaves and playthings, and even the vast majority of humans do not recognize them as a kind of human beings, but simply regard them as fish!

Even more pitiful than slaves, it seems to be these fish people.

Sighing in his heart, Lin Yu then looked at the slaves in front of him again and said, “Get out of here!” It doesn’t matter what you did before, or where you’re from, in short, don’t go near here again, go home! I can only save you this time! ”

After saying this, Lin Yu ordered the navy on the side again: “Later, you will send two people to be responsible for sending them to the Chambord Islands!” After that, it’s up to them! ”

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yu turned around and left without looking back.

“Why? Why? Why are you saving us? Aren’t you a Sky LONG person? As a long-term person, why should we have mercy! ”

Just a few steps away, there was a sudden shout behind him.

Lin Yu looked back and found that it was not someone else who spoke, it was the fish man before.

“Where in the world are there so many whys? If you have to ask why, then I can only say that I am different from other Tian Long people, go back, go back to your country! Don’t come back in the future! ”

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yu walked forward again.

But suddenly, Lin Yu stopped again, and then looked sideways at the fish behind him: “By the way, is your princess still here?” ”

“Wang… Princess? You… How did you know about Princess Othime? ”

When the fish man heard this, he was dumbfounded, because he never thought that this Tianlong person in front of him actually knew Princess Otohime, but how could this be? You must know that Princess Otohime has never been to the sea!

Although he was stunned in his heart, he replied immediately afterward: “Princess Otohime is very good now, right in the LONG Palace!” ”

“Is it? That’s good! After going back, I told Princess Otohime that not all humans hate fishmen, her ideals are beautiful, I agree with them, and… Tell him to be careful with a guy named Hody! ”

When watching One Piece before, Lin Yu admired this princess of Mermaid Island very much, and spent her whole life trying her best just to let her people live in peace with humans, and even did not hesitate to exchange her life for a short period of peace, if she could, Lin Yu still wanted to save her life! However, there are some things he can’t say too clearly, I hope this fish man can convey his words to Princess Otohime!

After saying these words, Lin Yu left without the slightest hesitation, leaving only the fish man standing there dumbfounded, looking at Lin Yu’s leaving figure with an incredulous face.

Princess Othime’s idea is to achieve / peace between humans and fishmen, so that the whole world accepts the existence of fishmen, so that fishmen are no longer treated as slaves and fish, such a thing, but all the inhabitants of Fishman Island know, but… But why would the LONG people know about it this day? And listening to the meaning of what he said before, it seems to agree with Princess Otohime, oh my God! What’s going on here?

One is the world aristocratic Tian Long person, the other is the princess of Fishman Island, how can these two people who are not comparable suddenly have a common idea? And what did he mean by being careful Hody before? ISN’T HODI A GUARD AT LONG PALACE? What can he do?

A series of questions kept flashing in the fish man’s mind, making him suddenly see a glimmer of hope, a glimmer of hope that Princess Otohime had promised.

Maybe this alternative Tianlong person can really help Princess Otohime fulfill her wish?

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