The Holy Land Mary Joa is the place where the Tianlong people and the world government are located, Lin Yu has no interest in the Tianlong people, what really interests him is the five old stars who are the highest power controller of the world government!

And his main goal this time is to infiltrate the world government to investigate the situation of the five old stars!

Then, without the slightest hesitation, Lin Yu immediately turned into a void black shadow and flew towards the Holy Land of Mary Joa.

I have to say that the flight speed of the shadow demon really scared Lin Yu, because it was just a blink of an eye, Lin Yu had actually come to the Holy Land of Mary Joya, which made Lin Yu feel a little incredible, because this was almost teleportation, and it was also teleportation hundreds of kilometers apart!

This guy’s speed is simply the same as the speed of the Thunder Fruit, and the Thunder Fruit cannot fly for a long time, and in terms of flight ability, the speed of the shadow demon is definitely the best in the world!

With a feeling in his heart, Lin Yu flew towards the place where the world headquarters was located.

Although it was already night at this time, there was still a brightly lit scene around the World Government headquarters, and there were patrolling soldiers everywhere, but this was not a problem for Lin Yu at all, because it was already nightfall, even if the lights were strong here, there was always a dark place, and once he dived into the darkness, no one could detect him.

Because the body is nothing, Lin Yu does not need to deliberately look for the entrance, and after flying to a building that is not the tallest in the world government, Lin Yu fell, and then his body suddenly disappeared into the building.

In the next second, five old men with different shapes suddenly appeared in Lin Yu’s line of sight, and one of them was Lin Yu’s grandfather Dema Shengs, needless to say, these five old men were naturally the five old stars, the highest power controller of the world government!

Lin Yu never expected that he would find the five old stars so easily, it seems that these five old stars like everyone else, like living in the tallest building!


But then, Dema Shengsi, who was sitting below, suddenly let out a ‘hmm’, and then looked up in the direction where Lin Yu was with a curious face, as if he had found something.


Lin Yu was shocked in his heart, and hurriedly blocked all his breath, and then submerged his entire body into the darkness.

After casually glancing around, he didn’t find anything strange, and Dema Sheng withdrew his gaze again, and then continued to listen to what the other five old stars were saying.

What a risk!

Seeing this, Lin Yu was relieved.

Immediately afterwards, he fused himself into the shadow, and then quietly moved to a corner through the shadow, and instantly merged with the darkness of the corner.

At this moment, Lin Yu was less than five meters away from the five old stars, but because he hid his breath, and even fused his entire body with the darkness in the corner of the wall, no one found him.

Staying quietly in the corner, Lin Yu listened carefully.

“Then let’s discuss the last question!” A bald old man with a mustache said: “This matter came from today’s Warring States report, there is something about the Tian Long people, presumably you should all know about this matter, right?” ”

The bald old man said, and his gaze suddenly looked towards Lin Yu’s grandfather, Dema Shengsi.

Seeing this, Lin Yu’s heart was instantly shocked again, because needless to say, the so-called Tianlong person in the mouth of this bald old man was undoubtedly himself!

Immediately afterwards, I saw a blond old man say again: “According to the understanding in the report, it seems that there is an incredible existence among the Tian Long people?” Both the power of the natural thunder fruit, but also has a three-color domineering, even the navy’s highest combat power general, the yellow ape, praised him as a powerful existence, Dema Shengsi, you don’t know about this, right? ”

The blond old man said, his gaze also looking towards Dema Saints.

Dema Shengs sat on the sofa holding his ghost, and said very boredly: “I just heard about this matter, although I also noticed that his return this time seems to be a little different from before, but I didn’t expect that he inexplicably has such a powerful power, which is really a strange thing.” ”

“So what’s next? With such a strong power, I am afraid that he will definitely not be able to settle down in the future, and he must find something to do for him, after all, what happened today can never happen again, a day long person actually killed the chief of CP9, this is too foolish, originally as a sky long person, what he needs is only to enjoy the power and everything that belongs to him, not to get power, because once he gets the power, he will pursue higher and more powerful things, such things are not what we want to see. ”

An old man in a black suit, white curly hair, a white beard with Peng Song, and a flat hat said.

Hearing this, Dema Saint suddenly fell silent, and after a moment, he asked, “What do you want to do to him?” ”

“Don’t do anything, after all, he is a Tian Long person, and he is still your grandson, we will never do anything bad to him, you can rest assured of this, but as I said before, you must find something for him to do, I propose, let him join the navy, after all, with such a strong force, it is really a pity not to be in the navy!”

The old man in a dark blue suit, with long straight white hair and a long beard suggested.

And his proposal was quickly endorsed by others.

“I agree, with such great power, it would be too wasteful for him to stay in Mary Joa, so it would be better to let him become a navy and garrison a sea area!” IN THAT SEA AREA, NO MATTER WHAT HE DOES, WE WILL ACQUIESCE, OF COURSE, HIS HEAVENLY LONG IDENTITY WILL CONTINUE TO BE RETAINED! ”

The blond old man pondered for a moment and said.

Listening to the conversation between the five old stars, Lin Yu was already completely shocked, he never expected that at this moment, the five old stars were discussing something about where he should go in the future! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect

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