“Huh? I really didn’t expect you to be able to stand up, it seems that I really underestimated you just now! ”

Looking back, seeing that Sass was actually standing not far away, Lin Yu was really a little surprised, because to be honest, he didn’t expect that this guy Sass could actually maintain consciousness under his domineering impact!

It seems that this guy still has some strength.

At this moment, Sas’s heart was simply shocked to the point of incredulousness, as a pirate with a bounty of almost 100 million, he naturally knew that the overlord color domineering such a thing, what really surprised him was that this inconspicuous brat in front of him would actually have this kind of domineering!

You must know that this is the overlord-colored domineering that only one in a million people has!

Can’t cultivate, can’t get acquired, can only have the overlord color domineering through fate!

When he thought of this, his face finally became ugly, because in the face of such an opponent, he had absolutely no chance of winning!

But what can he do now? Anyway, people are already offended, but I am afraid that this matter is not so easy to solve.

Thinking like this, he immediately said viciously: “Boy, don’t think that you can be invincible with overlord-colored domineering, even so, you can’t break my absolute defense!” ”

As he spoke, Sass immediately began to use the strength of the nut, and in a moment’s effort, Sas’s body suddenly underwent a subtle change, and the whole body seemed to be covered by a faint light.

Lin Yu looked funny, because although the strong nut can make the user’s body extremely hard, it cannot change the physique of the ability person itself, which means that if he wants to defeat this guy, he only needs to hook his fingers!

Thinking of this, Lin Yu didn’t even bother to use Thunder Tiger, and as soon as his mind moved, a flashing thunder and lightning suddenly appeared in his palm.

This is the most basic ability of the thunder fruit, Lin Yu named him ‘palm thunder’, the power of palm thunder is not very large, only about 10 million fords, although it is not of much use to some strong guys, but it is more than enough to deal with guys like Sas.

“Since … Nature-based ability? ”

When he saw the sudden appearance of thunder and lightning in Lin Yu’s hand, Sass was almost frightened and stupid at this time, he originally thought that Lin Yu just had an overlord-colored domineering, but who would have thought of it? He is actually a natural Devil Fruit ability!

With both the overlord-colored domineering and the ability of the natural devil fruit, what kind of existence is this guy?

For a while, everyone, including Sasas, was shocked again.

But now, Sas’s heart is not the slightest fear, because in his opinion, anyway, this time is already dead, what is the use of fear? Might as well fight

Even if he really died in Lin Yu’s hands, it was worth it! After all, for a real master!

Thinking like this, Sass took the giant axe in his hand again.

“How? Even if you know the amount, do you still want to fight me? ”

Lin Yu asked lightly.

Sass said angrily, “Even if you have the ability of the Overlord Domineering Forehead Natural Devil Fruit, I won’t back down unless you kill me!” ”

“Okay! Then I will fulfill you! ”

After saying this, Lin Yu did not have the slightest hesitation, and directly threw the thunder and lightning in his palm towards Sas, and in the next second, Sass saw a large group of thunder and lightning containing terrifying energy coming towards him.


A scream sounded, and Seston closed his eyes in fright, and then the whole person held his head and lay on the ground.

But then, there was no pain as expected, and the surroundings were surprisingly quiet.

What’s going on? Am I dead?

Thinking with some fear in his heart, Sass slowly opened his eyes, and then he saw Lin Yu’s figure leaving, and the thunder and lightning that struck him before suddenly disappeared.

It’s very tough to say, but in the end, it’s not scary? Lin Yu was really not interested in killing this guy.

“What’s going on?” Sass shouted sweatingly, “Why didn’t you kill me?” ”

When Lin Yu heard this, he instantly stood up again, and then said lightly: “Because your strength is too weak, even if killing you is of no use to me, I am looking for a real sea thief, not you, and finally I am advising you, strong nuts can not make you how strong, in the new world, there are countless people who can defeat you, if you want to live, don’t be a pirate!” ”

Hearing this, Sass immediately became silent, and no longer had the arrogant look he had just now, because he knew in his heart that this man was telling the truth, and in the face of absolute strength and domineering, the solid defensive ability was not worth mentioning at all!

Immediately afterwards, Sass seemed to think of something again, and then hurriedly shouted: “Hey, who are you?” You have to let me know who I’ve been defeated by, right? ”

“My name is Lin Yu, the future admiral! Remember the name, because the next time you meet it, you won’t be as lucky as you are today! ”

After saying this, Lin Yu did not have the slightest hesitation, and walked directly towards the direction of the lawless zone.

This time coming to the Chambord Islands, Lin Yu just wants to prove himself with his own strength, not to do something through the identity of a celestial man, so at this moment, his identity is just a future navy, and Lin Yu feels that his own strength can become a admiral now!

Sea… Admiral? Wrong wrong… I know all the three admirals of the navy, and I have never met this person, but he does have the strength of a naval admiral, is it a newly recruited admiral of the navy?


Sass thought with a shocked look.

A moment later, he suddenly sighed again, because after what happened just now, he found that he was too weak, and he was lucky not to be killed this time, but what about next time? Will you be so lucky next time?

It seems that the pirate line is really not very suitable for a weak person like himself! _

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