One Piece Talent Reset System

Chapter 294 Yuzan with Red Hair

Now, Ryuzaki is starting to push!

What's up with Marine? What can the world government do?

Ryuzaki is in this broad daylight, the world is bright, he is not shy, and he is advancing across the board. What else can the World Government do other than watch it helplessly?

This uncle is a jerk, just under your nose!

Come and bite me!

Seeing the endless Ryuzaki chattering, the World government hated it and couldn't help it.

People Ryuzaki started to push the ground like this, but they couldn't free up their hands, and even if they did, they were already in a situation where there were no soldiers available.

Just helplessly, watching Alabasta's army, bit by bit, nibbling away at the Grand Line.

After two years of careful preparation, Alabasta is fully manned.

In addition, it has expanded a lot of territory, and after some integration, there is no shortage of troops at all.

The war machine started, and huge resources were continuously input.

One island, after another, gradually fell.

One thing that is particularly impressive in Alabasta's flat-push war is that Alabasta has a pacifist-like weapon.

It's just Alabasta's name for the weapon, not a pacifist, but a white bear.

Ice Bear and the pacifist function almost exactly the same, or simply put, he is a plagiarized version of the pacifist.

When the Five Elders heard the news, they were naturally angry and cursed, scolding that this must be the work of that jerk Zephyr.

But what if you know it?

In the silence of these years, Alabasta's production of white bears has already entered the stage of assembly-line industrial production.

Now the white bear has been mass-produced.

The world government has scientists, but does Alabasta have them?

Alabasta not only has scientists, but also a lot of them. Even if these scientists are not as smart as Vegapunk, at least it will not be a problem to maintain the production line of white bears smoothly.

One after another, there are kings of various countries asking for help from the world government, including the allied countries, but what can we do?

World government is powerless!

It's like the eunuch saw that the emperor has a beautiful wife, he has the guts, and he doesn't have that thief!

In a flash, several days have passed!

New World, the war in full swing, has a new twist.


On the rock-lined island, red hair spurted out blood, and his face was pale.

"Thief hahaha... Shanks, you look really ugly!"

"Teach, why are your legs okay?"

"Well... Sword Immortal has a subordinate who has the ability to heal fruit!"

"He helped you?"

"Help me? Thief hahaha... Redhead, you're still as innocent as ever. You've been a pirate for so many years, wouldn't you laugh out loud if you help me say this word out of your mouth?"

"If the pirates want something, go grab it. If you can't grab it, you can exchange it for something. This is the common sense of pirates. I, but you are not as naive as you, I just exchanged things for treatment!"

"Teach, stop! The war is over, do you still want to increase casualties?"

"Huh?" Blackbeard grinned. "What a fun way to beg for mercy!"

"beg for mercy?"

The red-haired face was stern, "Teach, if you want to fight, then come on, I won't be afraid of you."

"thief hahaha..."

"Shanks, you are a pirate. How can a pirate solve problems by playing tricks."

"Shanks, you are a pirate. How can a pirate solve problems by playing tricks."

Blackbeard laughed, waving his arms, posing in a classic posture similar to Whitebeard, the oscillating force, in the shape of a cone, covered the area where the red hair was.

If it was before, the red hair would definitely be able to hide.

But the current redhead is not only injured, but also physically exhausted, and he took a Blackbeard attack abruptly.

The shaking internal organs were about to vomit blood.



In the distance, the red-haired crew members were shouting affectionately, they wanted to run to rescue the red-haired, but they were all blocked by Blackbeard's subordinates!

Redhead has a main crew, doesn't Blackbeard?

None of Blackbeard's subordinates are vegetarians.

All the red-haired subordinates were intercepted.

Perhaps, the redhead was very confident before and felt that his power was no worse than that of Blackbeard.

But why is the situation turned around by Blackbeard now?

Speaking of which, it's just because of one more treatment!

It can be seen that whether it is playing a dungeon, an arena, or a field team battle, it is still very important to have a nurse in a team.

For the redhead, the miracle did not happen after all!

What happened to him... even if he fought to the death in the end, he was still... shit!

As soon as the news came out, the world was shocked, Watt? watt? Red hair shit?

My God, it's true, this is probably the most important person who died in the chaos of New World!

Many, many people were shocked.

The red-haired Shanks, one of the dignified Four Emperors, is such a fart!

And Blackbeard is also impressive to many people.

Word reached Alabasta.

Ryuzaki looked at the information at hand and was full of joy. It is said that the battle between Blackbeard and the redhead destroyed more than ten islands!

Alas... this group of people is also true, you are fighting each other, what kind of grievance does the island have with you? Do you know how many years it takes to form an island from a coral reef?

It took nature hundreds of thousands of years to build an island, and it will be destroyed as soon as you get started!

Sure enough, pirates are not good birds, but this king is the most benevolent.

Yi Huang's death quickly changed the pattern of New World.

In New World, it seems to have become the new four dominant situation.

They are bigmom, Kaido, Blackbeard, Ace (the king's)!

Although Ace's forces suffered heavy losses in this chaotic situation, they couldn't help but licked a huge force!

Blackbeard killed the redhead, and the red-haired subordinate was grief-stricken, and naturally angrily asked Blackbeard to settle the account.

However, Blackbeard's dignified double-fruit ability, the cadres under his command, are also very difficult to provoke.

The red-haired remnant wants to settle accounts with Blackbeard, which is almost a nonsense.

So they put their hopes on others, and this person is Fire Fist Ace.

Tsk tsk... Whitebeard's remnants, plus the red-haired remnants, gathered together, and they were quite a force.

Ace thriving, he belongs to the kind of lucky guy who has suffered a defeat, but his power has greatly increased!

So there is one person who disagrees!

This person is Kid.

Well, it was clearly Laozi who stabbed the redhead in the rear first, but Ace took away all the benefits. How could a mere defeated general still be able to reap the benefits? .

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