One Piece Talent System

Chapter 10 Recruiting Robin

Navy Headquarters.

Dauberman's office.


Dauberman slapped the desk with a slap, shaking the hard wooden table with cracks, and the whole person stood up directly, his face full of anger.

"Who does he think he is?"

"Arrogant! Really arrogant!"

Although there are countless pirates in the big sea, and as a lieutenant general of the navy headquarters, he has also dealt with many ferocious pirates, but there are not many who dare to speak madly to the navy headquarters, and most of them are from the new world.

How dare a brat from the West Sea dare to speak so madly, it is truly outrageous!

"Lieutenant General Dauberman, the strength of this ghost hand Rhodes is no longer handled by the chiefs of those branches in the West Sea. How should we handle it?"

Stoloberry stood at Dauberman's desk and asked solemnly with an indifferent expression.

If he was a little sympathetic to Ross at the beginning, then after Ross killed Moby and ranted to the top navy, his sympathy turned into anger.

Dauberman took two heavy breaths, suppressed the anger in his heart, and said coldly: "Notify all the branch bases in the West Sea, put the ghost hand Rhodes on the list of dangerous pirates, and hand over the full authority to each branch base. deal with!"


Stoloberry nodded solemnly.

The base chiefs of the various branch bases in the West Sea are different from the branch colonels. The rank is the branch major general level, and a large part of the branch major generals are all sent to the four seas by the headquarter officers, and their strength is sufficient to suppress the sea area where they are located. .


In front of the behemoths of the Navy and the World Government, all arguments are futile. Compared with Rhodes, the public is obviously more likely to believe in the World Government and the Navy, and in the news reports issued by the government.

The navy represents the world government, and it is enough to easily distort facts around the world and turn black and white.



None of that worked.

So from the moment when Navy Colonel Moby attacked and killed, Rhodes had already made a decision. Since the high-level navy decided to discredit him as a pirate, he could not bear the name of a pirate in vain and let those navy officers disappointment!

In order to defeat the Navy Colonel Moby quickly, Rhodes drew out the paper in the sixth naval style. Although it took a little free talent point for this, the effect was also very significant. He quickly killed Moby and did not fall into the trap. surrounded by the navy.

After rushing out of the naval branch, Rhodes came to the southern shore of the island, where the boat he was on was docked.

"I don't know how the Navy will declare my crime this time."

Rhodes rowed away from the coast, looking at the boundless sea and shaking his head.

never mind.

From today, he is the captain of the Ghost Hand Pirates.

"After today, most of the navy will raise my reward, siege and hunt in the West Sea, and may even send major generals and fleets. If they run around without intelligence, they will easily fall into ambush and encirclement."

Rhodes pondered slightly.

Since he has become a pirate, he has to face heavy pursuit by the navy. It is obviously not enough to rely on a small boat. He needs a minimum medium-sized or above, and he also needs all kinds of information.

For him, there are two routes to become stronger, one is to cultivate by himself, the other is to hunt pirates, and to hunt pirates also needs intelligence.


The first crew member he needs has become very clear, hiding in the dark underground world and knowing a lot of information... Nico Robin.

"Then next, go to Geer City."


Gail City.

Underground Intelligence Organization Base.

Nico Robin is standing at a desk, sorting and memorizing the information on the desk one by one. She passed the doctoral exam in archaeology at the age of eight, and her memory and analytical skills are almost unquestionable.

In the few months she worked for this intelligence organization, she could quickly memorize the information no matter how complicated it was, and as long as she was asked, she could answer it immediately, almost unforgettable.

"It's all recorded."

Robin put down the last note, closed his eyes slightly, opened them again after a few seconds, and nodded at Tren who was sitting behind his desk.

Trun picked up the cup and took a sip of coffee, nodded with satisfaction, and said, "Very good, go and burn all these intelligence documents."

Taking in Nico Robin, the devil's son with a bounty of up to 79 million Bailey, was also a big risk for him, but Robin's ability in intelligence processing really made him extremely satisfied.

Otherwise, he would have left Robin to the navy for a bounty.

Robin grabbed the slip of paper on the table and walked aside, quickly disposed of the intelligence documents, and then returned to the desk.

"If I remember correctly, you should be sixteen now."

Thrun looked at Robin with his teacup.


Robin nodded.

Tron leaned against the back of the chair leisurely, and the corner of his mouth raised a slight arc, and said, "It's a good age. If it weren't for the 79 million Bailey's bounty, it would be a perfect assistant."

Robin was silent.

Tron looked at Robin, put down the teacup slowly, and said, "In addition to sorting out information, what else do you do, can you dance?"


Robin shook his head.

"That's so boring..." Tron stood up, looked at Robin, walked over slowly, and stretched out two rough fingers, trying to tick Robin's chin.

Robin's expression changed slightly and he took a half step back.

Seeing that Robin stepped aside and his fingers failed to touch, Tron's movements paused slightly, and the interest on his face faded. He withdrew his fingers that were stretched out in the air, carried his hands on his back, and showed a slight look in his eyes, saying:

"Take off your clothes, Nico Robin."


Robin froze for a moment.

Seeing Robin in a daze, Tron increased his tone slightly and said, "I asked you to take off your clothes, didn't you hear?"

"This request..."

Robin's pupils shrank slightly, and he took another step back, not knowing what to do for a while.

She has been offered a reward since she was eight years old and has been hiding in the underground world for eight years. She has seen too much darkness over the years, but this is the first time she has encountered this situation today.

"What? You're going to disobey my orders?"

Seeing Robin's retreat, Tron couldn't help his face sinking, and said, "You can do anything, you said it yourself? I took the risk of 79 million Bailey's high bounty to take you in. !"


As soon as Tron mentioned the 79 million Bailey's reward, Robin's expression changed, his teeth clenched his lips.

It is precisely because of such a high bounty that she has been hiding in Tibet for the past eight years. She has tried her best to survive. If it weren't for her calmness and wisdom far exceeding that of ordinary people, she would not have survived until now.

She will do everything in her power to survive.

But the humiliation in front of her was unbearable for her.

Survival or dignity, which is more important?

She bit harder and harder, her teeth were deeply embedded in her lips, she bit her lips at some point, and bright red blood beads slowly dripped.

Tron looked at Robin's appearance, but showed a relaxed expression, for him it was just boring to have some fun.

"Looking at you, it seems that you haven't experienced it yet? That's too bad. With such a high bounty, you may be caught by the navy at any time. Once caught, you won't have the chance to experience it."


Robin was silent. Survival was so difficult for her, so difficult that she needed to give up the last bit of dignity.

Just when Robin was struggling.


The door made of oak suddenly slammed and was forcibly pushed open from the outside, the door lock shattered directly, and sawdust splashed everywhere.


Tron, who was observing Robin's reaction, was suddenly interrupted by the voice, and he couldn't help showing anger, turning his head to look at the door.

Ross walked in from the door. He arrived half a minute ago. Because the door was locked, he waited for a while. He didn't expect to encounter an accident.

"It's you?"

When Tron saw Ross, he suddenly raised his brows.

"Breaking your door, I don't think you'd mind."

Under the somewhat unexpected gaze of Robin and Thrun, Rhodes walked to the field, looked at Robin, and said:

"It doesn't look like you're having a good time here. Would you like to change your identity and be my crew member?"

Rhodes has never liked to be around the corner, and Robin is a smart person. In the current situation, he only needs to give a choice.

Hearing Ross's words, Robin didn't react yet, and Tron spoke with a gloomy face.

"Ghost hand Ross, what do you mean, are you going to poach my assistant in front of me?"

"That's right."

Rhodes responded calmly, and a 'yes' made Tren choked in one breath.

"So, what do you think? Nico Robin." Ross looked at Robin.

Robin froze slightly.

This was the first time that someone took the initiative to pull her in.

Even though Robin is still very young now, her calmness and composure still far surpass her peers and ordinary people. She analyzed the current situation in less than a second, and then nodded calmly.

"It's an honor to work for you, Captain Rhodes."

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