One Piece Talent System

Chapter 339 One Sword

on the battlefield.

The Navy, the Whitebeard Pirates, and the Ghost Hand Pirates are in a three-way confrontation. The Navy is in the best state of waiting for work, but it is impossible to completely wipe out the Ghost Hand Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates.

If the Ghost Hand Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates join forces, they can defeat the navy, but there is no doubt that joining forces is impossible.

"Red hair……"

Marco stood on a raised ice rock, looking in the direction of Shanks.

Shiryu of the Rain slowly lowered his blade.

Everyone slowly put down the movements in their hands.

In such a situation of complete melee, the appearance of the red hair is enough to change the entire situation of the battle. Once it joins the battlefield, it will inevitably evolve into the biggest battle since the era of great pirates.

And in this case, the situation of the Ghost Hand Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates will be very bad, because the cadres of both sides are already on the verge of limit.

Step, step, step.

Shanks was wearing clogs, stepped on the ice, and walked slowly towards the field.

He didn't release the domineering aura. In this situation, releasing the domineering color is tantamount to provoking the three forces at the same time, and a bloody battle is inevitable.

"See you again, redhead."

Ross stood on the ice with his torso upright, looking at the red-haired Shanks who was walking, and spoke in a leisurely tone.

The last time we met was in Xihai.

At that time, he had not yet set foot on the great route, and was still struggling under the pursuit of the navy, trying his best to break out of the siege from the West Sea. The gap between him and Shanks was immeasurable.

But more than six years later, everything has been turned upside down.

Today, he is one of the four emperors, and his strength stands at the peak of the sea. Even White Beard is no longer his opponent.


What Ross said made everyone present look at Ross one after another, wandering back and forth between Ross and the red-haired body, showing a bit of strangeness.

Ghost hand and red hair met?

when is it Why never heard of it.


Shanks nodded, and said with deep eyes: "Time flies so fast."

Aokiji stood not far away, looking at Shanks with serious and vigilant eyes, and said, "What are you doing here?"

Although it is difficult for their navy to destroy the Ghost Hand Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates at the same time, they undoubtedly have a great advantage. However, if the Red Hair Pirates appear and intervene in this battlefield, the situation will be completely different.

This is a situation that the Navy does not want to see.

Shanks stopped, turned his head to look at Aokiji, then at Momotu, Kizaru, Marco, Fujitora, Shileu of the Rain, and others, and said:

"There is no point in continuing this battle. It will only increase casualties endlessly. Your navy will not get any benefit."

"What do you want to say?"

Momotu looked at the red-haired Shanks coldly.

Shanks' eyes paused on Taotu for a moment, and said, "I'm stop this war, this battle can come to an end here."

"Think carefully before you speak, redhead."

The tea dolphin put his hands in his trouser pockets, looked at Shanks from a distance, and said slowly: "Do you want to stop the navy from dealing with the pirates?"

After the tea dolphin's voice fell, the atmosphere in the field suddenly became sharp.


At this moment, the ship of the Red-haired Pirates leaned against the ice, and the deputy captain, Beckman, and a large number of senior cadres of the Red-haired pirates set foot on Iceland and walked towards the field.

The appearance of the cadres of the red-haired pirates immediately made the atmosphere tense.

Unlike Marco, Shiliu of the Rain and others who fought for three days and two nights, everyone in the Red Hair Pirates is in full swing!

"Do not."

Shanks spoke slowly, and said: "I didn't mean that. There are too many things that have to be fought because of the position, but this battle should stop here. If it continues, it will only continue to expand the losses."

Ross looked at the red-haired Shanks with his hands behind his back, no one knew what he was thinking.

In the top battle in memory, Shanks used a tough attitude to prevent the subsequent development of the war. Blackbeard didn't want to fight Shanks in the Navy headquarters, and the Navy didn't want to pursue Whitebeard at the same time. Facing the Red Hair Pirates and the Blackbeard Pirates.

But the current situation is completely different from the war on the top. Neither Whitebeard nor Ross is obviously an existence that will give in. A tough attitude will only make things worse, so Shanks showed a calm and steady attitude.


Shanks' words silenced everyone.

If Shanks didn't show up, Aokiji and others would definitely continue to deal with the Whitebeard Pirates and Ghost Hand Pirates, but if Shanks showed up, if they continue to fight, it's hard to guarantee that Shanks won't intervene, so The situation will be extremely unfavorable.

As for Whitebeard and Ghost Hand, there is no need to mention it, except that Ross has preserved nearly one-third of his physical strength. The physical strength of the others is already on the verge of limit, and there is no one in the fighting power.

If the fight continues, even existences like Shiliu of the Rain and Marco may die here.

Ross looked at Shanks.

"Red hair."


Shanks looked over.


Ross pressed his hand to the hilt of the sword at his waist and pulled out the blade.

At the next moment, Ross disappeared abruptly, and when he reappeared, he had already come to Shanks, and the blade in his hand was wrapped in a twisted halo of chaos, and suddenly smashed towards Shanks.

Shanks' face was gloomy, and the moment Ross drew his sword, his hand was already on the hilt, and when Ross appeared in front of him, his sword was already in his hand, welcoming Rhodes waved it up.

Time seems to have become extremely slow.

Under everyone's gaze, Ross's blade and Shanks' blade moved closer inch by inch, and finally collided.


Sparks flew.

A chaotic twisting force burst out suddenly, surging in all directions, twisting the ice surface under the feet of Ross and Shanks to pieces, and expanding the range of dozens of meters in an instant!

At the same time, with the collision of this sword, the dark clouds in the sky also opened a crack like an abyss!

"Ghost Hand!"

Among the red-haired pirates behind Shanks, someone's expression changed.

In this unfavorable situation, will Ross still choose to continue fighting? Kaido, the beast, is still somewhat rational. No matter how crazy Ross is, he will not be a wilder beast than Kaido.

Click! Click!

After the ice surface under the feet of Ross and Shanks was smashed and collapsed by the twisting force, countless fragmented ravines appeared in the lower area, spreading in all directions.

When everything stopped, Ross and Shanks stood facing each other, with their sword blades touching each other. Except that the ice under their feet was not broken, the ice surface with a radius of tens of meters seemed to have been hit by a meteorite. A huge crater!

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