When a man's voice sounded.

The black cat in Ron's arms exploded again and jumped directly onto the bar, its sharp claws popping out of the pink flesh pads.

If it weren't for the constraints of the tavern rules.

With Yoruichi's temper, the war had already started before Ron came back!

"Captain Yoruichi, don't be nervous."

"I just want to see these two weapons. You are too sensitive."

"If I wanted, I could take you back to Soul Society when I first met you."

The man took a sip of the wine in the glass and smiled gently.

Yoruichi thought for a moment before jumping back into Ron's arms, but the vigilance in his vertical eyes did not diminish at all.

This newly arrived guest is none other than Aizen Kuyousuke of the [Shinigami] world!

The fourth guest in the tavern has "villain" characteristics.

Captain of Gotei 13 Division 5.

Although he looks very gentle and not aggressive at all, he is actually a hexagonal warrior!

So powerful.

Not only can high-level Kidō give up chanting, Reiatsu is also several times stronger than an ordinary captain!

"It's okay to show it to you."

"But...can you undo this so-called illusion first?"

Liang Bing leaned back lazily on the chair and handed the dagger to the other side with a smile.

With the voice down.

Aizen disappeared in front of everyone.

Immediately, his figure reappeared at the edge of the bar.

Just everything.

It is an illusion caused by everyone's five senses being controlled by [Kyōka Suigetsu].

Ron had noticed it as soon as he walked in, so he ignored Aizen.


"Can actually see through Kyōka Suigetsu."

Aizen smiled and slowly stepped forward to take the dagger.

But the moment he took it, his right hand suddenly dropped.

Very heavy!

It has far exceeded the weight of a dagger.

Aizen held the dagger in his backhand and slashed it in the air several times.


There were ripples in the space in front of him, which showed how sharp it was.

"A very nice dagger."

"Can you sell it to me?"

Aizen now handed the dagger back to Liang Bing, then found a seat to sit down and asked softly.


"As long as you help me kill that Bitchi, I can give you this little toy instead of selling it."

Liang Bing pointed to her sister beside her and said with a smile.

"Sorry, I came here today just to drink, not to kill anyone."

Aizen smiled and shook his head in rejection.

He knew it very well.

Since Liangbing can see through his own [Kyōka Suigetsu] and can use this dagger as a toy, he must be very powerful!

Moreover, even this kind of existence cannot kill people.

Aizen couldn't agree easily. He could only say that the chips were too small and it was not worth taking action.


The most critical point is that there is something wrong with this pub!

Not to mention the demonic father and son.

The beautiful woman with squinting eyes, and the faint aura of the little blond girl.

It actually made Aizen uncontrollably afraid.

Not to mention the tavern owner sitting at the bar.

Since he can let such a strong person work in a tavern, he must be stronger!

After analyzing everything.

Aizen decided not to act rashly until he found out the details of this tavern!

At this time.

A silent Ron suddenly asked:

"Mr. Aizen."

"Is a road forged with blood really worth it?"

"Even if it means sacrificing the lives of countless Rukongai civilians."

Aizen was stunned for a moment and said calmly:

"The path I am taking will cost a small number of lives."

"But if you give the whole world to Shinigami."

"The sacrifice will never end!"

"Even if I am hated and cast aside by everyone in the world, I will not change the original shape of this path."

The empty period of the Throne of Heaven is about to end. From now on, I will stand at the top!

These are Aizen's words and their meaning.

It is Aizen who wants to completely change the Three Realms!

Soul Society is no longer ruled by corrupt aristocrats.

He wants to make the Soul King, who is the cornerstone of the gift of the world, the symbol of Shinigami's sin, and the greatest sacrifice, fall from the sky!

at last...

Aizen wants to be the Spiritual King and stand on the sky with his own consciousness!

heard the words.

The black cat lying in Ron's arms uttered a hoarse voice:

"You've gone crazy!"

"What's the crime of the Shinigami, and how could they cause more sacrifices?"

"On the contrary, you, in order to study Shinigami's Hollow, did not hesitate to use all the captains as experimental subjects..."

Yoruichi said a lot in one breath.

Ron also learned from this that both Yoruichi and Aizen share the same timeline.

That was after the Shinigami Hollow experiment ended.

Aizen slaughtered all the forty-six chambers, and finally framed the crime of researching Shinigami Hollow on Urahara Kisuke.

The purpose is to snatch "Hōgyoku" from Urahara Kisuke.

But before the execution, Yoruichi robbed the execution ground.

Finally, they were wanted.

Yoruichi turned into a black cat and came to the tavern, Urahara Kisuke and Tessai Tsukabishi went to the living world.


Rem, Ram, and Rayleigh were all frightened when they saw the black cat speaking human words.

Ram was extremely shocked and lifted Yoruichi up high, and said at the same time:

"It...it spoke?!"

Available immediately.

Rem, Ram realized something was wrong.

No wonder the owner often sleeps with this cat in his arms!


A few more bullets were missing from the gun.

Yoruichi, who knew he was exposed, could not help but sigh:

"Can you two let me go first?"

Ram put Yoruichi on the bar, looked at each other and left the bar one after another.

Then I took a wooden board in the kitchen and wrote and drew on it.

Dogs and cats are not allowed in the owner's room!

Well...dragons too!


After the fun is over.

Aizen smiled, took a sip of wine, and said slowly:

"Whether you're crazy or not doesn't matter now."

"As long as I get Urahara Kisuke's piece of Hōgyoku and fuse it."

"That will all be over."

"As the patriarch of one of the four nobles, you should know about the Spirit King."

"I will replace him and stand on the sky with my own consciousness."

If it were changed to before.

Aizen would definitely not say this to Yoruichi.

But things are different now.

Because of the robbery, Yoruichi is wanted by the entire Soul Society!

Even if she tried to report Captain Yamamoto, no one would believe her.


Ron took out a gem that shone with blue-black light and played with it in his hand:

"Is this the Hōgyoku you're talking about?"

"Idealistic items are very interesting. You can study them at night."

Aizen: "!!!"

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