"Boss, tell me, isn't this the most helpless thing?" The Lord looked at Ron expectantly.

Ron nodded in a daze.

Did this guy get the wrong script?

From coming in to sitting down to drink, he didn't behave as he should.

And now these words are even more crying about the difficulty of being a father.

"Two years!"

"For two full years..."

The Holy Master took a sip of his wine and raised two fingers: "Boss, do you know how I survived the two years I was imprisoned in hell?"

"I fought with my stupid son for two and a half years, day and night, endlessly!"

two and a half years?

Ron rubbed his chin, probably knowing that the Holy Master came from that timeline.

[The Adventures of Cheng Long] After the ending.

The holy master and the devil dragon were completely sealed in hell.


Aren't the twelve spells all on the Holy Lord?

After thinking about it, Ron comforted softly:

"Calm down, it's common for sons and fathers to be angry."

Rem's voice also came from the backyard: "Yes, father and son are father and son after all, there must be a day of reconciliation."

Ron turned his head and took a look, only to see Rem, Ram standing at the door of the backyard, his little face was full of sympathy.

Maybe the Holy Lord's voice is too loud,

Let the two sisters who have finished washing and changed into pajamas to go to bed come over to check the situation again.

The Lord nodded, and glanced at the black cat in Ram's arms with interest.

From when I first entered the tavern.

He immediately probed the breath of everyone here.

The twin maids are strong, but one slap can kill them.

That black cat... seems to have a similar means of attacking the soul.

But Ron didn't show any breath the whole time, just like an ordinary person.


How can a person who can transport himself from hell to another world be an ordinary person?

Therefore, from entering to now, the Holy Master has behaved very well.

"You don't have children, so you don't understand the bitterness of a father." The voice of the Holy Master was a little depressed:

"That stupid son of mine blames me all day for not having time to pay attention to him, and only fights with those wizards."

"But what's all this for?"

"Isn't it all paving the way for this stupid son?"

Ron nodded thoughtfully.

The strength of the devil dragon is indeed a bit hip.

If the Holy Lord does not subdue the wizards and demons in hell.

It would be very difficult for the devil dragon to survive, let alone succeed to the throne.

"But in the end..." Holy Master said with a wry smile, "My stupid son betrayed me."

"And this silly boy was wrong after all. Even though he has gathered the Eight Demonic Energy, there is still one person who can defeat him."

"That's me, his father!"

He paused, took a sip of wine, and continued to vomit bitterness:

"Although I defeated him, he is my son after all, and I want to save him..."

"But at that time, he actually wanted to drag me down to that eternal hell!"

"Then die together, and our father and son will be reunited in the country that belongs to me!"

Speaking of this, the Holy Master stopped, and his scarlet eyes were covered with mist.

But after all.

The sour tears that belonged to the old father still did not stay.

"There is no overnight feud between father and son. Sit down and have a good talk, and we will definitely get back together." Ron said softly.

"Alas..." The Holy Master sighed, and was about to say something.

The two looked out the window at the same time.

I saw a burly man walking towards the tavern with three men and a skinny horse.

The man has a rough appearance, with thick hair on his body, and three flintlock guns are simmering in his left waist.

He is always grinning, arrogant and arrogant.

The visitors were clearly Blackbeard and all his men.

"The way you look now will scare away my customers, please change your appearance." Ron said with a smile.

The Holy Lord nodded.

The power of the monkey charm activates instantly.

The originally ferocious-looking monster turned into an ordinary middle-aged man, the kind who wouldn't even notice when he was thrown into a crowd.


The door of the tavern was pushed open, and Blackbeard and others strode in.

"Hahahahaha...I didn't expect there was a tavern here."

Blackbeard grinned.

"There is no Marine nearby. Let's drink today. The captain will pay!" Badgers said loudly.

Suddenly, Blackbeard's eyes were unconsciously attracted to the knife hanging on the wall.

This is... Roger's saber: "Ace"? !

Blackbeard's pupils suddenly shrank.

Back then, Roger held this knife and almost killed Oden with a "divine" strike.

for a while.

Blackbeard was filled with greed and eager to keep the knife for himself.

He did not take action now, but winked at the people beside him, and then calmly came to the bar.

"Welcome." Ron greeted with a smile:

"What do you guys want to drink?"

Blackbeard grinned and said: "We are pirates, we must drink the strongest wine and play with the most beautiful women!"

Sure enough, since the word "play" was added in front of women, the world has become filthy...

Ron complained in his mind, turned around, took four bottles of wine and placed them in front of Blackbeard and others:

"Please enjoy."

"This wine is very strong. It's best to drink it slowly."

Blackbeard and others were stunned for a moment.

What the hell.

Laozi is a pirate, what kind of liquor has he never drunk?

Blackbeard picked up the bottle and said loudly: "Guys, I hope you can survive this storm."

"You have to grit your teeth and live, after all, no one will remember the dead!"

With the voice down.

The four people immediately opened the bottle cap and took a swig of it.


After taking a sip of the wine, the rich aroma of the wine exploded in the mouth, and the mellow and smooth taste made several people linger.

It can be next second.

The eyes of Blackbeard and others suddenly widened. The wine they drank just now was like fire, burning all the way from their throats to their stomachs, like a knife slashing through their stomachs!

"Cough cough cough..." Blackbeard coughed and said in a hoarse voice:

"Why is this wine so strong?"

Ron shrugged: "Remind you, it's not my fault."

"Why don't you remind me more times?" Blackbeard's eyes flashed with a hint of cunning:

"We feel very uncomfortable now. Our throats and stomachs are burning. Tell us, how can we compensate?"

With the voice down.

Fan Oka picked up the sniper rifle and pointed it directly at Ron's head.

All it takes is Blackbeard's command.

Kill with one shot!

Ron smiled and asked, "Are you blackmailing me?"

Badgers laughed loudly:

"It's blackmail!"

"Bring the knife from your back and let this be over."

After saying that, Badgers felt that his momentum was not enough, so he kicked the Holy Lord who had turned into an ordinary person.


Since he was unprepared, he didn't expect anyone to dare to kick him.

The Holy Lord was kicked over, and the wine bottle in his hand was smashed to the ground, and the wine was scattered everywhere.

He was stunned for a moment, then slowly stood up and let out a shuddering growl:

"Why did you kick me?"

As he spoke, the murderous aura that seemed to turn into reality burst out from his body, locking the Blackbeards in front of him.

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