One Piece: Ten Thousand Worlds Tavern Opens In Sabaody Archipelago

Chapter 53 I Just Want To Give You A Younger Brother, What’S Wrong With That?

"Try it."

Ron filled the glass and handed it over.

After Acedes took it, after taking a sip, his eyes couldn't help but a glint of light flashed.

Much better than the wine in my own world.

The cellar aroma is rich and the aroma is obvious.

As soon as you take a sip of wine, you can feel the sweetness and fullness of the wine.

Same as Ron said.

After drinking it, the restless mood did calm down a lot.

"Good wine." Acedus couldn't help admiring.

"As long as you like it."

Ron nodded with a smile, then changed the subject:

"General Acedes just returned from the expedition against the alien race in the north?"

Although the tavern is filled with a strong aroma of wine.

Even so, it couldn't cover up the faint smell of blood on Acedes' body.

Not overpowering, but noticeable enough.

"Hmm..." Acedes nodded slightly and sighed softly:

"Before I came here, I was on my way back to the imperial capital."

"However, the northern aliens you mentioned are too weak, no, they don't deserve to be called men at all."

As she spoke, she took a sip of her wine, her eyes full of disappointment.

Acedes originally thought that the alien race in the north would let him play to his heart's content.

Can result.

The opposite side is like paper, it shatters when touched.

And that wise and brave prince of a foreign race who was once invincible lost even the minimum dignity after fighting her.

Kneeling at last to please Acedus, like a dog....

"Huh.. man?"

"Then you also have to look at who you are comparing with. You are already the strongest in that world, not just the northern aliens. I am afraid that all men will be overshadowed in front of you."

Ron gave a wry smile, and after hesitating for a moment, he still reminded vaguely:

"Think about how to live."

According to the current timeline.

It won't be long before Acedus will return to the Empire, where he will encounter the Night Raiders.

Up to two months.

Acedus would die, which was not what Ron wanted.

Not greedy for her body!

It was because he was afraid that the tavern would lose a rich customer.

"Yeah." Acedes nodded with a smile:

"It seems that I can only come to your tavern to try my luck in the future."

But just finished.

Acedes felt something was weird again.

At this time.

Rayleigh leaned forward and asked in a low voice.

"How strong is this woman?"

"The old man feels that it was definitely the right choice not to fight just now."

"Actually, how strong it is doesn't matter anymore."

Ron whispered back, "The important thing is that the woman sitting next to you invented a whole bunch of methods of torture."

"Such as piercing, stoning, burning, potting, poisonous flowers, dousing the body with wax, psychological torture, etc..."

"Even professional test administrators are convinced."

After hearing this, Rayleigh shivered inexplicably.

"Oh yes, not long ago, this woman buried 400,000 people alive." Ron added with a smile.

This time.

Rayleigh's heart tightened, and he moved quickly, sitting on the windowsill farthest from Acedes.

too scary!

Even Akainu isn't that cruel, is he?

Immediately, Rayleigh seemed to think of something, and a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth:

"To be honest, kid, do you like this tune?"

"Do you not want to drink in the future?" Ron asked with a smile.

Rayleigh immediately bowed his head, saying that he was wrong.

Those tonics are life!


Acedus stood up with a smile, walked to Ron's side with two long white python-like legs, and then sat down on the bar.

"What did you mean just now, that I will die?"

Her voice was trembling, not from fear, but from excitement.

There are many ways to die.

But Acedes will only choose one option, and that is to die in battle!

That also shows that there is someone stronger than yourself in your own world.


Ron said calmly: "Be careful anyway, you can't make a mistake."

"You have to experience the rest by yourself. After all, this is your own life."

Originally, Ron wanted to say more.

But then I thought about it.

Acedes died because of her carelessness and underestimating the enemy.

After a simple reminder, I believe that with her character, she will go all out no matter what enemy she encounters in the future.

"What you're saying is that you should be careful about night attacks, right?"

"I have received information that they have been very dishonest recently."

Acedes smiled, his delicate cheek getting closer and closer to Ron as he spoke.

for a while.

Except for Acedes, everything in front of Ron's eyes was filled with white snow.

"Ahem...I said that's your business." Ron turned his head away in embarrassment.

The voice just fell.

Acedes reached out and hugged Ron's head.

Ron's eyes suddenly went dark, and a strong sense of suffocation and a smooth touch instantly came:


cleasing milk? !

"Your reaction proves that my guess was correct."

Acedes ignored the "sobbing" sound coming from his arms and continued:

"Father, I will not die, I will keep your will in my heart."

That year, Acedes was very young.

After hunting alone and returning home, he found that his tribe had been completely wiped out by the aliens from the north.

All this expedition against the foreign tribes in the north was not only an order, but also a form of revenge.

The last words of Acedes' father before leaving were:

"Death, we are too weak, try to survive, Acedes!"

At this time.

Acedes let go of Ron and gently touched his cheek with his slender palm:

"thanks for your reminder."

Warm, fragrant breath fanned onto Ron's face.

for a while.

The atmosphere in the bar became ambiguous.

Just as Acedes' hands were about to be tied around Ron's neck.

A lazy, mature female voice sounded:

"It's time to eat Ron, stop playing these little bondage games."

This sentence seems to have magic power.

Unexpectedly, Acedes' hand movements froze in place.

When she came to her senses, she found that Ron had disappeared from in front of her and slipped to the dining table to start eating.

Acedes put away the chain and turned to look at Lucoa who was eating.

Is that what this woman said just now?

Under that voice.

Not only was he imprisoned in place, but even the Ice Teigu was completely ineffective!

"I really want to fight her." Acedes' eyes were burning and he murmured in a low voice.

language fall.

The tavern doorbell rang.


The door opened in response, and the Holy Lord and Demon Xiaolong, father and son, walked in with curses on their lips.

"Sir, I just want to give you a younger brother. What's wrong with that?!"

The Holy Lord let out a shuddering roar.

The demon dragon disapproved and snorted coldly: "Huh, I'm not afraid that you will die suddenly in bed."

"In return, you should hand over the charm and step aside!"

Acedes turned his head when he heard the noise, and his eyes suddenly lit up:

"Dangerous species?"

"Still a dangerous species that can talk!"

As he spoke, the long sword at his waist was unsheathed again, and a sharp sword light flashed in the tavern.

The Holy Master and his son: "???"

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