The person's feet are beautiful....

Although Ron is not a foot control, but this must be admitted.

The toes are crystal clear and round, and the little feet that are grasped are white and delicate.

Tread Tread...

When the guest walked into the tavern, Ron also saw her in full view.

Very beautiful, as if walking out of a painting.

The temperament is cold, the eyes are round and charming, and the green pupils are like emeralds, crystal clear and moving.

Wearing a lavender and pink ancient dress, showing two big white legs...

Two fox ears, together with the pale pink fluff inside, add a strange beauty to her.

Behind her, there was a little fox demon, blinking its big eyes and curiously looking at everything in the tavern.

The person who came was Tu Shan Honghong.

[Fox Demon] The king of the fox demon in the world is the strongest person in the demon world!

It is also the fourth guest with the characteristics of "Royal Sister".

The little fox demon behind him is the future king of Tu Shan, Tu Shan Yaya.


Thor stepped forward slowly and welcomed with a smile: "What do you two want to drink?"

Looking at Thor's two red-gold vertical pupils and the dragon's horn, Tu Shan Honghong couldn't help being a little surprised.

Same as myself.

It just doesn't look human.

Similarly, Lukya, who was fishing and being lazy, and Ram, who was tidying up the wine cabinet, were also not human.

Even the sleeping cat on the balcony seemed a little odd.

"It's all right, just watch it, excuse me."

Tu Shanhonghong didn't speak directly, but used ventriloquism, or a spell called Tears for Thousands of Miles.

The voice was very cold, without a trace of emotion.

This time when she came to the tavern, Tu Shanhonghong didn't really want to drink.

Instead, I want to confirm whether the voice in my head is my own demon, or whether there is really this tavern!

"Sister, I like this place. The wine smells so strong, and this uncle's wine is also very good."

Tu Shan Yaya dragged her sister to the bar and sat down, drooling from the corner of her mouth.

She is addicted to alcohol.

The gourd that is as tall as a person is carried on the back is also full of wine.

Rayleigh didn't speak to him, drinking in silence.

It's scary!

Although this woman who doesn't speak with her mouth doesn't seem to be as strong as the final Yan Di.

But Rayleigh could still feel the terrifying aura exuding from Tu Shanhonghong.

"Drink less, don't cause trouble." Tu Shanhonghong sighed softly, then looked at Ron:

"Are you the owner of this tavern?"

Ron responded with a smile: "Yes, my name is Ron, Miss Tu Shanhong, hello."

It happened at this time.

Thor walked from the backyard to the bar with a large jar of wine, and put it in front of Tu Shanhong and the two:

"Slow use."

Ron introduced: "My daughter is red."

"You two should drink in your own world."

After speaking, he opened the sealing cloth and gave Tu Shan Yaya and Tu Shan Honghong a cup respectively.

The rich and fragrant aroma hits the face.

This is the unique taste of daughter red, and the longer it is stored, the stronger the taste will be.

Tu Shanhonghong, who usually doesn't drink much, couldn't help picking up the wine glass and taking a sip.


With a sip of wine.

Six flavors of sweet, sour, bitter, pungent, fresh, and astringent fill the taste buds, as if tasting the various aspects of life...

"Good wine." Tu Shanhonghong couldn't help admiring.

Ron looked at the hesitant Tu Shan Yaya again.

Hmm...little beast ear girl.

There is an internal smell.

Although a little petite, but the figure is well developed.

She has long black hair, two drooping fox ears, and a red and white skirt that exposes half of her shoulders.

But the next second...

Tushan Yaya ignored the wine glass in front of her, picked up the wine jar and started pouring it into her mouth.

This bold and almost arrogant gesture directly broke all Ron's illusions.


With half a jar of wine down.

Tushan Yaya stood up suddenly, slammed the wine jar on the bar, and let out a happy moan:


"Boss, the wine you have here is good. It seems I will come here every day from now on."

As he said that, he put his little hand into the bar and patted Ron's shoulder hard.

Ron could only smile wryly, "Welcome to come often."

Seeing this strange scene, Rayleigh asked in confusion:

"Can this little girl drink?"

Although he was worried about Tushan Yaya's strength and his aura of keeping strangers away.

But facing Tushan Yaya, Rayleigh only regarded her as a cute little girl.

Ron smiled and teased: "The little girl you are talking about is much older than you."

"But if you really want to know your age, it's not an exaggeration to call you ancestor."

Rayleigh's face darkened.

What the hell.

I had a bad day today, and every person I met was more outrageous than the last.

Tushan Yaya, who was pouring wine into her mouth, also said with some dissatisfaction:


"It's so impolite to discuss a girl's age casually. Be careful, I'll let my sister beat you up!"

After saying that, he shook his pink fist at Ron.

Ron leaned forward, reached out and rubbed her head vigorously:

"When you grow up, maybe you won't need your sister anymore and you can do it yourself."

Yaya when she grows up.

Hmm... all I can say is amazing.

After Tushan Yaya broke free from the big hand above her head, she continued to pour wine into her mouth, not paying attention to Ron's words.

On the contrary, Tu Shan Honghong raised her eyebrows and asked in confusion:

"after growing up?"

"What do you mean, Boss Luo can predict the future?"

Ron shook his head slightly and said softly: "I'm not a magician."

"What I mean is, don't let Yaya blindly imitate you. She has a better way to go."

Tu Shan Yaya is a standard sister-in-law.

He has always imitated his sister's powerful moves, and even used the Thousand Miles Telephone Technique to communicate with people when he grew up because of this.

"I think you are a great stickman. My sister is the strongest. There is nothing wrong with learning from my sister!"

Tushan Yaya put her hands on her hips and looked at Ron with hostility.

"Don't be rude." Tu Shan Honghong glanced at her sister.

Immediately, Tushan Yaya turned off the engine and sat down again aggrievedly.

"I hope Boss Luo won't hesitate to teach me." Tu Shanhonghong picked up the wine glass and took a sip of the wine and said softly.

"She is the Nine Tails Sky Fox. It is best if she can practice ice spells."

Ron pointed at Xiao Douding who was drinking and said slowly:

"If he keeps practicing, he is expected to reach the highest level of ice magic - the absolute zero realm!"

"At that time, she will be stronger than you are now."

When Tushan Honghong heard this, a ripple appeared in her always calm eyes.

Absolute zero...

For thousands of years, no demon has ever cultivated cold-natured demonic energy to such an extent!

Tushan Yaya was about to get angry when she saw that her sister was moved.

Available immediately.

Ron actually took the wine glass from Tu Shanhonghong's hand.

almost instantly.

The wine in the glass actually condensed into ice cubes!

Seeing this, all the people present changed their expressions.

Alcohol has a very low freezing point, very low...

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