One Piece: Ten Thousand Worlds Tavern Opens In Sabaody Archipelago

Chapter 63 The Medical Insurance Card Arrears You

Ron finally understood.

Why is Guysha chasing Liang Bing throughout the universe to carry out justice?

What a big "evil"!


"I'm just teasing you, I'll scare you."

Liang Bing sat back in his original position, smiling tremblingly.

During this time, her eyes never left Ron.

This is a kind of test.

Test whether Ron is hostile to him or not.

after all.

This is another world.

Even if Liang Bing breaks through the Fourth Generation divine body, he will feel extremely fearful when encountering someone who cannot decipher him.

"Okay, let's get back to the topic."

Liang Bing held her cheek with one hand and opened her teeth slightly:

"I was on Devil One and I heard a voice inviting me to come to the pub for a drink."

"I just nodded and instantly appeared at the door of the tavern. Is this the power of the void?"

in her cognition.

Only the void studied by Karl can achieve this level.

The position remains unchanged, but the position in space has changed!

Therefore, in this theory, Liang Bing is still above Demon No. 1.


This is just theory.

"Actually, you can also understand that you came directly to this world from a certain node on Devil No. 1."

"To put it more bluntly, it is: breaking the dimension."

Ron pondered for a moment and explained softly.

Liang Bing's pupils suddenly shrank as he picked up the wine glass, and his hand just hung in the air.

This explanation was completely beyond her academic understanding.

It is also the existence of the theory of crushing the void!


After Liang Bing regained consciousness, he drank the wine in the glass and laughed happily:


"Bitch, you and I fought and argued about Ten Thousand Years."

"You think ultimate fear is a fallacy, but now I finally found something that can be demonstrated!"

The reason why the two sisters turned against each other back then was.

It's because of academic issues about ultimate fear.

Liang Bing is fascinated by it, while Guysha is afraid or resistant.

In the known universe of the [Super God] world, except for the angel civilization, which exceeds ten Thousand Years.

Other civilizations will be completely destroyed whenever they develop to a certain level.

And this destruction comes in many forms.

Liang Bing believes that this may be the intervention of some kind of law.

In other words, matter does not exist, and everything we see and possess is false and does not exist.

But we can't find it, as if we have been interfered with, this is the ultimate fear!

What Ron just explained.

It is precisely the power that Liang Bing has been looking for, or the existence of a deeper civilization.

Of course, these are just some clues.

But it was enough to overthrow Guysha's theory.

"Drinking wine, thinking too much will only make you feel depressed." Ron said softly.

"Let's just get drunk today!"

Liang Bing directly picked up the wine bottle and poured it into his mouth.

"If your sister, Guysha, recognized the existence of your ultimate fear, would you still kill her?"

Ron asked curiously.

Liang Bing was stunned for a moment, and his eyes flashed with complexity.

Although she and Guysha are sisters, we have experienced a lot together, a lot...

But that was only a few hundred years.

And the war waged between the devil and the angel lasted for Ten Thousand Years!

Could it really resolve this grievance with the success or failure of academic issues?

The key is.

I even stabbed that Bi Chi back then...

"I don't know, the matter between me and that bitch is too complicated."

"Maybe even if I confirm the ultimate fear, she will still think about how to chop off my head."

"Hehe...this bitch."

Liang Bing took another sip of wine, and there was a trace of silence in his lazy voice.

"There's nothing we can't talk about."

"Look at me and my silly son. We fought to death for two and a half years, but now we can sit together and drink?"

The Lord patted the devil dragon on the head, his trembling voice was full of joy.

But the voice just fell.

A gravitational force directly threw Shengzhu out of the tavern, and his body fell on a big tree.

Immediately afterwards.

With the big wave of the demon dragon, countless thunderbolts with the thickness of arms fell from the sky, slamming on the head of the Holy Master.


A huge roar suddenly sounded, attracting countless pirates, civilians, and Marines to look at the tavern.

"Old man, Laozi really gave you face!"

The devil dragon took a sip of his wine and cursed in a low voice.

Not long after.

The Holy Lord walked back to the tavern in disgrace, and said apologetically:

"Sorry, this is a wrong demonstration."

As he spoke, he suppressed his anger and looked at the devil dragon:

"If you have the ability, go back to hell with me now!"

"Old man, the medical insurance card owes you money." Devil Xiaolong put down several gems and strode out.

But not out of the door.

The fist as big as a sandbag made close contact with the head of the devil dragon again.


With a muffled sound, the devil dragon turned into a black shadow and flew out of the tavern.

"Boss, I'm leaving."

The Holy Master raised his head, and his figure disappeared in an instant.


Leng Bing said with a smile:

"It's really a loving father and a filial son. If I met that Bichi in the tavern, it should be the same."

Ron shook his head slightly: "No, all fighting is prohibited in the tavern."

After hearing this, Liang Bing immediately understood.

No wonder the Holy Lord and his son not only suppressed their anger the whole time.

The hands were all outside, and the tavern was not damaged at all!


Liang Bing's face darkened, and there was an inexplicable pain in his abdomen.

"Fuck, a woman is a woman!"

"That's coming, even a god can't avoid it."

Saying that, Liang Bing bent over and covered his stomach and ran to the toilet.

Ron: "???"

This is all right?

All the Fourth Generation gods, and the big aunt?

"Rem, give her the seventh dimension." Ron ordered softly.

"Good master."

Rem blushed and ran quickly to the toilet.

Seeing this, Rayleigh, who had been silent all this time, asked meanly:

"Little ghost, isn't it a pity that you don't send it yourself?"

Ron asked with a straight face, "Do I look like that kind of person?"

Bloody warriors, who spout blood or something.

I, Ron, have no idea!

The four characters of "a gentleman and a gentleman" refer to me.

At this time.

The door of the tavern was gently pushed open.

I saw Doflamingo striding in with several suitcases in hand:

"Boss, I'm here to deliver something to you."

[Ding, guests enter the tavern and start testing the characteristics. 】

[After the test, after system analysis, guest: Doflamingo's characteristic is villain. 】

[The next four guests from other worlds will also have "villain" characteristics. 】


Before Ron could respond, Rem ran back blushing, and said timidly:

"Master, that sister said she was a little small...she wants to wear wings."

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