One Piece: Ten Thousand Worlds Tavern Opens In Sabaody Archipelago

Chapter 74 Holy Lord: First Of All, Secondly, And Finally, I Didn’T Mess With Any Of You!

Akainu is in a bad mood.

just now.

He felt as if he had been stripped naked and looked at from the inside out.

There are no more secrets in the heart.

This feeling is very bad!

He tentatively asked Flying Squirrel and others, and the same thing happened.

If the deeds of Technician No. 8 who often goes to popular romantic spots are exposed, how can Laozi still hang out at Marine? !

While I was feeling depressed, I happened to find no trace of Ace.

Akainu thought of going to the tavern for a drink.

But when he entered the tavern, his mind went blank.

A blond maid with a green tail.

A wolf that drools over roasted sheep, and doesn't look like a fur tribe.

Demons wiping tears from both sides and whispering to each other...

and a blonde woman who calls herself "talent."

Everything here is madly impacting Akainu's cognition and world view.

So much so that he ignored Rayleigh's existence.

"Ron, what's going on?" Akainu stood there and asked in a deep voice.

He can sense the threat to him from these unknown creatures.

So out of instinct, I didn't dare to approach.

"Don't be nervous Mr. Akainu, these are just tavern guests, they are very kind."

Ron explained softly.

The voice just fell.

The Holy Lord, the Demon Dragon, and Big Big Wolf all turned around and grinned at Akainu, expressing their goodwill.

The picture was so beautiful that Rem and others couldn't bear to look at it.

Akainu hesitated for a moment, then came to the bar and found an empty seat to sit down.


Thor put a bottle of wine in front of Akainu, but he had his tail tucked away when he came.

"Your wine, use it slowly."

Akainu nodded, then filled the glass and drank silently.

Still the same as before.

He didn't like to talk and made no unnecessary movements. He always stared at the wine glass in his hand, one glass after another.

At this time.

Guysha seemed to have read something, and raised her eyebrows: "Oh..."

"Has that Bitchi already spread the evil ideas of depravity and freedom in this world?"

Ron just smiled and nodded, not saying much.

after all.

This touches on the privacy of the two guests Liang Bing and Doflamingo.

As a tavern owner, you still have to stick to the bottom line.

"That's fine. Let's do an experiment with this world."

Guysha murmured with interest: "This world will eventually be immersed in depraved freedom and unable to extricate itself, and will become completely crazy."

"Or a just order can make people live a happy life."

Justice triumphs over evil, and angels punish demons.

This is one of the reasons why she and Liang Bing played Ten Thousand Years.

Now that the seeds of depravity and freedom have been spread into the world, they are spreading crazily.

Then Guysa must not let it go.

Although her theocracy does not directly involve itself in the management of lower civilizations.

But the Akainu in front of him is the best disseminator of justice and order!

"Don't overdo it." Ron didn't stop.

When Liang Bing lets Doflamingo spread depravity and freedom.

He thought, what would happen if Guysha's justice also came?

Which philosophy will civilians choose?

Guysha nodded: "Don't worry, I won't be as stupid as that Bichi."

As she spoke, she turned to look at Akainu, crossed her legs, and sighed softly:

"Kid, I like your justice."

"Now that the seeds of depravity have been sown, justice must curb this evil idea."

Akainu ignored it, his eyes full of disgust.

Crazy woman!

Can you tell me something that people have said?

"Oh, you may not understand what I said, and Marine is not aware of Morgana's depraved thoughts."

Guysha instantly read Akainu's thoughts and continued without getting angry:

"To put it simply, I need to find someone who spreads justice and order in this world."

"In the Marine organization, only yours is interesting, um... Sengoku from twenty years ago was also good, the justice of King's Landing~"

"It's a pity that since he became a superior, he has learned to check and balance, and he still favors moderates. It's ridiculous."

"What kind of soldiers are created by what era, my child, your justice is not wrong, you must spread your justice and my ideas to every corner of the world."

"Clean away all the sins and dews in this sea, and shine the order of justice on the whole world!"

Guysa's eyes were calm, and her voice was clear.

Like a nun, singing the Bible in her hand, praising the great God (justice)!

Akainu was stunned when he heard that.

But when Observation Haki spread, it was discovered that Guysa was just an ordinary person...

for a while.

The veins on Akainu's forehead popped instantly, and a trace of anger flashed faintly on his dark face.

What the hell, are you an ordinary person talking about justice in front of Laozi?

Also, kid, kid's... it's endless, isn't it?

Laozi is in his fifties this year!

This age is enough to be your father!

He ignored Guysha, but looked into the bar: "I don't remember that Sabaody Archipelago has a lunatic asylum."

"Where did she come from?"

heard the words.

Everyone in the tavern was taken aback.

Rayleigh couldn't hold back even more, and laughed out loud: "Hahaha..."

"Sakazuki, on this day next year, I will definitely go and dig weeds from your grave."

The Holy Master also cried to the foolish son:

"Son, don't talk nonsense when you go out in the future, it's easy to lose your life."

The effect of soft heart spray is still effective.

So much so that the devil little dragon nodded with tears in his eyes: "Good father!"

Inside the bar.

Ron said helplessly, "She came from another world."

Akainu looked confused.

Another crazy one?

Nothing seems right today....

First, I felt that I was being spied on, and then a lunatic appeared to let me spread justice.

Guysha sighed lightly: "According to what Blue Star said."

"I didn't want to reveal my identity, I wanted to talk to you as an ordinary person."

"Oh, but now..."

With the voice down.

A pair of pure white wings spread out from Guysa's back.

The white gilt battle skirt on her body was also replaced by a dark black armor, and the red cloak was windless and automatic.


Holy, domineering, and the aura that makes people dare not look directly bursts out in an instant!

And after this aura hovered around the tavern for a week, it pressed down on Akainu.

It was Guy Sha's punishment for what he thought in his heart just now.

for a while.

Akainu's face turned red under the pressure, and he panted heavily: " angel?"

Shouldn't angels be a species that lives in books?

Why did you suddenly run in front of me?

this moment.

Akainu faintly felt that something was broken in his heart.

It seems to be a world view that I have spent more than 50 years building up...

At the same time...

He also finally understood what Guysa meant.

It turned out that she wanted to find a believer, spread the concept of justice, and kill corruption and freedom in the cradle.

"How about it, do you still think I'm a crazy woman?" Guysa asked with a smile.


Akainu swallowed with some difficulty, then gritted his teeth and said with a wry smile:

"No, you're not."

But immediately, he pointed at the Holy Master and his son, suddenly changed the subject and asked in a deep voice:

"Since you are an angel."

"Then there are two demons sitting here, why don't you kill them?"

The Holy Master and his son: "???"

first, then, finally...

Laozi is here to drink honestly and didn't mess with any of you!

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