Holy Land Marie Joa, the headquarters building of the World Government.

Warring States came to Wulaoxing’s conference room.

He hesitated at the door for a moment, took a deep breath, and then knocked on the door.

“Come in!”

There was an old voice coming from the door.

Hearing this, Warring States opened the door randomly and entered. In the huge conference room, there was a square table. Next to the square table, the Five Old Stars were already waiting here. Among them, the curly-haired Five Old Stars were also waiting.

Among them. At this moment, his right arm disappeared and was wrapped in a bandage. His whole face was a little pale and not as tough as usual. It was obvious that he was suffering from being captured by the phantom this time.

“You are here, Warring States! sit!”

The five old stars in white robes spoke calmly.

Warring States nodded, and then sat down on the empty chair in front of the square table in the conference room.

“Warring States, what do you want to do here this time?”

Hearing this, Warring States glanced at Wulaoxing, and then spoke straight to the point.

“This time, I have three main things to say.”

The Five Old Stars nodded and waited for the return of the Warring States Period.

After all, the Warring States Period contributed a lot to the fact that the Curly Haired Five Old Stars were able to return safely this time. Although they failed to defeat the Phantom in the end, their original purpose was to save Curly Hair. Wulao Xing, for this, you can do it at any cost.

Warring States took a deep breath, exhaled slowly, and then said

“First, I propose to set up one more general position!”

“oh? What’s the reason?”

The bald five-star raised his eyebrows.

The mechanism of the three generals has not been changed since the establishment of the Navy Headquarters. There are many reasons for this.

First, the generals are the ceiling combat power of the Navy Headquarters and are the symbol of the Navy. Face, if the position There are too many settings, which is a bit too sparse and ordinary. The number is three, which is just right.

Secondly, not everyone can move up to the position of general. Among them, overwhelming combat power is indispensable. , as for the entire naval system, it is very difficult to provide three figures of this level of combat effectiveness in each term. No matter how many more, they cannot be cultivated in the short term.

Warring States continued.

“The reason is very simple. When the Phantom appeared, the three generals were a little reluctant to deal with the Four Emperors of the New World. However, because the Four Emperors restrained each other, they could still maintain -. However, with the appearance of the Phantom this time, this balance was about to end. was broken”

“So didn’t he pass the King’s Shichibukai system?”

Hearing this, Warring States smiled contemptuously.

“Ridiculous, just with those pirates? This time they were fighting the Phantom. They were just paddling. Counting on them would definitely not work. They were barely able to contain the Four Emperors, let alone the Phantom who acted recklessly.”

Obviously, the meaning of Warring States is very clear. The Qibukai under the king can be used to balance the four emperors. After all, the four emperors have many worries, but it is obviously no

(Read more novels by visiting our website: Knights Novel) t feasible to deal with the phantoms. The phantoms are too mysterious, and the Shichibukai do not want to fight them at all. , Moreover, the phantom people are powerful and have strange abilities. If they are not careful, they will be seriously injured or even killed instantly. The Shichibukai will definitely not give up their lives just like this.

“Moreover, Akainu, Aokiji, and Kizaru have all just taken the position of general. They are a little immature. They still need to sharpen. The sudden heavy burden makes them a little reluctant. They still have a lot of room for growth.”

“Furthermore, Akainu was seriously injured this time and lost an arm, which had a great impact on his strength. Having an extra general would also share the pressure with them!”

Hearing this, Wulaoxing’s face became extremely solemn.

“Hang on, let’s discuss this!”

Soon, the five old men gathered together to discuss. Warring States sat on his seat, closed his eyes and rested, waiting quietly.

After a while, the five old stars sat back in their seats. At this time, the white-robed Wulaoxing immediately spoke

“Okay, Sengoku, in order to deal with the phantom, we will set up an additional admiral!”

Hearing this, Warring States nodded and continued to speak.

“The second thing is, I want to conduct a large-scale military recruitment campaign all over the world!”

Hearing this, Wu Laoxing frowned again.

“Massive conscription? Warring States Period···What do you want to collect? ?”


“What! ?”

Hearing this, Wu Laoxing’s pupils shrank, and his face looked a bit incredulous.

“Warring States, what do you mean? Recruiting general?”

“Yes, at this stage, among the new forces, there is no navy that wants to reach the level of general in terms of strength. With the strength of the new generation of our navy at this moment, it will take at least ten years to cultivate another great general. We cannot afford to wait.!”

Ao Pheasant, Akainu and Kizaru are the leaders of the new generation. They have already reached the top. After that, no one can reach this level.

“No, we can’t believe it if you recruit admirals from all over the world!”

After all, he is a naval admiral, the highest combat power of the navy. If the navy’s cards come from the wrong side, it will be fatal whether it is a blow to the navy’s strength or a blow to its face.

“However, if this is not the case, we will not be able to gather the combat power of the fourth admiral of the Navy Headquarters. Sakaski suffered a broken arm and was seriously injured, and his strength has been greatly reduced. We urgently need this kind of combat power now. We will not recruit troops worldwide. To be honest, I don’t know how to come up with this guy, and···The world is a big place and there are many righteous people. As long as you do a good background check, I don’t think there will be any accidents.”

Hearing this, Wu Laoxing was silent. At this time, the curly-haired Wu Laoxing who had been silent spoke.

“I think it works!”

“What did you say? curly old man”

“I think it’s okay. I’ve fought against the Phantoms and know how terrifying they are. If you want to deal with them, ordinary methods won’t work. The four emperors can restrain each other, but the Phantoms are unchecked. I support the Warring States Period!”

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