“Ding! Congratulations to the host, reputation +99999! ”

“Ding! Congratulations to the host, reputation +99999! ”

“Ding! Congratulations to the host, reputation +99999! ”


Lin Xuan and the Turtle Immortal were still on their way to the battlefield when they heard systematic prompts constantly coming from their minds.

As the movements made by Uchiha and Anilu became bigger and bigger, the residents of the empty island had long been shocked.

Especially the Thousand Hand Pillar just now swept the entire empty island with an overlord-colored domineering aura, which frightened the residents completely panicked, and at this time, Lin Xuan saw his reputation soar as he wished!

Lin Xuan, along the way, they could see many panicked empty island residents, fleeing in all directions.

“Oh my God, there are actually people fighting God!”

“It’s terrible, let’s run, don’t be affected!”

“Woo hoo, I don’t want to die, I don’t want to die!”

“Xiaofeng, wake up quickly, wake up quickly, who will save my child!”


And among these panicked empty island residents, Lin Xuan saw many unconscious people, these people thought that they were the same as Connice, all of them were stunned by the overlord-colored domineering aura suddenly released between the thousand hand pillars just now.

And those who did not faint, it is not that the strength is stronger, but they are more lucky.

Because the Thousand Hand Pillar was still unable to control the overlord-colored domineering, after the shrouded range was wide, the effect was much worse, which made some of them lucky not to be unconscious.

Seeing so many people in a coma, Lin Xuan secretly cursed in his heart: Who is fooling around, who let you stun these people? How do you contribute reputation points to me when they are all in a coma?

However, at this point, even if he is depressed now, he can only hope that these people will wake up soon, or wait for the event to be over, and contribute more reputation points to him!

When Lin Xuan and them finally approached the battlefield, they heard Anilu’s angry roar resounding in all directions from a distance.

“Give me death!”

“30 million volts thunder beast!”

At the moment when the sound book was dark, they saw a brilliant thunder light blooming in front of them, which made them all feel extremely dazzling.

Both of them stopped at the same time, and then they heard a terrifying loud noise.


The four sides shook, and the air set off gusts of wind in this explosion!

The terrifying explosion, even if they were still several kilometers away, was very amazing.

Lin Xuan had just been opening his chakra eyes, and at this time he could clearly see that there was a huge palm in the center of the explosion, directly scattering a huge thunderbird.

That’s what the explosion came about.

“Is this the strength of the strong in this world?” The turtle immortal’s gaze looked straight ahead, but his brows were wrinkled.

Seeing this, Lin Xuan couldn’t help but ask suspiciously: “What’s wrong, is there any problem?” ”

The turtle immortal pouted and said, “It’s nothing, I just think that this person who is releasing a lightning attack, such a large-scale explosion looks very exciting, but in fact, it is useless, it is just a waste of strength!” ”

Obviously, this is also an illustration of the attitude of the turtle immortals, he believes that martial arts is such a thing, skill is more important than strength, there is a body of strength, if you don’t know how to use it better, you are not a master.

And for his idea, Lin Xuan naturally didn’t say anything.

In Lin Xuan’s view, the reason why the turtle immortals have such a concept is actually because as an ordinary earthling, the total amount of qi that can be contained in their own body is limited, and it is too difficult to compare with those monsters in terms of strength, and they must win through skill.

However, the strength improvement bottleneck can be solved for Lin Xuan, whether it is finding someone to guide or using reputation points to buy various drugs to assist in promotion.

Therefore, strength and skill are indispensable things in Lin Xuan’s opinion!

After the explosion subsided, Lin Xuan and they also continued to move forward.

It didn’t take long for them to finally arrive near the battlefield.

They saw that Anilu was confronting the Senju Pillar in the field, and there were many burning pieces of wood around them.

Obviously, just now, the Thousand Hand Pillar had cast a wooden dun to block Anilu’s attack.

Anilu stared at the Thousand Hand Pillar with a pair of eyes at this time, not even paying attention to Lin Xuan and the Turtle Immortal who had just arrived here.

His eyes were extremely cold, and he said to the Thousand Hand Pillar in a deep voice: “It seems that this god really underestimated you!” ”

Thousand Hand Pillar shook his head again and again and said, “You are not underestimating me, but the whole world!” In this world, there are too many people who are stronger than you! ”

“Shut up!” Anilu shouted angrily.

He naturally wouldn’t believe the words of the Thousand Hand Pillar, and even felt that the Thousand Hand Pillar was too carried away, but he had just blocked his casual attack, why say so!

He felt the need to show more strength!

So, he suddenly launched another attack towards the Thousand Hand Pillar!

I saw that he suddenly began to beat the taiko drums on both shoulders at the same time, and thunder and lightning frantically gushed out from the taiko drums, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a huge thunder dragon, and flew directly to the thousand-handed pillar!

“60 million volts Thunder Dragon!”

Seeing this scene, the Thousand Hand Pillar was not afraid, and suddenly his hands were sealed, running the chakra, and transmitting it to the trees under his feet.

“Mu Dun Wood Dragon Art!”

Under the stimulation of his chakra, the trees under his feet began to grow wildly, and finally turned into a huge wooden dragon, heading straight for the thunder dragon that appeared in the air!

In an instant, the scene of double dragons fighting appeared in the air!


The two dragons suddenly became entangled, and suddenly there was a violent collision, and the roar of the explosion resounded through the empty island again.

The residents of the empty island, who were quickly fleeing from the empty island and as far away as possible from the battlefield, panicked and feared one by one when they heard the movement behind them.

At the same time, they couldn’t help but raise a trace of expectation in their hearts.

They hope that the stranger who is fighting with Anilu can defeat Anilu and give hope to their kingdom in the midst of darkness again!

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