
Above the surging sea.

A cloud with a giant panda face rushed over.

Holding a golden Zen stick, Shakya jumped lightly and landed on the leading armed ship.

Glancing at the unconscious Capone Becky, he squatted down and stretched out his right hand.

Pressing his palm on Capone Becky’s head.

“Well, it’s a good thing I arrived in time. If I was a step later, I might have missed it!”

Shakya raised his eyebrows.

Through Capone Becky’s memory.

He didn’t expect that the other party was not a devil fruit ability user.

Ten days ago, the Capone family took a picture of a treasure map on the black market that was exactly the same as the animal skin treasure map they obtained. After some effort, they really found the treasure.

In particular, there was no gold, silver or jewelry in the treasure, but a devil fruit.

And after checking the devil fruit illustration, the devil fruit has just been confirmed to be the parahuman-type Strong Castle Fruit.

“The Parahuman-type Castle Fruit is a pleasant surprise… Po, wait for me here!”

Without delay, Shakya came to the cabin quickly.

On the coffee table in the hall, there was a treasure box and a devil fruit illustration.

Opening the treasure box, there was a devil fruit with a strange shape inside.

“Hey, what a big harvest…”

Taking up the devil fruit, Shakya couldn’t help but smile.

He naturally knew how amazing the ability of the Parahuman-type Castle Fruit was.

The ability user can turn the inside of the body into a huge castle, or manifest it outside, which is completely a miniature mobile fortress.

Not only can any object be shrunk and hidden in the body.

It can even output firepower to the outside world like a fortress, or capture the opponent in the castle, and attack with the various “weapons” in the castle.

Crush the target.

Although it is not as powerful as top abilities such as the Natural System·Thunder Fruit, the Parahuman System·Trembling Fruit, and the Mythical Beast Species·Big Buddha Form.

But as an auxiliary fruit, it is also very useful.

There is no doubt that as long as a suitable ability user is cultivated, he can live directly in a comfortable castle even on the sea in the future, and can also store a large amount of supplies, which is equivalent to a large mobile warehouse.

There is no need to be restricted by the size of the ship.

“Sure enough, I’m lucky!”

Thinking of this.

Somewhat happy, Shakya directly put the treasure box into his arms and took away the devil fruit illustration.

Humming a little tune, he came to the outside of the cabin happily.

Glancing at these unconscious Capone family mafia members.

Because he was in a good mood, he let the other party go and did not mean to kill them.

After all, he himself was not a particularly bloodthirsty person.

“Namo the World Honored Shakya, good and good…”

The five fingers of the right hand were put together and held in front of him.

Sakya chanted a Buddhist name and smiled, “In this case, I won’t blame you for stealing the treasure!”

He picked up a dagger that fell on the deck and threw it directly.

“Bang!” A cold light flashed, and the blade pierced into the wood.

It was only a millimeter away from Capone Becky’s neck.

As if he had done something insignificant, Sakya patted Po, who was lying there bored, and sat on him directly: “Let’s go, Po!”

Just a mafia.

He naturally wouldn’t take it to heart.

If he robbed it, he would rob it, and he wouldn’t worry about the other party’s revenge.

But as long as Capone Becky is not a brainless person, he should understand the meaning of the dagger inserted there.

Of course, even if the other party wakes up and gets angry and reports his clues to the navy directly with a grudge, Sakya doesn’t care.

It’s just a little trouble.

“Woo woo…”

The giant panda understood.

Supporting a furry, round body.

Pressing the deck with its claws, it suddenly jumped up.

Transformed into a cloud again, carrying the master, and rushed to the direction they had rushed from before.

Not long after, the man and the beast returned to the deserted island.

“Have you found the target?”

Robin, who had been waiting there for a long time, stepped forward and asked with a smile.

Wearing a black tight leather jacket and a sun hat, her proud figure was fully displayed, coupled with her beautiful and delicate face, sexy and moving.

“Of course!” Sakya chuckled.

He handed the treasure box in his arms to Robin.

“This is…” Looking at the treasure box in front of him, Robin was full of surprise.

After taking it and opening it, looking at the fruit with strange patterns inside, her gem-like beautiful eyes couldn’t help but shrink.

She had seen the devil fruit illustrations, and she was vaguely interested in this fruit.Somewhat familiar.

But I couldn’t remember what the fruit ability was for a moment, so I wasn’t sure.

“Superhuman-type Castle Fruit…”

Shaka said with a smile.

“It’s actually this ability, incredible…”

Robin’s eyes widened.

He immediately remembered the record in the devil fruit encyclopedia.

“The fruit encyclopedia records that the body of the person who eats it can become like a castle, shrinking everything and storing it in the body.”

“Not only can it serve as a large warehouse, but the people stored inside will not feel cramped, as if they are really in a castle… If you add a well-trained army with powerful firepower, it will be a mobile war fortress!”

She blinked her beautiful eyes.

The value of this devil fruit is inestimable.

To a certain extent, it is very convenient for pirates like them who are often chased by the navy.

It is completely a movable castle.

“Yes…” Sakya nodded and said with a smile: “It seems that we have to go back to the Kingdom of Flowers!”

“The Kingdom of Flowers? You want to…”

Looking at the smiling Sakya.

Robin raised her eyebrows and was surprised.

She guessed the other party’s thoughts at the first time.

She remembered that in the forest of the Kingdom of Flowers, when Sakya took Po to train several times, several giant pandas often came over and followed the training in a very human way.

Although their strength was not as good as Po, they were not too bad.

And there was also a female panda inside, and Po often approached her without any ambition, but she was very proud and ignored Po who was trying to show his courtesy.

In particular, the giant panda Po seemed to enjoy it.

She was a little amused.

“Before they met you, Robin, those silly pandas had been training with us for a long time, and they could understand what we said. They should be able to use the power of the Parahuman-type Castle Fruit…”

Shaka patted the panda’s head and said with a smile: “Abao, how about we find a companion for you?”

He wanted to find a raptor that could fly long distances, but gave up.

First of all, because they were not raised from childhood, how to tame that kind of bird so that it could understand and obey his orders was a big problem.

In addition, if they were not human enough, they might not be able to use the power of the Castle Fruit at all.

He didn’t want to waste such a useful devil fruit in vain.

After all, Abao himself has the ability to fly.

It’s okay to be more conservative.

“Woo woo…” Abao tilted his head in confusion, and then his eyes lit up and nodded repeatedly.

Grinning, full of excitement.

Rolling there.


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