“Bang… Bang…”

The sun sets in the west.

There are still loud noises in the valley.

In front of the cliffs that are used as giant sandbags, there are already scattered gravel all over the ground.

It covers the entire ground, like a small hillside.

It is nearly one meter high.

And the sweaty Sakya doesn’t care at all.

His eyes are extremely determined, and he never stops, still punching there…

The cliffs have been deeply sunken, and a huge cave has been opened.

And he didn’t use domineering or fruit ability.

A pair of fists, some blood has already seeped out.

It’s shocking.

But Sakya didn’t stop.

He didn’t even frown, didn’t even hum.

Over the years, he has only practiced the secret skill of Dalin Temple, the Immovable Vajra.

He had experienced far more brutal training than hitting rocks, otherwise, he would not have mastered the Immovable Vajra at such a young age.

Years of hard training had already honed his physique and will far beyond that of ordinary people.

Even if he hit rocks continuously, he only had some broken skin and bleeding.

It looked a bit bloody and horrible.

In fact, he was far from breaking any bones.

“Five-fold residual image fist!”

At this time.

Shakya’s eyes were stern.

He stepped forward and accumulated strength in his right fist.

He suddenly turned into a residual image and blasted out.


Even if he did not use domineering.

The rock in front of him was still directly blown apart by the terrible force.

A large number of rocks were splashed.

“Tsk tsk, five-fold residual image fist?”

In the air.

A panda brand somersault cloud flew down.

Above, the chubby female panda Hanbao cried “Woo woo” and jumped down excitedly.

And Robin, who also jumped down.

Looking at the mess on the ground, she was not particularly surprised: “Has it reached this level?”

For more than half a year, she has been with Sakya, the young monk who broke the precepts.

She has long been accustomed to these things.

Although the other party is not picky about meat and vegetables, often unruly and unrestrained.

But when practicing, it is like a completely different person. If Robin were to describe it, it would be like a paranoid madman.

The kind that will not stop until the goal is achieved at any cost, regardless of the consequences.

As for the residual image fist, she will naturally know it too.

Because the two of them have been close for a long time.

After Sakya got the residual image fist practice method passed down from generation to generation by the Erbao Navy from Huo Lisha, he naturally did not cherish it.

But she can’t be as crazy as the other party, desperately squeezing herself, and she doesn’t want to be a practice madman.

Relatively speaking, she can only be regarded as a beginner.

But Robin still knew something about the secret of the Afterimage Fist.

Previously, Shakya could only barely master the second stage of the Afterimage Fist.

Now, he has actually comprehended the secret of the third stage and can perform multiple Afterimage Fists.

“Huh… Robin, are you back?”

Shakya stopped training.

He took a long breath, shook off the sweat on his head, and looked at Robin and the two lively giant pandas.

What surprised him was that Po’s dog-licking, no, cat-licking tactics seemed to be really successful.

In the past two days of getting along, the female panda Hanbao, who has always been cold, arrogant, and tough, is not so indifferent to the giant panda Po.

The relationship has become much closer, and they can play together.

It seems that animals and humans are still different.

But to be honest, Po is also considered a “tall, rich and handsome” male panda, and he can also be a “cat-licking” in a humble manner.

Even if Han Bao, the female panda, has high standards, she would not really look down on Po.

“How did you get?”

Sakya looked at Robin and asked with a smile.

Seeing the other party’s relaxed posture, it was clear that nothing unpleasant had happened.

“Although it caused some sensation, it can be said that the harvest was full…”

Robin smiled and walked over.

Looking at Sakya’s bloody hands, he felt a little distressed: “But, you are too reckless, right?”

“Don’t worry…”

Glancing at his hands that were a little red and swollen and stained with blood, Sakya chuckled indifferently: “You know my physical fitness. As long as I don’t hurt my bones, I can recover after a good sleep…”

Over the years, with his continuous practice and physical training.

The ability of the Fantasy Beast Species·Big Buddha Form has also subtly affected his body for a long time.

Even if it has not yet “awakened”, it still gives him a very exaggerated recovery ability.

No matter how tired he was in practice the day before, he would be full of energy again when he woke up the next day..

Some superficial injuries, basically, can be restored as before after waking up, as if nothing happened.

This is also one of the reasons why he dares to train so crazily.

At such a young age, he has such strength, in addition to his own blood, sweat and hard work.

The ability of the mythical beast species, the Buddha form, is also indispensable. It not only gives him extraordinary wisdom and understanding, but also gives him a strong physique and recovery ability.

“Don’t push yourself too hard. If it doesn’t work, we can hide in the windless belt for a while and avoid the limelight…” Robin persuaded.

She knew that this man was practicing so hard.

Although he had the ambition to become the “strongest in the world”.

But he was so eager to become stronger, and he also wanted to protect himself.

Because her identity as the “son of the devil” was too special.

Even if she didn’t rob the sky gold, as long as she lived in this world, the world government would never let her go, and it would sooner or later attract the admiral of the navy.

“Don’t worry, I know what’s going on!”

Shaka stroked Robin’s pretty face and comforted her with a smile: “There are many geniuses in this world. Although I claim to be talented, I am not necessarily the only one… How can I become the strongest in the world without making some efforts?”

This can only be said to be fate. It was really an accident to rob Tianshangjin.

At the beginning, Shaka was indeed not prepared so quickly to anger the giant World Government and attract the attention of the top leaders too early.

Although he acted recklessly on weekdays, he was never afraid of the navy.

But he was not stupid enough to provoke the World Government with a deep foundation for no reason before he grew up.

After all, even if Robin was constantly hunted by the CP and the Navy, the agents sent were just ordinary Navy and CP agents, far from the level of the Vice Admiral and Admiral of the Navy Headquarters.

However, since he encountered the Natural System·Yunyun Fruit, he would never give up.

If he really missed such a powerful ability, he would regret it.

If you want to be the strongest in the world, you must have the will and courage to move forward and risk everything.

Then his achievements in this life can be seen at a glance.

“It’s good that you have an idea. There must be a limit to your practice. Don’t hurt yourself. It’s not good to leave any hidden injuries…”

Robin nodded gently.

Looking at the handsome and resolute face in front of her, she smiled and said, “I bought a lot of furniture and equipment in the capital, as well as some decoration materials. I will be busy later…”

“Next, you should have a good rest, and I will do it!”

She naturally would not stop this man from pursuing his lofty dream.

Just like the other party would not stop herself from exploring the historical truth of the “blank 100 years”, but silently support her.

Although she can’t do much, she will do her best to support the other party.

And she is particularly motivated to build a “safe nest” in the future with her own hands.

It can be said that she is full of energy.

“That’s not necessary. I’m not that tired yet. It’s still early, so we can do it together…” Sakya said with a smile.


Looking at Sakya who had just finished training and was sweating all over, Robin naturally didn’t want to make him so tired.

“Don’t be polite, Mr. Robin…”

Sakya put his hands together and said with a smile: “If you really care about me, you can reward me tonight!”


Hearing this.

Robin blushed and couldn’t help spitting.

He had a fight with the leader of Erbao’s navy in the morning, and they had trained for an afternoon.

He still had the mind to think about these things, he was really energetic.

When he was shopping in the clothing store in the morning, this little man had said righteously that he had bought those cheongsams for himself.

And the bikini swimsuits that she strongly recommends are mainly made of simple fabrics…

However, looking at Shakyamuni’s shining muscles and golden-ratio strong body in the sun, coupled with his handsome and heroic face…

Her eyes warmed slightly.

She licked her red lips and subconsciously clamped her legs together.

It seems that it is not impossible.

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