
"This... won't it?"

"Damn it, there is the sea below!!"

Ghost spiders, Daubman and others couldn't help but their complexions changed drastically.

The rest came out in cold sweat. Such an offensive, even if Sakazuki Admiral can block it, it will be over if it is bombed into the sea.

"Damn it!"

Akainu's face was pale, and he roared.

He naturally knew what the consequences would be if he was bombed into the sea.

I am not Aokiji, even if I fall into the sea, I can freeze the sea in an instant.

"Great Eruption!!!" The right fist couldn't help but burst out dark red magma fluid, which boiled endlessly, with unparalleled explosive power, directly facing the shock wave from high altitude.


The huge shock wave collided with that exaggerated giant fist of magma.

The indescribable confrontation appeared, and the sky seemed to be divided into two heavens, and invisible barriers could not help but push and impact.

Half incandescent, half red!

The atmosphere is distorted, and the scorching breath is constantly raging along with the heat wave.

"Shoo, hoo..."

Countless magma sputtered violently.

Akainu couldn't take care of other people at all. Dauberman and others who were far away were better, but the generals on the same warship as him and several adjacent escort warships suffered directly.

Those above Rear Admiral were not slow to respond, and almost avoided the splashing magma.

But the few colonels, Commodore, couldn't escape at all. They were splashed on their bodies by the lava carrying the terrible heat in an instant, screaming screams, and falling into the darkness below.


Just at this time.

The darkness that was originally overwhelming directly shrank.

The sea is ups and downs, because of the high-altitude collision, big waves are set off.

Nine warships, including three large battleships, and nearly 10,000 Marines, all disappeared, making people feel chilly.

"call out!"

Standing on the surface of the sea, Iji suddenly turned into a black streamer and rushed towards Akainu.

Although he is blocking the shock wave from Weibull, Akainu is always guarding against Iji because the opponent's abilities are too dangerous.

Seeing Iji rushing forward, his face suddenly became cold.

"Flap, pop..."..."

Repeatedly stepping on the Moonwalk, making bursts of noise.

The violent magma fist directly blasted at Iji who was flying by.

"Akainu, confess my fate to me!"

Iji was full of black smoke and formed a tight dark armor. The whole person was full of evil aura, and he threw his fist up with a sneer.

"Boom!!", "Boom!!"...

Dark and crimson lava collided fiercely in mid-air, like a confrontation between darkness and light.

But Iji couldn't help braving a lot of black smoke, sweeping in all directions, so that Sakazuki, who had already guessed and defended his ability, did not dare to approach at all, and kept retreating violently.


The sea is turbulent.

The blazing high temperature distorts the atmosphere and evaporates the heat.

"Thump, thump..."

Some of the weaker Marine officers, unable to support Moonwalk anymore, fell into the sea.

However, the swimming that hadn't started yet was swallowed by the ferocious giant shadow, and screamed desperately.

Although it has been separated from the Calm Belt, it is still extremely close to the Calm Belt. Those giant Sea Kings are also active in this area!

"Swipe, swipe..."

The hair directly turned into a big hand, spreading like a spider's claw, carrying several sharp blades.


Blocking the slash from the lion and ghost, some strenuous ghost spiders turned anxiously at the Marine generals behind them and shouted, "Have you not contacted the headquarters yet?"

Whether it was Vinsmoke·Iji, Edward Weibull, or the arrogant guy with the ability to fly in front of him, he felt a strong crisis.

But if the headquarters can be contacted immediately, there may be some hope.

After all, whether it is Admiral Kizaru or Admiral Aokiji's two people, their abilities have an advantage in the sea, and I believe they will be able to get over in the shortest time.

"Or not!"

"I tried several phone bugs..."

"There is no signal, the other party must have some special method to interfere with the signal..."

Several Marines took out the phone worms in their hands, but without exception they could not be contacted, cold sweat broke out on their heads.

"Jie ha ha, stop thinking about it..."

The lion ghost Jiejie, full of arrogance and fierceness, laughed strangely, and the sharp blade directly pushed the ghost spider back out: "If there is no perfect preparation, how dare you hunt Admiral, which represents Marine's highest combat power?"

Before the words were over, the two famous swords of Sakura Ten and Muku couldn't help swinging, and they slapped fierce slashes, all pouring like a violent storm to the ghost spider whose complexion changed greatly:

"What! Hunting for Admiral?"

"Shoo, hoo..."

The ghost spider's pupils shrank sharply, and eight sharp knives wrapped around Haki and swung it.

I can't imagine that even New World's "Four Emperors" may not dare to hunt Marine's highest combat power, and Germa 66 dares to be so bold!

"Keng! Keng!..."

Those terrifying fierce slashes were directly blocked, but the ghost spider was blasted into the sea by that terrible force.

"Ghost Spider Vice Admiral!"

"Don't worry, Vice Admiral is not a capable person!"

"In any case, it is Vice Admiral, a powerful faction in this department. It is impossible to be killed so easily..."

Two or three school-level officers who were struggling to stand in the air on Moonwalk, couldn't help but yell. Rear Admiral, who is more familiar with the power of ghost spiders, stared at the lion ghost in front of him with full alertness, and said in a deep voice.

"He really won't be killed so easily..."

The lion ghost sneered, and the whole person rushed up like lightning, and killed the generals whose expressions changed suddenly: "But you are not necessarily anymore!"

And the other side.

Ignoring the weaker colonels and Commodore, Dauberman is leading two Rear Admiral, rushing over on the Moonwalk.

"嗞嗞 (good Zhao) 叽叽..."

The blazing thunder light illuminates the sky, making people look up into the sky involuntarily.

"Boom! Boom!"

Two huge thunder pillars blasted down directly, not against Dauberman, but the two Rear Admiral behind him!


"This is……"

Whether it was Akainu, who was fighting Iji, or Dauberman and others, they couldn't help but lose their voices, showing incredible expressions.


"Ah! Ah!"

Two thunder pillars flooded the two Rear Admiral and blasted them into the sea.

"Oh it's you!!"

Daubman's face was pale, and he looked at the sky that had returned to calm in an instant, and yelled in anger.

Able to control thunder and lightning freely, and such an attack method.

He directly thought of the Naval Headquarters, the young man who rejected their hawks' solicitation and invested in the neutrals, who has recently risen rapidly!


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