The first half of the Grand Line.

Naval Headquarters, Marineford.

The atmosphere was suppressed, so that the leader of Rear Admiral had already noticed something was wrong.

The Chief of Staff He sat directly on the chair at the desk with his chin on his hands, sitting there and waiting.

As the marshal Sengoku frowned and walked back and forth, a little worried.

"In order to prevent accidents, the tea dolphin has been chased by the ice left by Aokiji. If this can't save Sakazuki and the others, we can only admit it..."

Staff Crane glanced at Sengoku, sighed slightly, and said helplessly: "No matter how impatient you are, it's useless. The only thing you can do right now is to wait for the answer."

"I know it's useless to be anxious! This matter, inside and out, reveals weirdness..."

Sengoku stopped, "Seven Nine Zero" frowned deeply and gritted his teeth a little annoyedly: "Not only do I know the time when Sakazuki and the others set out to counter the rebellion, but also the route of the fleet, I'm afraid there is a ghost inside Marine! "

"Da, da..."

Brannew looked anxious, and strode in: "Marshal Sengoku, the big deal is not good!"

"The life cards of the ghost spider Vice Admiral and Douberman Vice Admiral have been burned to ashes, and even the life cards of Sakazuki Admiral have become like this..."

On his palm, which was open to the crane staff and Sengoku, there was a very small life card with a bit of flaming red on the edge, and the whole piece of paper was only a little bigger than a thumb.

"damn it!!"

Sengoku's complexion changed drastically.

Even the staff of Crane's face sank directly.

Such a small piece of paper represents Sakazuki's situation, which is already quite dangerous.

"The life cards of the two Vice Admiral, it can be said that they burned out one after another, and the time between them was very short..." Brannew was dissatisfied with the cold sweat on his head and quickly reported.

"Ghost spiders and Doberman are all elites in Vice Admiral, they were killed so soon..."

Crane Vice Admiral was already a little unable to sit still, stood up directly, his face was a little ugly: "It is extremely possible that Sakazuki faced a strong attack while they were also facing a strong enemy, and they were quite uncomfortable. Weak, maybe even at the level of the top cadres under New World's Four Emperors..."

"A power capable of this level, apart from the revolutionary army, I am afraid that only New World's'Four Emperors' are the only ones!" Sengoku looked gloomy, took Sakazuki's life card, clenched his fists tightly, and gritted his teeth directly to Brannew. Said: "Immediately give me a strict CP to investigate the New World Four Emperors and the revolutionary army!"


"Momousagi Vice Admiral!!"

Just as Brannew walked to the door, the tall pink figure walked up and hurriedly left.

"Marshal, eldest sister, what's going on..."

Momousagi, who is tall and sexual, fascinated, and human, walked quickly into the Marshal's office, and asked inexplicably to Tsuru Vice Admiral and Marshal Sengoku, "Why did I just come back to the headquarters and suddenly heard of Sakazuki? Admiral leads the fleet to counter the rebellion in South Blue. What danger seems to be encountered?"

"No one knows the specific situation, just take a look!"

Sengoku, who was a little irritable, pressed his anger and directly took Sakazuki's life card, which was getting smaller and smaller, and motioned Momousagi to look at it for himself.

"This is Sakazuki's life card..."

The staff crane beside him added with a wry smile: "Just before you come in in Gion, the life cards of Vice Admiral, Ghost Spider and Dauberman, have been burned to ashes."

"What? How is this possible?"

Looking at the thumb-sized life card, Momousagi couldn't help but his eyes widened, and his pretty face showed incredible color.

She has joined Marine for so many years, and has never heard that Admiral of the headquarters has encountered such a dangerous situation, even before the formation of the Four Emperors pattern that year, Naval Headquarters tried to make the last effort to conquer New World' Four Emperors. 'when.

"Things have already happened, nothing is impossible..."

Sengoku sat down, frowning anxiously: "Now I just hope that guy Aokiji can catch up!"

"Marshal Sengoku!!!"

A Colonel Marine trot in, holding the phone worm in his hand, panicking.

"what's up?"

Several sharp gazes made the colonel unable to help his legs tremble and almost collapsed.

"This is a sudden call to the headquarters. The other party called himself a ‘Golden Lion’..." The Marine Colonel bit his head and quickly sent the phone bug to Sengoku...


Sengoku abruptly got up.

"No way?"

"Is it really him?"

The cranes Vice Admiral and Momousagi next to them were even more shocked.

"Jie ha ha ha..."

Wild, arrogant, cruel, and with a somewhat old laugh, from the phone bug, I couldn't help but say: "Sengoku, I haven't seen it for so many years, I believe you can't recognize Laozi anymore!"

"Golden Lion Shiki, you guy!!" Sengoku gritted his teeth.

How could he forget the arrogant laughter?

Even if he hasn’t seen each other for more than ten or two decades, the rudder and golden hair simulated by the phone worm, coupled with the islands disappearing inexplicably, prove that there are indeed traces of Golden Lion activities, so he doesn’t need to doubt at all. The identity of the other party.

"How is it? Jie ha ha ha, the big gift Laozi gave you, but still satisfied?"

In the phone worm, he simulated the expression with the golden fluffy mane, and Jie Jie smiled strangely: "Would you like to wait a minute, I will directly send the head of that magma kid directly to your Naval Headquarters?"

"Oh it's you!"

Sengoku, Tsuru Vice Admiral, and Momousagi couldn't help but their expressions changed wildly.

Somewhat unbelievable, I didn't expect that it was the Golden Lion who ambushed Akainu's fleet.

"1.4 How is Sakazuki?"

He Vice Admiral's heart sank, and he asked directly.

"I have to admit, that kid's life is really hard enough. Two or three islands can't kill him, and he actually injured Laozi. Hahaha..." The cruel, arrogant laugh, couldn't help but come from the phone bug. It came out: "But don't worry, I will let you see the fate of that magma kid soon!"

"Golden Lion, you..."

Sengoku yelled in exasperation.


But before Sengoku finished speaking, the call was interrupted.

"Golden Lion, you bastard!!!"

Sengoku was furious, trembling with anger, and roared directly!

The uncontrollable roar echoed throughout the magnificent Marine Building, causing countless Marines to change their colors.


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