Revolutionary Army headquarters.

The Island of White Earth, Barudi.

Dust flying in the sky, the center of the white island, some rudimentary headquarters ~ inside the building.

The news that Marine Admiral Akainu led the fleet to counter the rebellion in South Blue was attacked, and Admiral Akainu himself died in the hands of Golden Lion. It made many cadres of the revolutionary army just happy, and it was reported by the World government. The news irritated-.

"It's shameless!!"

"It's shameless, Damn it's World government, deserves to lose a member!"

"Despicable enough! In order to protect the face of the World government and Naval Headquarters, the incident was pushed to the head of our revolutionary army..."

The revolutionary army was a little bit angry.

They never thought that in order to protect their own face, the World government would directly push Akainu's death to the revolutionary army that had nothing to do with the matter, and they also insisted that the revolutionary army and the flying pirates jointly attacked Akainu. Fleet.

However, the revolutionary leader Long and other major high-level officials couldn't help but calm down and realized the serious crisis.

The cadres who stayed in the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army gathered in the concise and clean conference room.

"With Marine's background, the loss of a Marine Admiral can be quickly replenished. There are two alternate Admiral candidates in the headquarters alone..." The revolutionary cadre "War Ghost" sitting on the right hand of the revolutionary dragon with his arms folded. , Shook his head directly.

The cadre of the Revolutionary Army, "War Ghost" Kur, was a tall and burly man.

The exaggerated muscle lines all over his body bulged the gray suit, and the whole person was full of fierce aura, with a bit of iron and blood of a soldier, which made people dare not take it lightly.

"I just don't know if the one who will become the new Admiral next is Tea Dolphin or Momousagi."

Not to mention the World government, just Naval Headquarters, a huge violent organization, has a very strong background.

Whether it is the Revolutionary Army or the Four Emperors and other forces, the loss of one of the top cadres in their strength is a huge loss, but even if Naval Headquarters loses an Admiral, which represents Marine’s highest combat power, it can still be in the shortest time. To add up within the time limit.

"The World government involved the revolutionary army in the attack on the fleet led by Akainu by the Golden Lion, in order to maintain the majesty of the World government and Naval Headquarters, and to deter those on the sea that began to move around because of the fall of Marine’s highest combat power. Strength, it is impossible not to act..."

The revolutionary long sitting on the chair stood up and looked directly at the revolutionary cadres of everyone present. His expression was full of dignity and solemnity. He put his hands on the conference table and said in a deep voice: "The flying pirate who was originally the "mastermind" Regardless of the regiment, the World government will definitely launch bloody revenge on the revolutionary army that participated in the attack on Admiral..."

He is very clear that there is a great threat to the World government, and the revolutionary army that has shaken the foundation of its rule is a thorn in its eyes and a thorn in its flesh. Now such a thing has happened. In order to maintain its prestige and deter the sea, the world government will never mind using the topic. , Strictly ordered Marine to vigorously suppress the revolutionary army and the rebels related to it.

"Everyone, for the revolutionary army, the real test is coming!"

no doubt.

A terrible storm is coming towards the revolutionary army.

This can be said to be an innocent disaster, but it is already unavoidable!


What will happen to the revolutionary army who was involved in the incident for no reason in the bloody revenge that the World government might unfold next?

Iji, who is the real behind-the-scenes player, certainly doesn't care.

Although from the beginning, he did not deliberately include the revolutionary army's ideas, but the World government has nothing to do with him if it wants to involve the revolutionary army as a scapegoat.

At this time, he had taken the Logia Lava-Lava Fruit directly, separated from the lion ghost, Sol and others, and was rushing to New World alone with all his strength, preparing to meet "Blackbeard" Andre Jenny and others.

But in the middle of the journey, I received a call from Doflamingo.

"Fu Fu Fu Fu Fu, is really not moving already, a move it amazing, Iji ......"

In the phone bug, a face wearing purple sunglasses was simulated, and he couldn't help laughing magically: "Even Marine Admiral was killed by you."

Other forces do not know the relationship between the "Golden Lion" and Djerma. They have had private transactions with Djerma. Is it still clear to Doflamingo, who has obtained some information from the Master?

· ·Find flowers0 ·····

"I don't know what you are talking about. Although Marine's highest combat power has lost one, I do feel a little gloating..."

The black wings did not live in the high air and vibrated, and the whole person was flying towards New World at an astonishing speed, Iji said lightly.

There was a bit of cold light in his eyes. Although he originally wanted to leave Doflamingo to Luo himself, if Heavenly Yaksha was too uninterested, he wouldn't mind "dropping in" to get rid of this guy.

"Nothing, I just think this legend on the sea did a great job. It really makes people look forward to the follow-up more and more.

On the other end of the phone worm, Doflamingo, who was far away in the Palace of Dressrosa, did not continue on this topic cleverly. Instead, he grinned and asked: "But then again, I heard that your two brothers have been with Tezolo recently. I got on the bar and attacked that guy's gambling boat yesterday, causing a lot of casualties!"

..... ...

Of course he wouldn't use these to threaten the other party, that is, he is looking for death.

Whether it is Golden Lion or Vinsmoke·Iji, both of them have that kind of extremely domineering personality, and they are never able to compromise with themselves, let alone tolerate threats from others.

It is better to hold this information first, it may come in handy at the critical moment.

Iji snorted coldly, and said indifferently: "If even Tezolo can't deal with it, and he takes his own life in, then it can only be said that their equipment is not enough..."

He really thought so.

Whether it is Paramecia·Repulsion Fruit or Logia·Miasma Fruit, both are very powerful abilities.

Although the two guys Niji and Yuji are younger, the flowers in the greenhouse cannot withstand wind and rain. It is obviously a good choice to use Tezolo as their whetstone.

The strength of the two of them is indeed far from reaching the peak, but the abilities of that guy Tezolo, it's just not long after awakening.

As long as you are not stupid enough to smash to the end, self-protection is fine.

"Hey, hey, what a cold-blooded guy!"


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