Just below Mariejois, the dreamlike seabed The fish men island.

The originally chaotic Murloc Street has now become well-organized, and the occasional human adventurers and pirates dare not want to be presumptuous anymore.

Thousands of murlocs and pirates are working hard on the newly built closed school grounds.

The murderous shouts of killing came out from time to time, and people couldn't help but change their colors.

Even Neptune, who was somewhat reluctant at the beginning, but had to agree to its plan to form a murloc fleet due to Jinbei and the Sun Pirates’ status in The fish men island, had to admit that Jinbei’s plan had undoubtedly worked. , And exceeded ~ expectations.

Those pirates, afraid of the power of the murlocs, have gradually-they dare not mess around again.

Occasionally, there are a few pirates and human traffickers who do not know whether they live or die, and they will soon be eliminated by the fleet of murlocs, which have become increasingly sophisticated and regular under Jinbei's training, and demonstrate their powerful combat effectiveness.

Green and shining, beside the beautiful sea forest.

A solemn tombstone stands there. It is the cemetery of the late Princess Otohime, the highly respected The fish men island.

"Boss Jinbei, what can you do with me?"

A young man with black hair, a flat hat with a trident on his head, a wolf-skin scarf around his neck, and a wide range of tattoos on his left arm walked over.

At the same time, looking at Jinbei, there was a vague...ambition!

Regarding the leader of the Sun Pirates, who can directly persecute the Dragon Palace Kingdom, he has to agree to the Sun Pirates group forming the Murloc fleet and has almost directly ruled the Murloc Street. He sincerely admires him, but he Some despise it for having to surrender to the World government and dare not continue to collect murlocs and expand the murloc fleet.

I hope that he can take his place in the future and lead the huge Sun Pirate group to avenge humanity.

Only the noble murlocs are the masters of this sea and land. Weak humans are only worthy to survive under the domination of murlocs!

"Hodie Jones..."

Byrne stood there, with some sharp eyes, looking at Hodie Jones.

The original murloc Jinbei's somewhat bloated body, under Berne's vigorous training, had already lost a circle, became stronger and tougher, giving people a sense of oppression.

"Do you know where this is?"

Byrne looked indifferent, and pointed to the graveyard of Princess Otohime next to him.

"How could you not know the graveyard of Princess Otohime?"

While his pupils were shrinking, Hodie Jones's heart jumped and he calmed down.

Facing Byrne's sharp gaze, he was a little flustered inexplicably, his eyes dodge slightly.

Princess Otohime hired humans to assassinate him in the past, in order to destroy the signatures of the people of The fish men island, apply to the World government for the plan of the fish men to move to land, and at the same time provoke a hatred dispute between The fish men island and the humans.

"Of course you can't help but know, because you were the one who hired humans and murdered Princess Otohime!"

Byrne sneered and said, with two sharp fangs, the whole person looked a little terrible.

He didn't know how Iji knew about these things, but since that Highness said so, he must be sure. After tolerating it for a year, I prepared to do something with these guys, just to not look abrupt, and to avoid making people doubt their identity.

"how do you know?"

Hodie Jones' complexion changed drastically.

Byrne's determined tone made him not refute again and again.

"Not only that, you also stole the treasures from the'Jade Hand Box' passed down from generation to generation in the Dragon Palace Kingdom..." Byrne walked toward and looked ugly. He didn't expect that what he was doing would be exposed. Some uncertain Hodie Jones: "Moreover, the'Dark Judgment' that made the residents of The fish men island horrified, you led Doss and the others to do it..."


Looking at the "Jinbei" coming by, Hodie Jones's face was pale, and he backed away a little alert.

At the same time, full of fear, some unwillingness to gritted his teeth: "Unexpectedly, you know all of this!"

On the palm of my hand, I don't know when, there are more than a dozen strange pills.

"Is that the treasure stolen from the jade hand box, the ES vicious medicine?"

Looking at the strange pill in Hordy Jones's hand, Byrne looked a little taunted, and said lightly: "Do you want to use it against me? Do you think Aladdin and the others are not here, you can just take the opportunity to kill me? ?"

With the strong physique of the Murloc Jinbei, this year, under the guidance of Aladdin and others, he has not only mastered the Murloc Karate Master, but also has mastered the six styles.

Hodie Jones is such a trash, no matter how "hidden strength" is usually done, can he still be able to hide it from him?

"You are too arrogant Jinbei, if you were the previous you, maybe I might not be an opponent with such a bit of poison alone, but you who have lost your memory, maybe even the Murloc Karate can't exert much power, right?"

Glancing at the quiet surroundings with no one, Hodie Jones sneered and swallowed the pills directly into his abdomen. The whole person was murderous: "Kill you, and then fake the appearance of humans killing you, and then think of a way to kill. That annoying fellow Aladdin, the Pirates of the Sun will fall into my hand sooner or later!"

Now that it has been exposed, he no longer has to deliberately pretend.

"Jahhahaha, what a perfect power..." Hodie Jones's teeth became yellow and sharp, and the pair of evil eyes became scarlet, covered with terrifying blood, with an undisguised killing intent. Arrogant.

"Jinbei, you can go to death with peace of mind..."

The ever-increasing power made Hodie Jones intoxicated, becoming ferocious and hideous: "One day, I will lead the Pirates of the Sun to avenge those humans!"


The whole person blasted out with a fist at an astonishing speed.

A large amount of water began to compress and vibrate, and it slammed into Bourne like a shock wave.

"It's not naive..." Byrne couldn't help shaking his head.

He was not interested in this kind of half-hearted battle.

0 Seeking flowers············

Hodie Jones didn't even know how big this sea was. He thought he was a strong man simply thinking that he had subdued some human pirates in the sea.

"Armed Color Harden..."

The blue right fist became pitch black and slammed violently.

"Five thousand watts punches!"


Accompanied by loud noises.

Suddenly, a strong wave of air exploded violently.

The ground directly collapsed, and the surrounding grass was blown out.


A figure screamed and shot out like a cannonball.

However, it was not Byrne, but Hodie Jones, who had smashed the poison.

The whole person was full of blood, full of anger and disbelief. He who swallowed more than a dozen ES vicious drugs directly was not Jinbei's enemy?

This obviously makes him somewhat unacceptable!

"Wow~~~How could you be so strong? I don't believe it! I don't believe it!!"

... ...... .......

He vomited blood out, his right arm was dripping with blood, and even Hodie Jones, who had bare bones exposed, screamed in shock.

The whole person struggled to get up and rushed to Jinbei fiercely!


Without the slightest exception, they were directly blown away.


He severely smashed the big rock behind him, and fell down there covered in blood.

"The frog at the bottom of the well is ridiculous!"

Byrne looked down at Hodie Jones, who wanted to struggle again, with a bit of disdain in his eyes.

Perhaps Hodie Jones can still play several times the strength in the sea, but after all, it is just this power, and it is still smashed.

But to be honest, according to that Highness, a single pill can make a murloc whose wrist strength is ten times that of an ordinary human, and exert twenty times the strength of a wrist, and two pills can directly double...sufficient to explain this kind of ES. The horror of the evil medicine, although it is unlikely that it can be superimposed directly without restrictions, it may indeed be able to influence the victory or defeat of the war where the strength of the two sides is not much different.

This kind of thing is handed over to Germa for research, if it can really be "upgraded", the effect will undoubtedly be huge.

"Jinbei, after these guys took the medicine, they were very cruel and hurt a lot of compatriots..."

At this time, Aladdin brought a group of murloc pirates and several murlocs who had been beaten to death and covered in blood came over, carrying a small bag in his hand, and directly signaled to Byrne: "This is from The ES murder drug found in their secret club!"

"In order to prevent any accidents, I still leave those murderous drugs, maybe they can come in handy in the future." Byrne's eyes flashed, ignoring Hodie Jones, who was badly injured by him, and directly took Aladdin's hand. That little bag of poison.

"Give these guys to King Neptune and tell them that these guys are the chief culprit who murdered Princess Otohime and what the ‘dark trial’ was carried out, and the murder of the compatriots."


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