Half a day is not long.

After the fellow Cavendish complained, the ship finally reached the Capone family headquarters, Roconia.

"This is the residence of the Capone family, right?"

Money can make ghosts grind. After questioning the residents of the island, Fujitora and Cavendish quickly found the Capone family headquarters.

It was a huge, heavily guarded castle, which was as strong as the fortresses of some Marine branch bases, and could even withstand continuous bombardment from ordinary artillery. Just by sensing Observation Haki, Fujitora roughly knows that there are at least two to three thousand people inside.

As one of the five Mafia in West Blue, the Capone family still has its roots.

"My lord, when I was in West Blue, I used to hear that Capone Bege, the boss of the Capone family, is a very cruel man. He likes to cut off the heads of creatures alive. Watching the rest of the remains and the painful struggle will make him excited. , A pretty nasty guy..."

The navigator was born in West Blue, and he followed the hapless pirate captain into the Grand Line in the past two years. He naturally heard about Capone Bege.

Looking at the brightly lit castle, Fujitora grinned with a sharp black knife out of its 323 sheath, "Then attack it head-on!"

"Tonight, there is no moon..."

Cavendish curled his lips, and ran out unhappy.

It is estimated that this castle was specially designed by Capone Bege for fear of his enemies looking for it.

The thickness of the city wall alone, it is estimated that with his current slashing, it is difficult to split directly.

If faced with a dense array of bullets, dozens of rocket launchers or cannons, although he is not afraid, he is somewhat troublesome.

In this dark night, if it drags for too long, it is difficult to guarantee that the target will run away directly along some underground tunnel. This Capone Bege has many enemies, and there must be some escape route.

"I can't see the moonlight, as long as it doesn't happen to be in the other hemisphere, sometimes I can roughly judge its location. These days I have been learning about astronomy..."


"Bang! Bang!"

Some security guards spotted several people who were walking by, and began to fire warning shots, and sternly asked.

Fujitora barked his teeth and laughed, and turned against the black blade in his hand, and began to accumulate gravity, as if there was purple-black lightning lingering: "It's just that you don't need to summon a meteorite at all, so you don't need to be careful and just smash that guy. died……"

His Observation Haki has not yet reached the point where it can directly identify how strong the target is, not to mention that there are at least a thousand people in the castle.

"Gravity Knife·Big Tiger!"

The dark blade slammed out.


The force field instantly distorted.

The violent lateral gravity blasted out directly.


Not only were the gangsters who were about to rush over and interrogate them directly turned into blood mist, but even the towering and solid city walls were crushed and shattered by the impact.

As if there was a huge earthquake, the whole castle shook and even collapsed in one corner.

However, in case of accidentally slaughtering the target that needs to be captured, Fujitora still suppressed most of the power, without being too messy, otherwise it would be too easy to destroy the castle.


In the garden behind the castle, a short, fat man walking in a striped suit with a cigar dangling, he was shaken to the ground unsuspectingly, and his complexion changed drastically...

"what happened?"

"Enemy attack, enemy attack..."

"Tick Tick~~~ Tick Tick~~~"

Noisy shouts and horns sounded.

A gang member armed with muskets, bazookas and other weapons could not help but rush towards the collapsed city wall at the fastest speed.

A large area was crushed in black, and the momentum looked a bit bluffing indeed.

"Leave it to you, Cavendish!"

(bbca) Directly signaled to Cavendish that Fujitora himself had no interest in these gangsters who weren't even half-hearted.

"Hey, hello, don't order me, you guy..."

Cavendish stared, almost directly against Fujitora's head, and barked his teeth in dissatisfaction: "Strictly speaking, this young master is a few years older than you!"

"Uh, uh~~~"

Pushing this guy away, Fujitora couldn't help but said, "I'm here to give you a chance to practice."

"There are only three enemies?"

"What kind of method was used to blow up the castle directly..."

"Catch these three guys first, and you must never spare them easily!!!"

A gang member rushed out with murderous aura, and there were even hundreds of carbines, which made people a little dumbfounded.

After seeing only three people in the enemy, they all couldn't believe it, but then they shouted angrily, thinking that the reason for the collapse of the castle was Fujitora and the others.

"three people?"

Capone Bege, who was pale and irritated, came outside surrounded by guards, looking at Fujitora and Cavendish, his pupils shrank sharply.

In my heart, a strong anxiety arose inexplicably.

But before he had time to think about it, the anxiety in his heart was immediately settled.


Dissatisfaction returned to dissatisfaction, but Cavendish did not move slowly. The black shadow sprang directly from under his feet and rushed to the gang members who were swarming up to shoot at them.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

"Boom, boom..."

The sound of breaking through the air continued to scream, densely packed bullets, mixed with scattered rockets, blasted at several people.

"Swipe! Brush!"

Cavendish, as well as his shadow, turned into an afterimage directly, swept out like a gust of wind.


Accompanied by screams, the sharp holy sword Durrand and the dark shadow knife could not help harvesting the lives of those gangsters, and those bullets and rocket launchers could not capture their figure...

"This guy, damn it!"

Seeing this scene, Capone Bege looked ugly.

I was shocked by the opponent's speed that was so terrifying that even the dense bullets could not catch it, and felt a little bit cold for no reason.

"Capone Bege, right?"

The purple figure flashing in front of him directly caused Capone Bege, who was about to retreat decisively, to perceive a strong crisis in cold sweat!

This guy is too conspicuous.

A typical gang boss, surrounded by gang members, dressed up and wearing a cigar, Fujitora can't easily let him slip away!

"Boom boom..."

The palm of his right hand is aimed directly at Fujitora!

A "little door" appeared in the palm of the palm, and burst into flames.......

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