The news of the next day caused quite a stir in West Blue.

The Capone family, one of the five major Mafia, was directly removed overnight, and at least thousands of people were buried alive. The headquarters and the surrounding area were completely turned into shocking ruins, leaving the rest of the Mafia families concerned about this matter. shudder.

Of course, this "little matter" of West Blue has nothing to do with Grand Line.

Except for Marine and the World government, who paid much attention to this matter, the big pirates did not take this "trivial" news seriously.

Not to mention that they have already started to return to Fujitora and Cavendish on the Grand Line.

at this time.

On a deserted island near New World, Totto Land.

"Sister! Everyone! I'm sorry!! Woo...oo..."


The heart-piercing cry, accompanied by the earth-shaking sound, could not help echoing in the entire sea.

The uninhabited desert island had been torn apart as early as "Seven Seven Seven Seven", full of shocking cracks and tremors.

There was a lot of smoke and dust, and some of them couldn't be seen clearly.


"Mom's mood finally stabilized a little bit..."

"This is already the fourth island. Fortunately, it has not been bombarded like before, otherwise it will not be able to hold it..."

"It can't go on like this, we must quickly find a way to make her completely recover!"

The ministers of the BIG-MOM Pirate Group, such as Kata Kuri, Daifuku, Owen, and Cracker, were on the battleship, hiding in the depths of the sea, watching through binoculars, and he was a little relieved, but he was not completely relieved.

If you lean on it rashly, you will be attacked 100%.

"Cookie, are you okay?" Perrospero asked loudly through the phone bug, holding a candy cane and licking his tongue.

"It's almost there. In half an hour, we will be able to complete the huge cake, and I will deliver it directly after a while..."

The phone worm imitated the expression of a long bread. It seemed to be a little overworked, with a bit of exhaustion and sweating, and pantingly responded: "I believe Linlin will be attracted by my masterpiece by then!"

"I blame the Vinsmoke·Iji of Damn it. He knew his mother would run away early in the morning, and he deliberately deceived Smoky away with this kind of news..." Cracker, who hadn't put on his armor, had some fire-breathing eyes and gritted his teeth. .

For the children of the Charlotte family, whether Sister Carmelite is alive or dead, if it weren't for BIG-MOM, they certainly wouldn't care.

BIG-MOM did not hesitate to exchange the news that Star Smoky was exchanged. It turned out that he had eaten the nun and her friends when he was a child and didn't realize it. How could they easily accept it?

In this way, the loss of a general star was a bit too irritating.

"Up to now, it's useless to say these things. Although Smoky didn't say it clearly, she can see from the phone bug that she is very satisfied with following Vinsmoke·Iji..."

Looking through the telescope, always observing the deserted island ahead, paying attention to the situation and changes in BIG-MOM, Kata Kuri said calmly: "Moreover, Germa is not a force to provoke, if you rashly turn your face with it. On the contrary, the gains outweigh the losses. At present, the alliance between the two parties is the most beneficial, and it cannot be reversed."

Even if BIG-MOM recovers and wants to call Smoky back directly, then he still has to consider Germa's disagreement.

He has personally experienced how strong Vinsmoke·Iji is. God knows how much the monster will grow if he gives him a few more years?

Especially its terrifying ability, it can be said that it is a nightmare for most capable people.

He was able to last so long that day because the opponent didn't really go all out from start to finish, even when he defeated himself.

Just looking at the strength that the guy showed when he fought his mother, it was far beyond what he could parry.


The same is New World.

On a freezing winter island with heavy snow.

The wild beast-like aura, with a strong sense of oppression, filled the entire island. It was so suppressed that it almost fainted.

"That old fellow Golden Lion, did a great job!!"

A figure resembling a wild monster, standing in the cold wind and snow, sounded like a bell.

He has double horns on the head, black hair on his head and shoulders, an amazingly tall and burly figure, a long beard, and a scale tattoo on his left arm.

The upper body is naked, the lower body is wearing wide trousers, and the waist is tied with a lanyard.

That tall and powerful body, with some scary muscles exaggerated, is full of power and explosiveness. Just standing there gives people a strong sense of oppression, making people feel trembling and uneasy, and fearful.

"Unexpectedly, after disappearing for so many years, the one who had been with Whitebeard at the same time, he did not hesitate to cut his legs, and the maritime legend that escaped from Impel down, the world's largest deep-sea prison, is still alive..."

"Indeed, and I killed Admiral Akainu as soon as I shot it. That was the highest combat power of Naval Headquarters! Hey..."

"Jiehaha, now, enough Marine guys have a headache..."

Standing behind the beast Kaido, all the pirates wearing thick cotton-padded coats, all with a little weirdness and gloat...

As a pirate, it is of course impossible to have a good impression of Marine.

In particular, Admiral Akainu, Marine’s hawk, is a real ruthless person. Only Beasts Pirates’ past encounters with Marine have directly or indirectly died under its magma, and even the opportunity to enter Impel down. No.

Akainu is dead, of course they are so happy, they can't wait to put on a banquet for a few days and nights to celebrate!

However, they have not had time to be happy for a while.

The ferocious aura continued to raging. Kaido, the beast who just praised Golden Lion, suddenly became furious: "His mother, that magma bastard is really useless waste. It was actually given to by the half-dead old fellow Golden Lion. Killed..."


The huge mace that made the heart tremble, slammed to the sea fiercely!

With the sound of breaking through the sky, a fierce and unparalleled wave of air blasted into the turbulent sea!


The sea boiled and rolled violently.

Countless waves, turbulent, directly rolled into the depths of the sea.


"Master Kaido..."

The pirates following Kaido were almost swept away by the wind. They were a little unsteady. At the same time, they were startled by Kaido's sudden rage, and hurriedly screamed cautiously.

"An old guy who has lost his legs and still has a rudder on his head can kill Marine Admiral directly..."

That tall body full of demon gods, constantly exuding a ferocious aura, full of depression, making people almost suffocating 0.1, strode forward: "Mom, doesn't it mean that Laozi is not even more than half." The abandoned Golden Lion?"

"Boom, boom..."

It seems that the whole island is shaking with the sound of footsteps, making people feel chilly.


Kaido, the violent beast, rushed directly into the sea, sending a huge wave: "Get ready for Laozi now, Marine!!!"

The deafening roar echoed in the entire sea!


"Trouble wait a moment..."

"Master Kaido!!"

When the pirates of Beasts Pirates saw this, they couldn't help but burst into cold sweat, and shouted at the turbulent sea, but the huge black shadows were already galloping toward the deep sea like an arrow from the string...

"Are you going to challenge Marine again?"

"Report to Master Jack and they..."


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