Inside the magnificent palace.

A team of guards was in charge of patrolling.

Mike, the captain of the sixth team, took Urouge, Waipa, and Jess into here.

"It's the first time I've entered here since the palace was built!" Jess couldn't help but said as he scanned the surroundings, with a bit of surprise in his eyes.

This is a young man with a calm personality, but after all, the architectural styles of Sky Island and Qinghai are so different that it is natural to feel a little curious.

"Hey, Mike Instructor, I don't know what the king is asking for the three of us?" Urouge, who was exaggerated and muscular, raised his arms and laughed.

Unlike Jace, who took the initiative to join the army, this guy is actually a pirate of Sky Island. Later, because he robbed the merchant ship of Derma, he was crushed unreasonably by Boris. Seeing that this guy had good aptitude, he killed him directly. It was a pity that it was incorporated into Germania.

"Whatever it is, I don't think it will be a bad thing!" Wahipa said lightly.

After more than a year of development, because Djerma has never deliberately oppressed the residents of Sky Island, and has not even drawn heavy taxes, coupled with the huge land of Djerma, many Sky Island residents have basically been willing to integrate into this Inside the huge 597 sky kingdom.

Witnessing the process of the Sky Kingdom from scratch, they have a sense of belonging more or less.

"Master King is on there!"

On the three-story palace in front.

Iji was standing there, looking down at the three people who walked into the palace under Mike's leadership.

There are two figures standing beside him, one on the left and the other on the right.

It is Boris and Fujitora.

"His Royal Highness, are these three of them?"

Looking at the figures below, Fujitora asked with a smile.

"They are indeed good seedlings. Jace has a calm temperament, courage and strategy. The guy named Urouge has a surprisingly delicate mind. I was forced to join Germa at the beginning..." Boris stood with his chest in his arms and nodded and said: "There is also Waipa. Although his temper is a little bit grumpy, his willpower is very tenacious!"

He admired Urouge, which was very tough at the beginning.

Had it not been for the release of his companions, this guy would not have been willing to join (bhfg) Germa.

Moreover, both Waipa and the student named Jess had considerable potential.

"This time, by the way, take the three of them to Laju Island in Bangkok to practice, so that they can better tap their potential..."

Counting the looted Jiancheng fruit from Capone Bege, Iji also has two very good Devil Fruits in his hand. They were specially collected by those with hunting ability before, and they were suitable for these three people.

"Three Devil Fruits, just right!"

There are also a few more ordinary Devil Fruits, those dedicated to other students of the Military Academy, he has been thrown to Boris, who has the title of Chief Instructor of the Military Academy by his side.

"Master King!"

It didn't take long for Mike to bring the Urouge three people to the pavilion, and salute Iji cautiously.

Except for Waipa, who had already seen Iji, both Urouge and Jace looked at Iji curiously.

"The three of you, I'm very satisfied with your performance in the military academy!" Without the expected tirade, Iji stood there with his hand.

Looking at the Urouge trio with deep gazes, although they did not deliberately release their aura, the aura belonging to the superior still made the three of them feel more pressured.

"Master Iji..."

Touching his head, Urouge suppressed the tension in his heart, and said with a somewhat cautious smile: "If we only talk about performance, isn't the three of us the best?"

"Those students who have been trained in the training camp, they even have Master Haki." Jess next to him nodded.

Although they don't feel that they are weaker than those students, from these aspects, although their performance is excellent, it is really not the best.

"They have undergone severe training for several years. Master Haki or more than half of the six poses are normal things, and the six poses are just a physical skill. After all, the achievement depends on the individual, not the ability. More is destined to be stronger..." Iji shook his head and said bluntly: "In contrast, the potential that you have shown surpasses them!"

The guard next to him walked up with the Devil Fruit box and sent it to the three of them.

"Devil Fruit?"

The pupils of Urouge, Jace, and Waipa couldn't help but shrink.

The three of them have studied in the Military Academy for more than a year, and naturally they have already heard of Devil Fruit.

I have even seen the powerful power brought by Devil Fruit.

There is no doubt that Iji is going to give Devil Fruit to the three of them, but I don't know what kind of Devil Fruit it is.

"Three of them are Paramecia's Devil Fruit, and they are all quite good. You have already learned about it in the Military Academy, so I won't introduce it too much..."

Iji put his hands on the fence and looked down at the scenery below: "Whether you want to eat or not, you choose for yourself."

"Of course, this is quite a rare thing!"

Urouge laughed, and took the Devil Fruit that was delivered to him directly, and bit down without hesitation: "I heard that even the worst is worth hundreds of millions of Baileys in Qinghai...Oh!"

His complexion turned blue, and he almost vomited.

"Huh..." It took a long time to relax, and I couldn't help but sighed: "As the Academy Instructor said, it's really unpalatable!"

"The taste is a bit unpleasant, but one bite is fine, you don't have to continue eating it..." Fujitora next to him slightly chuckled.

Waipa and Jace hesitated for a moment, and both ate the Devil Fruit in front of them.

The King of Djerma obviously wanted to cultivate them vigorously, if he missed this opportunity, he might not have it again in the future.

Devil Fruit has its shortcomings, but its effect is also great.

"Abilities are just assistance after all. Don't let your physical skills practice just because you have Devil Fruit's abilities."

"Which step you can take in the future depends on you!"


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