West Blue.

Alfie waters.


On the distant sea, a huge lantern fish appeared.

The huge "lantern" hanging above the head illuminates the dark night. It is so dazzling that it is so dazzling that it is difficult to look directly at it.

It took two and a half months, from North Blue to New World, from New World to West Blue, and finally saw the giant lantern fish with my own eyes!

But this distance is obviously a little far away, at least a few miles between the two.

"Is this the lantern fish?"

The two sisters, Baccarat, Winsine and Delia, opened their eyes wide, and looked at the behemoth in front of them strangely.

Even if they are a bit far apart, they can still intuitively feel the exaggerated size of the lantern fish.

The brilliant light made them a little fascinated.

"His Royal Highness, can you catch up so far?"

Baccarat came back to his senses and quickly looked at Yi 11 Zhi beside him.

Although I finally saw the lantern fish, at such a distance, and Iji is still a capable person, can I really catch it?

"After spending so long in West Blue, I thought there was no hope, but I didn't expect to see it finally..."

Iji's eyes were fierce, shining with the dazzling light, and the darkness filled his body: "You can hold my life card later and just catch up!"

"Swipe--" A pair of demonic meat wings appeared, and in the shocked eyes of Bacara, they shot out like lightning, and rushed to the lantern fish that was about to dive into the bottom of the sea again.

The dark streamer pierced the sky.

Iji's whole body was filled with darkness, turned into a strong armor, leaving only the head.


The sea is turbulent and surging.

When the tail of the huge lantern fish was swept away, it set off a huge wave and dived directly into the bottom of the sea.

But on this dark night, its "lantern"-like illuminator is like a pointing light in the sea, so that Iji, who is flying with full force, can accurately lock its body shape. It suddenly dived to the bottom of the sea and lost its direction.

"His Royal Highness, he fell into the sea..."

In Bacara’s wide-eyed eyes, Iji plunged into the turbulent sea.

"Hurry up, or else your Highness will..." If the capable person falls into the sea, his body will be weakened and he will not be able to use the power of Devil Fruit, unless it is a murloc and a mermaid who can breathe in the deep sea. No matter how powerful it is, it will only be drowned alive.

"Don't worry, your Royal Highness covered most of his body with his power, forming a tight'armor' that prevents water from entering, isolating the sea from the body. He is not as overly afraid of the sea as other capable people..." Sini steadied Baccarat and explained helplessly: "And the coral bubbles of The fish men island are carried on her Royal Highness, which can directly produce bubbles on the bottom of the sea to provide enough oxygen. There should be no problem."

"That's all right?"

Baccarat, who had never seen Iji swimming in the sea, couldn't help but stare, a little astonished.

She didn't expect that the capable people in this sea could move freely in the sea without being affected.

"Big chest and no brain..."

Wrinkling her nose, Dilya muttered: "How could a strong man like your Royal Highness suddenly fall into the sea for no reason!"

"As long as the sea is isolated, you can do it. Sister Isabel last time was wrapped in a special bubble film similar to the Sabaody Archipelago made by Germa scientists, but it can also maintain its state at high temperatures. I live by myself and play with us in the swimming pool..."


The turbulent ocean floor.

The huge lantern fish was swimming extremely fast in front, and couldn't help but dive into the depths of the seabed.

The dazzling illuminator illuminates the surroundings, presenting a gorgeous deep-sea world, and colorful fishes and sea beasts can't help swimming.

"If I remember correctly, this guy seems to have three stomachs? It's really exaggerated..."

Iji galloped on the bottom of the sea, as if he didn't feel the pressure of the deep sea, and rushed into the huge and ferocious lantern fish in one breath.

Followed the huge nostril "passage" and rushed into his body.

The huge Observation Haki continuously spread out, sensing the "sound" in the lantern fish.

"A friendly smile, a hearty smile, your lovely smiling face~~~The heart of silver, the heart of gold, I will give you all~~~"

"Lullaby? It seems that this lantern fish is not wrong!"

It kept coming, and the sweet lullaby that the little girl sang made Iji's mouth raised up, and he hurried straight along the "passage" in a certain direction 700.

He basically confirmed that there should indeed be pure gold in the body of this lantern fish.

On the undulating sea, the huge war house was brightly lit, but in this gloomy night it was just a drop in the ocean.

"Towards the east..."


Above the war room, Winsine and Baccarat kept directing the giant sea Katsuyu to move in the direction of Iji's life card.

Because the direction of the lantern fish was erratic, and the speed was so fast, I didn't know how far away the war house was in a short time, making the poor sea Katsuyu chasing a little dizzy.

"The life card is not unusual, it proves that your Highness is not in danger!" Bakala finally breathed a sigh of relief.

As for Winsini and Delia, the twin sisters who are childlike and big breasts, although they say that Iji will definitely be fine, but they are still a little worried. Seeing that the life card is safe and sound, they naturally let go of their hearts.

Looking at the life card on the palm of his hand, he couldn't help but move slightly to the north, and once again ordered the giant sea Katsuyu: "Sail to the west, hurry up!"


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