Calm Belt.

Lagoon Island in Bangkok.

On this day, Iji rarely continued to develop abilities, and at the same time convened Isabel, Luo, Urouge and others.

"Calling you to come here is to announce this stage of practice, that's it!"

Following Iji's expression calmly, Fujitora, Luo and others couldn't help but their eyes lit up and they started to get excited.

Obviously, this highness is going to officially launch the action.

It’s nothing more than a blockbuster!

Djerma has hidden his strength and ambition for so long, and finally began to gradually show up on the world stage. How can this make them not excited?

"Having dormant for so long, is it finally going to start?" Isabel said with a smile, a little eager to try and look forward to.

Regardless of Fujitora, I have been practicing hard here for so long. In fact, both she and Luo have made smaller and smaller progress in recent times. Whether it is Devil Fruit's ability development, physical skills, and swordsmanship, they have almost reached The bottleneck.

Although training under the strong gravity field is not without progress, without experiencing life and death hardships and fierce battles, obviously not everyone can be like Iji, and the flowers in the greenhouse cannot stand the wind and rain at all.

However, Kalifa, Urouge, Waipa and others, because they fight with the powerful ferocious beasts on the island from time to time, they have made great progress.

"I'm really looking forward to it!"

Fujitora rubbed his chin with stubbles, the Qiushui on his right hand was tightly gripped, and his eyes were full of fighting spirit.

He did not hesitate to abandon his body, for the next big plan that Germa was about to unfold in full?

"Hey, indeed..."

Urouge touched his monk's head, dropped the cumbersome giant pencil on the ground, barked his teeth and laughed: "The blood on his body is a little boiling. ¨."

Wahipa clenched his fists.

Although he didn't say anything, he obviously looked forward to playing against the real powerhouses in Qinghai to prove himself.

This year's penance, stimulated by the hell-style training of the King, with that crazy energy, in fact, his progress is even greater than that of Urouge.

And Jace next to him, who didn't know when he got up behind his back, was planted with a pair of huge white feather wings.

This is Luo's ability to help him transform, and it coincides with the ability of the fruit of the strong city, giving him the advantage of flying at high altitudes and becoming a real mobile fortress.

Because it originally had small wings that have been degraded since the reproduction of the ancient times, Jace did not reject the ability to "return to the ancestors", and it also gave him the ability to soar into the sky without relying on Moonwalk.

The ancient books circulating on their Sky Island recorded their ancestors in ancient times. They had huge wings on their backs. They are completely different from the wings that can only be used as decorations. They should indeed be able to fly.

"Everyone has worked so hard this year. I will give you two months to allocate it freely. It doesn't matter if you want to go out and relax, or if you want to go out for practice, it doesn't matter, it's up to you..."

Iji sat on a boulder, looked at Isabel, Fujitora and others who were standing in front of them, and smiled faintly: "In any case, two months later, I will start to be really busy!"

His eyes stopped for a moment on his Winsine and other maids, with inexplicable deep meaning.

He knew that in the past year, apart from the two daughters of Isabel and Kalifa, the twin sisters of Bacara, Winsine and Delia had already complained privately for three.

"Wow (yeah) ~~~ Your Highness, you are great!"

Both Baccarat and Delia couldn't help jumping up, full of joy.

It is really embarrassing for her to let her Tenten practice here.

If it weren't for the fear of resisting Isabel's orders, to be honest, she would have wanted to relax.

In the past year, not only her, but also the sisters Winsine and Delia, were also strictly ordered to join the practice by the maid chief Isabel. The three "suffering" girls have unexpectedly already Become a good sister.

Winsine was naturally very happy in her heart, but she was biased towards a stable personality, at least not as excited as her sister Dilia.

As for Iji’s words to get busy after two months, I believe that those tasks will probably have nothing to do with them. After all, after a year of cultivation, the strength is barely passable, but this highness can never let them. What kind of cannon fodder the maid.

"`. Then I will go back to Sky Island first!" Jace said with a smile.

Unlike Urouge, his family is still alive and lives in the Kingdom of the Sky.

This is why he took the initiative to participate in the German conscription. In addition to being unwilling to go on doing nothing like this, he also hopes that his family can lead a better life.

"Then I will follow you back. I have followed Master Iji to Qinghai for so long, and I haven't been in contact for a long time. I'm afraid the patriarch is worried..." Wayipa said directly.

Now that Jace is equipped with wings, has the ability to fly, and is also capable of Jiancheng Fruit, it happens to be a "hit ride".

"Hey haha, I'll just shop around!"

Urouge laughed, and couldn't help grinning: "I wanted to see Qinghai a long time ago, so I can't wait (no Zhao)."

Fujitora shrugged, sat cross-legged on the ground, and said casually: "Then you just follow me, I just plan to travel, and see if I can meet any powerful swordsman!"

But he prayed that this time, this highness would not be like the last time, suddenly assigning a new task to let his holiday go to waste.

Although he would certainly not hesitate to carry out any tasks if there were any tasks, it was obvious that no one disliked that his vacation was too long.

"Patience for so long, Germa really needs to open her fangs..." The corners of his mouth were raised, Iji's eyes were fierce, and his body exuded indescribable confidence and Haki.

The right hand stretched out, clenched tightly!

"If you don't try it, how can you know if your teeth and claws are sharp enough?"


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