
Inside the magnificent palace.

"Humhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh there is a good show going on..."

Putting down the phone worm, Doflamingo couldn't help but smirk for fear that the world will not be chaotic: "I didn't expect Beasts Pirates to take the initiative to stare at Germa, but I don't know if the old Golden Lion will be forced out..."

He just learned the news that Luo appeared in the first half of the Grand Line and was about to go. Unexpectedly, Tezolo and Beasts Pirates directly gave him a big surprise.

However, Doflamingo was obviously not so kind enough to remind Beasts Pirates of how dangerous Vinsmoke Iji was.

After all, the transaction between the two parties is nothing more than mutual use, and the attitude of the "three plagues" in the weekdays, as if looking down on themselves, has long been uncomfortable for Heavenly Yaksha, but it was taken in the monster of Kaido, a hundred "two one zero" beast. Strength, some dared to be angry but dare not speak.

"Dover, why don't you remind them that Germa has formed an alliance with BIG-MOM, and there may be a Golden Lion standing behind it?"

Diamanti, who was standing next to him, asked in a puzzled way.

Torrepol's nose closed, and he couldn't help but jokingly said: "Hehe, Vinsmoke·Iji, the monster, but has the power to restrain the Demon fruit power, the annoying Byakugan wolf from Tezolo, this time I am afraid it will fall. It's bad..."

There is no doubt that if Beasts Pirates only dispatches Queen, one of the three plagues, she and Tezolo alone will not be able to stop Germa, and may suffer a big loss.

"When Golden Lion once dominated the New World, the grudges and grievances with BIG-MOM were not small, and it was impossible to join forces with their personalities!"

"Well, no matter whether Beasts Pirates will suffer heavy losses in the future, the guy Kaido will never let go..." Doflamingo said playfully: "If that perverted woman is killed by Vinsmoke·Iji, then It's even more interesting!"

For QUEEN, a woman whose personality is distorted to the extreme and takes pleasure in torturing men, he has always stayed away, but he has to admit that the perverted woman is indeed exaggerated.

"Now that guy Vinsmoke·Iji is bound to be entangled with Beasts Pirates. It's hard to get out of it, so we should also set off. The boy Luo doesn't solve it for a day, it's always a huge hidden danger! Hey... "

Luo's talent, Doflamingo will never doubt.

Because he once valued each other very much and wanted to train him to become the third generation red-hearted cadre of the family and become his right arm and right arm.

To be honest, even if the ultimate ability is not mentioned in the operation, the huge value of Op-Op Fruit's ability itself is still enough to make any Four Emperors heart.

Just like the red hair of Four Emperors with a broken arm, Op-Op Fruit's ability can completely attach a new left arm to him without any rejection reaction.

If Luo that guy used this directly as a deal, he was really not sure whether the Four Emperors red hair would agree to kill himself.

At least if you change to a normal person, the broken arm can be restored, which is undoubtedly a huge temptation.


In less than half a day, the news that the "Golden Emperor" Gilder Tezolo and Beasts Pirates took action against the two brothers Vinsmoke Niji and Vinsmoke Yuji quickly spread to all major forces.

Obviously, on the Gulan Tezolo, there is the eyeliner of all forces.

Over the past year, the grievances between the two brothers "Golden Emperor" Gilder Tezolo, "Electric Blue" Niji, and "Winch Green" Yuji have long been nothing new.

The Guran Tezolo is often attacked by terrible miasma. It can be said to have suffered heavy losses and made people panic. Except for some brave guys and the self-esteem Celestial Dragons, not many people dare to board this ship again. Gambling boat gambling.

Fortunately, Tezolo's business is not limited to the huge gambling ship Guran Tezolo, otherwise it is estimated to be crazy.

And this guy tried to use Celestial Dragons' power to punish Germa, but unfortunately, Germa also "bribered" Celestial Dragons.

Naval Headquarters.

"Beasts Pirates..."

Momousagi, who was in the office of the crane staff, raised his eyebrows when he heard the news, and laughed a little jokingly: "That nasty kid has been dormant for so long, has he finally encountered a hard stubble?"

She doesn't have any good feelings about the rebellious little devil. Last time under the Red Line, she was so angry that she wanted to directly cut the opponent 0.

"Derma has been too peaceful in recent years, it is really a bit suspicious..."

The Tsuru staff nodded, stood up and frowned and said, "And the guy Vinsmoke·Iji got Dark Fruit's ability, and according to the information you said at the beginning, this guy can use Dark Fruit's ability to be as free as Aokiji on the sea. The action is obviously different from the record in the illustrated book, or it has exceeded the record in the illustrated book, which always makes me a little uneasy!"

"In this case, eldest sister, then this time, I can take the opportunity to learn about his strength." After closing the hair, Momousagi suggested: "Speaking of which, it has been close to three years that there has been no news of that guy. It's true. I don't know how far he has reached."

"Regardless of the result, the technological power of Germa is definitely not available to the lunatic Kaido of Beasts. I will go talk to Sengoku first!"


Totto Land sea area.

"Mama Mama, Iji..."

BIG-MOM rarely took the initiative to call Iji who is still on Juice Island, and smiled and asked: "Your brother has heard that he has been abused a little bit miserably, do you need help?"

It's rare to see this bastard kid deflated, and she feels very happy.

And there has been a conflict with Beasts Pirates, and the alliance between Germa and the BIG-MOM Pirates will be stronger.

"You seem to be gloating? BIG-MOM..."

3.7 Iji's face was calm, unmoved, and faintly said, "If it irritates me, I will take Smoky away, and then let her go and get rid of the trash fish in Beasts Pirates, and then go to Whitebeard's son. It's slaughtered!"

If something like that really happens, it is estimated that Whitebeard and Kaido will retaliate against the BIG-MOM Pirates at the same time, which is definitely enough to make Charlotte Linlin burn the head.

"Are you threatening my old lady? Brat!"

The expression imitated in the phone worm suddenly became terrifying, bloodshot eyes seemed to be staring at Iji, gritted his teeth.

"Don't put me on the Four Emperors shelf, this time you will have fun..."

"Maybe soon, Beasts Pirates will not only lose a lot, but it may also lose one of its three main forces!"


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