Five miles, four miles, three miles...

Darkness, accompanied by terror, continues to spread.

A large area of ​​the sea has completely turned into a dark ocean, and the waves are raging.

"Flood" QUEEN, Tezolo and other Beasts Pirates cadres all couldn't help feeling a little nervous. In contrast, it turned out to be "Drought" Jack still barely kept calm.

"It took so much effort to force me to come over, it's really hard for you!" The red figure wearing sunglasses and cloak walked unhurriedly.

It seemed as if a voice without emotion echoed on the surface of the sea.

The pirates of Beasts Pirates were sweating coldly, full of fear and anxiety.

"What are you doing in a daze, shoot Laozi!!!"

Jack had a ferocious face and a fierce gaze. He snatched the phone bug from QUEEN. He did not hesitate to directly order the fleet to attack, and at the same time yelled: "Don't be scared by a little devil, idiots, is this kind of guy comparable? Are you going to Kaido boss?"


"Yes, how can he compare to Master Kaido?"

"It must be an illusion, kill him!!!"

"Aim at him, ready to shoot!"

"TNND, blast him into a mess!"

Encouraged by Jack, many pirates yelled one after another, but at the same time they turned into anger.

On the nearly twenty pirate battleships, the pirates of Beasts Pirates began to operate one after another, adjusting the black muzzle, aiming at Wen 297 Smok Iji who came over from the sea.


Jack's flagship fired first!

"call out……"

A huge cannonball blasted towards Iji, who was still a kilometer away.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

As if it were a signal flare, the first round of test firing began, and then one after another huge naval guns began to fire, one after another huge shells roared out!


Darkness surged.

Directly soaring into the sky, one after another huge cannonballs plunged directly into the darkness.

There was no movement, no explosions sounded, which was strange and disturbing.

"The shell was swallowed by black smoke..."

"How is this going?"

Those pirates who had just recovered their morale couldn't help being stunned, and some couldn't believe it.

"Don't stop, let Laozi continue to attack!"

Holding a trembling phone worm, staring at the darkness surging ahead, Jack, with murderous eyes full of murderous intent, shouted brutally: "Don't be scared by the mere Devil Fruit ability!"

"This guy's abilities are so weird..." Holding a blood sickle, QUEEN frowned, her heart's anxiety spread, her complexion becoming solemn.

"Is it Logia?"

(abaa) There was fine sweat on Tezolo's forehead, and his fists clenched.

When Vinsmoke Niji said it earlier, they thought it was just a big talk.

But when I really face it, I know what kind of monster I might face!

"Immediately notify the guy from the'typhoon disaster' to come over, we are in big trouble!" Queen gritted her teeth and shouted directly to the cadres around her.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

A swarthy cannonball could not help pouring over.


The indifferent gaze suddenly stunned!

At this moment, the atmosphere seemed to be solidified among the electric light and flint.

The invisible wind pressure swept across, all those shells exploded in the air, the fire blazed into the sky, and the gunpowder smoke filled the sky.

The darkness kept surging and spreading. In the shocked gazes of Jack, Queen and others, it spread directly to the front row of pirate battleships, and it continued to rush towards the Guran Tezolo!


"How is this going?"

"The body is sinking constantly!"

"Help, Lord Jack..."

The pirates who were unavoidable on the pirate battleship, who were directly shrouded in darkness, screamed in horror. Because for a moment, the bodies of myself and others are sinking continuously, sinking into the darkness that makes the scalp numb.

He can’t fly, he doesn’t have the jumping ability to jump directly from the warship to the Guran Tezolo, and he doesn’t have the strong power to blast away the darkness directly, only to watch himself being swallowed by the darkness bit by bit. !

This is one of the terrible things about Dark Fruit!

"This bastard!!!"

Jack growled furiously, his murderous eyes flooded with murderous intent.

The two strangely shaped scimitars hung on his body were directly caught in his hands at some point.

He couldn't fly, and he wasn't sure if he stepped in the weird darkness, he would fall directly into the sea and be helpless at all.

"I'll test it out and see if I can stop that bastard!"

"Flood" QUEEN was a little bit lucky. At the beginning, the battleships lined up around the Guran Tezolo, a little far apart, so that the entire army would not be annihilated at once.


The whole body has changed, and the original beautiful face has changed.

The red lips became sharp, the eyes became sharp, and they were covered with fine hairs, a little more ugly and hideous, and huge golden fleshy wings emerged from behind.


Holding tightly the blood-stained sharp sickle, vibrating the metal wings shining with metallic luster, he faced Vinsmoke·Iji in front of him.

Among the three plagues, the second-ranked QUEEN is a Zoan, ancient species, and pterosaur form capable person!


The golden streamer was so fast that it burst into the darkness above the wave of darkness.

"Little handsome guy, I like you very much!"

An extremely sharp blood dripping sickle, slashed towards Iji from the air: "I don't know if your wailing will be very pleasant!!"

"Shoo, hoo..."

The sound of breaking through the air continued to scream.

One after another fierce slashes appeared, directly cutting through the atmosphere, sweeping like a hurricane, and people couldn't help but feel a little scalp numb.

It seems that the name of the flood is not true, and the wind disaster is more suitable for her!

However, the title of "Three Disasters" under Kaido's command has little to do with their abilities, but with their style of behavior.

Just like "Drought" Jack, inferring from ability alone, mammoths have nothing to do with drought.

"Because I really like killing and the methods are quite cruel, blood flows in the rivers everywhere I go, and it is called'flood.' Compared to KING, wind disaster is more suitable for you..."

"So fast..."

As Queen’s pupils shrank sharply, at the moment when several slashes approached, Iji, who had been standing in the dark, turned into a bloody afterimage.


The feeling of Observation Haki made QUEEN's complexion change.

The extremely sharp sickle became pitch black as ink, and it slashed directly at Iji who was kicked like lightning.


The sound of Jintiejiaoge sounded!

The terrible kick was blocked by a sickle.

But that extremely powerful force made QUEEN's face changed drastically, her tiger's mouth was numb, and her sickle almost fell!


Iji grinned, making QUEEN a little surprised.

next moment--



Before she could react, violent kicks slammed into her abdomen, causing QUEEN's entire face to be distorted, flying straight out like a cannonball, and blasting towards the giant ship Guran Tezolo!


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