The top of the Red Line.

Holy land · Mariejois.

In the luxurious office lobby of Five Elders.

Not only was Five Elders present today, but there was also a blond man who appeared to be in his early thirties, sitting among them.

Five Elders sat on either side, as if they had become a foil for each other.

This is a man with long blond hair, very handsome, and not even inferior to Cavendish, the pirate nobleman, and only looks a bit more noble and mature than Cavendish. ,arrogant.

He is wearing a space suit that symbolizes the identity of Celestial Dragons, but he does not wear a bubble hood.

Behind the blond man, there was also a strong man in a suit and a mask.

The bulging muscles all over his body seemed to be full of unimaginable explosive power, giving people a rather weak sense of oppression.

The large telephone bug next to it projected the battle of the Guran Tezolo in the front.

It is clearly part of the video that Marine Marshal Sengoku and others have seen before the filming was interrupted.


The blazing slash appeared from the screen, and finally the projection suddenly went black and was interrupted directly.

"Is this the young monster of Djerma 66? It is amazingly strong!" The blond man said, but his voice was calm, not shocked, with a lofty arrogance.

"Jells Saint..."

Squinting his eyes for a while, the long Whitebeard old man said directly: "Don't underestimate him, Vinsmoke·Iji ate the most dangerous Logia Devil Fruit in history-Dark Fruit, and the ability is obviously far more than the simple description of the illustration... "

"Able to almost crush the Three Disasters, and even currently fighting the ‘Four Emperors’ beast Kaido, his strength is enough to attract the attention of the World government."

The blonde Five Elders nodded, somewhat serious.

They respect the power of the Anderson family, but they are not so humble. Obviously, the relationship between them is very delicate.

Among Celestial Dragons, the top three families of Anderson, Alexander, and Field are not very harmonious. The powers of each generation are full of competition with each other, but because of the ancient agreement between the world's nobles , They are all fairly restrained.

Five Elders belongs to the lower level of Celestial Dragons. It can be said that they are representatives elected by the nobles of the world to help them maintain the rule of the World government. However, to remove Five Elders must pass all Celestial Dragons voting meetings, and the number of votes needs to be more than half.

If the nobles of the world have any major decisions and opinions about the World government, the same is true.

As long as there is a collective vote with more than half of the family's support, Five Elders must be resolutely implemented.

But this also means that if Five Elders didn't make any big mistakes, even if the Anderson family, which is a very influential Celestial Dragons, had any opinions on them, it would be impossible to dismiss the five easily.

After all, there is a struggle where there are people, and Celestial Dragons are not monolithic.

This is the rule set by the twenty kings who founded the World government 800 years ago. While ensuring the supreme power and status of the world’s nobles, it will not allow certain incompetent people to overly influence and interfere with the decision-making of Five Elders. The existence of CP0 and the "Celesial Dragons Country" Treasure" is to a large extent to prevent a certain generation of Five Elders from breeding unnecessary ambitions in an attempt to evade the power of the world's nobles.

As the only eighteen Celestial Dragons families left, and the top three in power in the Anderson family, Five Elders will naturally consider the opinions and proposals of Jells Saint more carefully.

"Vinsmoke, Djerma..."

"I heard that three hundred years ago, for some reason, this family had a 66-day dream..." With his eyes raised slightly, Jells Saint didn't care about Five Elders' attitude, and asked indifferently: " So, what are you going to do with it?"

Five Elders, who was on crutches, said calmly: "Look at their attitude and performance first. If they really have the intention to invade North Blue, let Marine spare no effort to attack and remove the hidden danger of Germa in one fell swoop. ..."

"Didn't Derma propose to own his own land at every World Summit?"

With a birthmark on his forehead, the bald old man with a big beard crossed his hands, and said in a shameful manner: "When this incident is over, I will set up a few deserted islands in New World with no resources and close to the Four Emperors site for them. The name is just right. To expel this guy to New World, if they want to expand their territory or plunder more resources for development, they must face the Four Emperors directly, so that Germa will not really make trouble in North Blue in the future!"

".¨ If they really do it, just keep Germa for the time being and let them be early birds in New World..." The bald old man holding First Generation ghostly, raised his round glasses and said indifferently. "New World is too small to accommodate the fifth emperor. Whether it’s BIG-MOM or Kaido, they will never sit and watch Derma grow in New World, and Derma’s technology is even more impressive. Make them jealous, the future fate is already predictable..."

Obviously, Five Elders wanted to drive Germa into the New World and let it consume each other with Four Emperors.

Let this evil war organization enter the New World to make trouble, and then maybe the world government can find an opportunity to disintegrate the New World Four Emperors pattern.

Of course, it is impossible for them to really allow the Four Emperors to get the dangerous technological power of Djerma, and they will certainly give relative "support" and "benefits" to ensure that Djerma will not be destroyed easily or because of desperation. Turn to the Four Emperors' subordinates (good).

As for the evil organization of Germa who is unwilling to enter the New World and shrinks in North Blue, then only cleanly allows Marine to aggressively crusade and directly remove this potential threat.

The development of cloning technology in private by Djerma has already violated the ban of the World government.

Vinsmoke·Iji's strength may not be weak, and it deserves the attention of the World government, but no matter how strong it is, it will not make them so jealous.

After all, Marine is the well-deserved overlord of this sea.

If two or more Admiral, representing Marine’s highest combat power, are dispatched to lead an elite crusade of tens of thousands of Naval Headquarters, what if Vinsmoke·Iji is stronger?

Djerma 66 is no better than New World's Four Emperors, and there is no such combat power as the "Three Plagues" or the "Dessert Four Stars" under his command.


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