The first half of the Grand Line.

The terrain has been changed drastically, on the messy Cook Island.

"Blackbeard, are you going to stop us?"

The exaggerated rock giant stood there as if covering the sky, glaring at Blackbeard and the "Otoyoshi" Van Oka beside him.

Pika's extremely thin voice, coupled with that extremely exaggerated body shape, made people want to laugh.

"Hey haha, I promised that guy to take them away..."

Blackbeard Jiejie smiled strangely, walked to Luo's side, and faced Doflamingo in the sky: "If you kill Trafalgar Law, it would be troublesome for that bastard to get angry. I don't want to be the second drought."

He seemed to be afraid of Vinsmoke·Iji, but his tone was full of ridicule and a little veiled fear.


Abandoning the confrontation with Fujitora, more "Seven Nine Zero" Flamenco's face was gloomy, he pulled the silk thread directly, and quickly swept over.

Staring at Blackbeard badly, with a little suspicion, he frowned and asked: "The second ‘drought’, what do you mean?"

The killing intent in his eyes was boiling, and he didn't expect to suddenly stand in the way.

Originally, Vergo and the others were about to kill Luo, but something went wrong at this moment!

If it wasn't for Blackbeard's strength, Doflamingo really wanted to kill the bastard who came to stir up trouble.

"It looks like you still don't know anything?"

Van Oka, who was next to Blackbeard, carried a long gun, showing a little ridicule: "Not long ago, Jack the Drough and'Saiken' and many other cadres were killed by Vinsmoke Iji, and according to the guy Morgans It was revealed that the storm KING, flood Queen and others were seriously injured..."

"How can it be?"

"'Drought' Jack was killed?"

"Even QUEEN and KING are both..."

Vergo, Pika and even Doflamingo couldn't help but change their expressions!

"Is it Golden Lion, or the BIG-MOM Pirate Group?" Heavenly Yaksha, with his fist clenched, frowned and asked directly.

Early in the morning, there was news from the Guran Tezolo that the two sides had not yet started fighting head-on.

In such a short period of time, not only the "drought" Jack was killed by Vinsmoke·Iji, but also KING and QUEEN, as well as those cadres of the Beasts Pirates, who were savagely named.

In his opinion, Djerma alone cannot achieve this level.

It could only be the Golden Lion hiding in the dark, or the BIG-MOM pirate group's efforts to help Germa.

In this case, it is not surprising that Vinsmoke·Iji, who has the dangerous ability of Dark Fruit, can kill Jack the Drough while absolutely restraining the opponent's Devil Fruit ability.

"Golden Lion? BIG-MOM? You think too much..." Blackbeard raised his eyebrows with a bit of contempt.

Doflamingo's heart jumped, with an ominous premonition: "Is it?"

"The news I just got from Morgans is that Vinsmoke·Iji was the only one who fought Beasts Pirates from beginning to end. To be honest, I can't believe it..."

Looking at Doflamingo with deep gaze, Blackbeard's mouth sneered, with a pity: "If it weren't for the monster Kaido, the monsters finally arrived, I'm afraid the "Three Plagues" will be removed from the list in the future!"


The pupils of Heavenly Yaksha, Virgo and others shrank sharply, and they were all a little unbelievable.

"His Royal Highness, isn't it fighting the ‘Four Emperors’ Kaido?" Fujitora, who was rushing over, was also a little surprised.

Blackbeard is his own, of course he knows.

But what he didn't expect was that so many things happened in a short period of time.

Not only the "drought" Jack was killed, but even Kaido, the beast, appeared directly.

"At present, I only know that Iji is fighting against the beasts. Other circumstances are unknown..." Blackbeard shrugged. "But if you want to use the strength of this bastard, even if you can't beat the beast Kaido, you won't be able to retreat. problem!"

Doflamingo's face was gloomy, somewhat ugly.

The fist couldn't help but clenched directly, but he took the opportunity to see if Germa was unable to take care of him, and specifically came to chase and kill Luo.

If he succeeds directly, even if Vinsmoke·Iji is furious, as long as he makes the corresponding "compensation", it is unlikely that the other party will turn his face directly with him.

After all, Luo is his own subordinate. At first, Germa just took the opportunity to snatch it from his men, and he still had a lot of Master Germa handles in his hand.

Just let the World government know about the unknown relationship between Golden Lion and Germa in private, Doflamingo believes that this evil war organization will definitely usher in a ruthless and bloody crusade by the World government...

To clean up the traitors under his command, Doflamingo didn't think there was anything wrong with him.

but now……

If he failed to kill Luo, the trouble would be a bit big, and Djerma is obviously not that easy to talk about!

And Blackbeard didn't seem to be lying, and he was able to confirm it to Morgans, the president of the "World Economic Society" later.

Vinsmoke·Iji's sudden display of strength made him feel a little bit chill.

For a while, Doflamingo was in a dilemma.

Continuing to shoot, not only has the strength of Blackbeard added a daunting variable, but also Van Oka's ability he has heard of, being able to move in and out freely among non-living bodies, and Birdcage can't stop the opponent either.

"Hmm~~~ Blackbeard, I just want to get rid of the traitor..."

Doflamingo gritted his teeth and grinned, looking directly at Blackbeard, some of the shameless voices said: "If you have any conditions, you can just mention..."

Before he finished his words, his hairs stood up.

The whole person retreated like lightning, and swept directly into the sky.

The blue veins between the eyebrows violently, and some are full of hostility: "Fujitora, you got in the way!!"


The violent gravity directly flicked over.

The rock giant at the back, with no resistance at all, was instantly shattered!

"Over and over again, people who want to kill Germa in front of me, do you really treat me like 1.0? Doflamingo..." Accompanied by Fujitora's angry voice, unparalleled gravity, in an instant Broke out.


The space within a few miles seemed to be directly frozen, and the earth trembled violently.

Because of the previous fierce battle, some of the dilapidated ground began to crack apart.


One after another boulders, as if losing gravity, rose directly into the sky, densely packed, and in a blink of an eye the entire sky became gloomy...

"damn it!"

"This level is unavoidable..."

Vergo and Pika broke out in a cold sweat, and even Doflamingo couldn't help but look ugly.

"I would like to see who killed whom today!" Fujitora was thoroughly enraged, and his tone was full of murderous intent...


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