
He was red and full of smoke.


The body grew in a circle, the whole person suddenly became quite sturdy, and the green bull, whose clothes were about to burst, stepped on the Moonwalk to stay in the air, and suddenly punched and shook the beast Kaido, who became violent.


Layers of air ripples, constantly raging, and the sea roars!


Scarlet brilliance flashed.


Iji's fierce kick instantly tore the atmosphere and directly hit Kaido's eyes.

Had it not been for the beast Kaido's Observation Haki was strong enough, he closed his eyes tightly, I was afraid that his eyeballs would be kicked to pieces by Iji mercilessly!

The beast Kaido flew upside down, his exaggerated body slammed into the sea, splashing countless water splashes.

"It's Laozi to death! Damn it's brat!"

The fierce breath couldn't help raging, and Kaido the beasts couldn't help roaring.

"Does this only make him feel the pain?" Squinting his eyes, Iji couldn't help feeling a little frightened: "This monster!!"

You know, he specifically picked the beast Kaido's weakest defensive power to attack, but he didn't expect even a drop of blood to flow out.

If you change to other giants, your eyes will burst, and Kaido, the beast, is still like a okay person.

But for Iji, the better Kaido is, the more he wants to get this guy's blood sample.

With such an exaggerated physique, it is no wonder that not only is it okay not only to fall from tens of thousands of meters in the air, but also to "soak in hot springs" directly in the magma.


Shocking collision

Let the sea boil, and the waves surging into the sky, as if the end is coming.

The Sea Kings in the nearby waters were all frightened and fled in a hurry, far away from this sea.


The terrible red and black lightning flashed across the atmosphere.

Like blazing electric snakes, they danced wildly, covering almost the entire island. The horrible collision of momentum makes people shocked and inexplicable.

"Pop, pop..."

The sound of breaking through the air screamed, and the green bull stomped on the atmosphere and rushed to it.

"Damn it guy!!!"

Kaido, the beast who was fighting against Vinsmoke·Iji, was furious, and directly shook his exaggerated fist, instantly tearing the atmosphere, and slamming behind him.


The body was red and there was a faintly green figure, that wrapped around Haki's fist, rubbing the atmosphere, and once again collided with the dark iron fist!


The violent air current raged, and the waves couldn't help beating, rolling in all directions.

The huge body of Kaido, the beast, fell to the sea, before Iji took the opportunity to launch the second round of offensive.

A sharp sound of breaking through the air sounded.

A dazzling laser beam bursts from afar!


The blazing explosion appeared.

The white smoke was filled, and the air wave rippled.

The dazzling golden light swept across, condensing the wretched yellow figure.

"come yet?"

Iji raised an eyebrow.

He has been secretly observing the ability of Green Bull.

Three Admiral, the only one with high explosive physical skills.

As powerful as an ox, you can use this state to fight head-to-head with Kaido, no wonder it is called "Green Bull"!

The power under normal conditions can be comparable to Kaido, the beast that has not yet raged, most of which are special abilities such as strengthening power.

Perhaps if you want to exert greater strength, the change in body shape may be even greater than it is now.

But the stronger the force, the greater the limit!

Green Bull maintains its current state, the consumption is definitely not small, and it is impossible to maintain it all the time. If he tries to exert a stronger force, he believes that the load on the body is definitely more exaggerated, and the cost is definitely not small.

I have to say that as the three Admiral representing the highest combat power of Naval Headquarters, none of them can be underestimated.

At the beginning, Iji and others were able to kill Akainu before Aokiji arrived, largely because Akainu's abilities could not be fully utilized in the air, and the combat power was quite limited.

"Are you annoying monkey again, tickling Laozi?" Kaido, the beast rushed out of the sea, rolling up a lot of spray.

Without even thinking about it, the huge fist slammed into Kizaru who was in the air.



Kizaru didn't fight hard with the other party at all, the whole person was directly elementalized, and he moved out sideways.

Under the brown lenses, his eyes were playful, and he joked slightly: "It's terrible, Kaido, Beast!"

But the movement was not slow at all, as the light flickered, it had already swept behind Kaido, the beast.

"call out!"

The golden light was dazzling.

A violent flash kick, violently kicked towards the huge back of the head!

at the same time.


The blood-colored light suddenly appeared.

A blood-colored figure slid in front of Kaido from the beast Kaido.

With a sneer at the corner of his mouth, Iji, who looked at the opportunity, covered Haki with his right leg, so violent that he tore the atmosphere, once again blasted Kaido's eyes...

"Boom (bang)!!!"

The extremely terrifying kicks, almost at the same time, hit Kaido, the beast!

Exaggerated air waves rolled wildly, surging surging waves.

"These two guys..."

All the Green Bull had to retreat.

He had to admit that Kizaru and Iji worked together perfectly.


Accompanied by an anguished roar, Hong Zhongdalu couldn't help spreading, deafening, full of ferocity and rage, and people couldn't help but feel a little inexplicable.

A shocking stream of blood flowed from Kaido's right eye.

Darkness permeated, and immediately drowned it.

".¨ Get it!!"

"Damn it's kid! Laozi must tear you apart!!"

The pitch-black fist seemed to crush the atmosphere, carrying Kaido's intense anger and murderous intent, and slammed over!


The darkness engulfed the blood of the beasts and retreated like lightning.


Kaido's angry punch hit his cheek directly, making people feel pain when looking at it.

"Get off for me, Kaido!!!" The green bull rushed forward.

The muscles tensed, and his black fists slammed into the head of the beast Kaido, blasting it into the sea! !


The sea boiled, and the huge waves splashed, shocking indescribably.

"Tsk tsk, it's cruel enough..."

Kizaru looked at Iji, who was full of darkness, his demonic wings vibrating, and Iji who was stuck in the air, his eyes were a bit playful and judging.

"Next, let's play slowly with the two of you, I won't accompany you if I have something to do!"

Iji smiled abruptly and weird, and the whole person turned into a black streamer, wanting to rush to the sky!

He got the blood sample he wanted, and he didn't want to completely expose his strength and hole cards, so he was not stupid enough to stay here and smash with all the beasts.

"This little brother of Germa..."

A golden light flashed, and Kizaru who appeared in front of Iji smiled and said, "We are involved in such a big trouble, do you want to take the opportunity to get out? It's not good!"

I don't know if it was intentional, the whole body was shining with a dazzling light, making people subconsciously close their eyes.

"It's a bit dazzling..."

Iji, who had been prepared for a long time, sneered.

"It's Marine's duty to destroy the pirates, isn't it? Polusalino Admiral, what do you want to do? Logically speaking, I should be the one you need to'protect'!"

The dark right hand aimed at Kizaru ahead, and Uzumaki faintly said: "Dark water!!"


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