Time is rushing.

In the waters of North Blue Stros.

Djerma’s "headquarters" is docked here.

More than fifty or sixty war houses are combined into huge towns, like small independent kingdoms.

I don't know when, marine surveillance ships appeared in the waters around the Djerma battleship_ group.

"Report!!! The War House of Djerma has begun to separate..." The watchman on the monitoring ship noticed the movement of Djerma's battleship group through a single-scope.

"Continue to monitor!" Rear Admiral Rocco of Naval Headquarters was sent over to monitor the Djerma battleship and report the situation to it at all times.

For Five Elders, Djerma is obviously worthy of attention and is a dangerous and unstable element.

Not to mention, once this evil war organization is unwilling to withdraw from North Blue, it must send a large number of elites, and it is even possible to dispatch two or more of the highest combat forces to eliminate the Marine of Djerma with all its strength.

To some extent, the threat level of Germa 66 is not far behind the Four Emperors of New World.

"Crack, crack..."

The huge "kingdom" disintegrated directly.

One huge war house after another, kept separating.

The giant sea Katsuyu that was sleeping has stuck out his head one after another, and arranged in an orderly "three-three" formation.

Dozens of huge war houses are full of shock.

"Attention all ships, immediately set off for New World. If you find that Marine is trying to follow the surveillance, you will directly bombard and warn!"

"Repeat, all ships pay attention..."

Under the supervision of Marine.

The huge war houses were carried by the giant sea Katsuyu, and they couldn't help rushing in the direction of New World.

"Boom... boom..."

Fierce shells poured out on the sea.

At the same time as the fire blazed into the sky, large swaths of water exploded and rained down.

Originally, several Marine surveillance ships attempted to follow behind, but they were directly warned by the shelling from Djerma.


Naval Headquarters, Marineford.

Inside the marshal's office.

"Marshal Sengoku, there is news from North Blue that Djerma's war house has begun to separate and is heading towards New World, but it has not yet been determined whether its destination is New World or not." Brannew was at work. At the table, he reported loudly to Sengoku of Marine Marshal Buddha.

"Just dispatched so soon?"

The Tsuru staff sitting in front of Sengoku couldn't help raising his eyebrows, a little surprised.

The World government wants to force Germa into the New World, so that it has to consume each other with the pirates, and they are more in favor.

Although it is unknown whether Germa will enter the New World or not, this evil war organization must be suppressed and must not be allowed to develop.

Since the formation of the Four Emperors pattern, New World has been unable to accommodate the fifth emperor. Unless Germa can pull down one of the Four Emperors and replace it, sooner or later the future will be crushed by the powerful Four Emperors.

Vinsmoke·Iji alone obviously couldn't make the Four Emperors afraid to make a move, not to mention that the technological power of Djerma was really eye-catching.

But the Four Emperors of New World, if they are so easy to be pulled off the horse, they are not Four Emperors.

Even the Naval Headquarters has already begun pre-war mobilization, ready to dispatch more than tens of thousands of elites and the two highest Marines.

Once Germa is unwilling to enter the New World, then Marine will be a full crusade.

At the same time, he wanted to put great pressure on Germa, forcing this evil force to make the choice to go to New World.

Unexpectedly, Germa was dispatched by himself, which was something Sengoku and Tsuru hadn't expected.

"It's a bit too abnormal..."

Crane Vice Admiral's wrinkled old face frowned, and said, "No matter how much Vinsmoke Iji fears the World government, he can deliberately stir the nerves of the World government, right? "

If you change to another force, even if you dare not directly go to war with the behemoth of World government, you will not be subdued like this, let alone an evil war organization like Deerma.

"Forgot to tell you. There was news from the World government this morning. The previous commander of Djerma 66, Vinsmoke·Iji’s father, Vinsmoke·Judge, opened his mouth and asked the World government to support a large amount of arms and supplies. Five Elders has promised him."

With a sigh, Sengoku said solemnly, "I think it should be Germa making a compromise with the World government."

Five Elders was clearly slapped and gave a sweet date, not only wanted to drive Germa out of North Blue, but also not to directly drive this evil war organization into a desperate situation, and come to death.

· ··Seeking flowers········

After all, even if Marine dispatched two or more Marine Admirals and led a large number of elite crusades, the loss would inevitably not be too small.

It's just that the arms and materials that the World government promised to support are too large, and Sengoku can't help but feel a little painful and aggrieved.

"So it's like this..."

Staff Crane nodded, she could understand what Five Elders did.

The first thing World government needs is balance!

If Marine does go to war with Germa, let alone the loss.

Just if there is any remaining power in Germa to escape from the encirclement of Marine, it is very likely that they will jump over the wall and take refuge in the Four Emperors of New World, which the World government does not want to see.

.. .... .......

It’s just that the threat level of Djerma is getting bigger and bigger. The World government can no longer tolerate it. It wants to force this evil organization to enter the New World and consume each other with the pirates. Moreover, the islands given to Djerma by the World government are quite similar. Those who are close to the G-5 branch can completely restrict the development of this evil organization, while at the same time be able to put it under surveillance.

If it really doesn't work, you can only plan for the worst and let Marine spare no effort to eliminate it.

"Can't give up children, can't catch wolves..."

Sengoku rubbed his eyebrows and said helplessly: "If there is a real frontal war with Germa, Marine's casualties will never be too small, and if you want to minimize the loss, you need to prepare a lot of anti-virus suits and Gas masks, to be honest, Marine does not have such a large reserve at all."

In private, Germa 66 absolutely reserves a large amount of gas bombs. If you don't want to lose too much, you must provide Marine personnel with anti-virus suits and other equipment.

Controlling military expenditures can be said to be one of the effective means for the ruler to ensure that the military cannot easily get out of control.

The World government has always been tighter on Marine's military expenditures, and has never been willing to give an extra point.

Under normal circumstances, it is of course impossible for Naval Headquarters to use the extremely scarce military expenditure to produce anti-virus equipment that is rarely used in ordinary times. To be honest, the inventory in the headquarters is not much.

Even because it has been stored for too long, a considerable part of it may have been damaged and cannot be used.


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