Just when Sengoku urgently called a meeting of generals.

On the top of the Red Line, the holy place Mariejois, there is a large aquarium-like fish tank, and a spacious and luxurious large office hall.

The Five Elders, who were sitting on the side each other, looked a little gloomy.

Letting the woman from BIG-MOM lead by the nose undoubtedly made them a little angry.

But this is indeed a rare opportunity. Maybe it can take this to solve the Whitebeard pirate group, disintegrate the Four Emperors of New World, and open up the situation for Marine's future conquest in New World.

In other words, even in the public execution of Fire Fist Ace, the Whitebeard Pirates were not attracted.

On the contrary, it is more able to embody the power of Marine’s “righteousness”. As long as the Whitebeard pirates are hyped up because of the fear of Marine’s strength and the World government’s strong Yamato force, it will also be enough to deter the pirates who continue to make troubles on the sea and those who are not. May "one two seven" rest in peace, the guys who want to go out to sea as pirates.

Moreover, after the war, the World government can undoubtedly have sufficient excuses and reasons to carry out a major exchange for Marine and speed up the process of its reorganization.

Most importantly, news came from CP.

According to the records of the Whitebeard Pirates' secret purchase of medicines and medical equipment, it is speculated that Edward Newgate, the "world's strongest man", is deteriorating.

Because of being too careful, CP caught a few clues and exposed the fact that Whitebeard's physical condition was declining.

If Whitebeard's body is really about to collapse, working on it at this time will undoubtedly be able to achieve the greatest results at the least cost!

Based on their knowledge of Whitebeard, this eager guy who cares for the calf will probably be attracted to Naval Headquarters to save people.

"I didn't expect that'Fire Fist' Ace was actually captured by the BIG-MOM Pirates. That crazy woman is really bold enough..."

Five Elders, the flat hat with a cane, looked a little cold.

As the supreme power controller of the World government, even the Naval Headquarters Marshal Sengoku and the World government military commander Kong must treat them with respect. Even in the face of the Celestial Dragons of the world, they do not need to be solemn, and they will be led by a mere female stream. The nose is off, of course a bit uncomfortable.

"Marine is a well-deserved overlord of the sea. Neither the Whitebeard Pirates, the most powerful in the New World, nor the other Four Emperors can compete. There is no doubt about this..."

Sitting there with his legs crossed, the blonde Five Elders frowned and said: "Charlotte Linlin tried to provoke the war between Marine and the Whitebeard Pirates. She wanted to take the opportunity to get rid of Whitebeard, who stopped in front of the throne, but was unwilling to climb to the top and died. The opponent who blocked there, grabbed the territory under his command!"

"If it weren't for the CP to find out that Whitebeard's physical condition is very bad, it may even be more than half of it collapsed. It is inferred that it is far from being able to display the strength of the peak period. It is a rare opportunity to promote the power of the World government and take the opportunity to frighten the sea..." The bald old man with a big moustache narrowed his eyes slightly, and was a little gloomy: "Let this self-righteous woman face Whitebeard's anger on her own."

"BIG-MOM is so courageous. If you dare to directly attack the'Fire Fist' Ace, you must have sufficient confidence. Perhaps she has already known that Whitebeard's physical condition is getting worse and worse..." Five Elders of the long Whitebeard, Pour a cup of fragrant tea, and said unhurriedly.

After all, they are the five people who control the highest authority of the world government. Of course, it is impossible for them to be at home, and they quickly recovered their minds.

Being able to climb to the present position is enough to show their skills and abilities.

Naturally, it is clear that anger will only make them irrational and make wrong decisions, and it will not solve the problem.

"This account will be settled with that woman slowly from now on..."

Taking care of the love knife, the bald Five Elders wearing glasses, the eyes under the lenses are a bit sharp: "In contrast, I am a little worried about the remnants of Red Hair Pirates and Roger Pirates, but it is impossible to miss it. In this way, there is a great chance to get rid of the Whitebeard Pirates directly..."

"The blood of Roger One Piece has been publicly executed. The red-haired Four Emperors who once came from the Roger Pirates and worked as a trainee crew, and the remnants of the Roger Pirates who have disappeared for many years, are indeed very likely to emerge... "

When the other Five Elders heard the words, their expressions were a bit solemn.

They have not considered this point, but the World government will not give up the execution of Ace Huoquan because of fear of the Red Hair Pirates and Roger Pirates remnants, and will not take the opportunity to get rid of Whitebeard whose body is deteriorating. It's hard to have such an opportunity.

After all, the Whitebeard pirate group is a pirate. If you don't want to fight with Marine head-on to the end, such a huge power can't be solved if you want to solve it.

Once an uncontrollable all-out war occurs in the future, it will undoubtedly be more troublesome...

"The Whitebeard Pirates will be handed over to Naval Headquarters. If the remnants of the Roger Pirates and Red Hair Pirates appear, let Kong lead the Holy Land garrison to support them. This is also a rare opportunity to promote the power of the government to the world..."


In the second half of New World, in a certain sea area.

Dozens of pirate ships, forming a huge pirate fleet, lay across the sea.

The black and oppressive piece of the sea is like a huge swallowing behemoth, giving people a sense of oppression oncoming.

"Damn BIG-MOM!"

"Unexpectedly, it was the crazy woman who took Ace and gave it to Marine..."

"Damn it! The execution time is half a month later. Is this trying to provoke a war between our Whitebeard Pirates and Naval Headquarters?"

"Never forgive them easily!"


The group of Whitebeard Pirates was full of anger and anger, and they couldn't help gnashing their teeth.

No one thought that it was the woman from BIG-MOM who captured the second team captain "Fire Fist" Ace of their Whitebeard Pirates, and delivered it directly to Marine.

The woman of BIG-MOM, obviously had already calculated it, and wanted the Whitebeard Pirates to have a war with Naval Headquarters.

"Fools, don't make a noise!"

With infusion tubes plugged in many places, Whitebeard sat on the throne, his expression calm.

But everyone knows that the world's strongest man is already extremely angry, just like the crater 2.3 that is about to erupt.

"The most important thing at the moment is to prepare to rescue Ace with all my strength and prevent Naval Headquarters from being executed..."

Whitebeard Edward Newgate stood up with a pheasant in his hand, his tall and mighty body was full of mighty aura, and said in anger: "BIG-MOM woman, Laozi will settle accounts with her slowly afterwards!"

If he still maintains his peak strength, he wouldn’t want to kill the BIG-MOM woman directly, but now his physical condition is very clear to Whitebeard. When the women fight, it will inevitably be difficult to maintain a better condition to save Ace.

Moreover, Ace's execution time was half a month later, and not much time was left for them.

"Father, someone from Red Hair Pirates is here to negotiate!"


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