
The earth is constantly being destroyed.

Alec Frey was covered in blood, and the whole person was directly blasted into the distance by the shock wave.

If it hadn't been for Observation Haki to sense that his breath was still there, he would really mistakenly think that this guy might die directly.

Being able to become the military marshal of the Kingdom of Prussia, and known as the "Military God", even if the strength of Alec Frey is not as good as his father, it obviously does not mean that he is weak and vulnerable.


Jared, whose eyes were torn apart, Senhan's dark blue blade, slashed at Iji!

First, the whole family was destroyed in an instant, and then when he saw his son be beaten like that, how could he turn a blind eye.


Faintly, sparks are splashing everywhere.

The right leg covered with Haki and the dark armor directly blocked the terrifying blade that also blessed Haki.

But the extremely sturdy dark armor was hacked by the sharp supreme sword, allowing Iji to see the sharpness of the supreme sword and the strength of the swordsman Jared.

"Damn it!" Jared tried to suppress his anger, keeping himself calm.

As a swordsman, when facing a strong enemy, losing his mind because of anger is undoubtedly speeding up his own death.

"It's worthy of being a famous swordsman in North Blue. It's no wonder someone calls you a Prussian swordsman. Your strength is indeed worthy of this sword..." Looking at 13, there was some fine sweat on his head, and his breathing rate was obviously accelerated. Jared, Iji sneered: "Unfortunately you are old after all, how long can you last?"

The voice just fell.

The right fist lifted sharply, and the biceps jumped inexplicably.

"Om——" The white halo appeared, and it blasted out directly!

Jared, who has experienced how powerful Shock Fruit is, he violently retreated without even thinking about it.

"Om rumbling..." The incomparable shock wave rolled out, continuously destroying everything in front of him, and blasted straight towards Jared, at an astonishing speed.

"Even if there is only a moment left in his life, the old man will never spare you this damn bastard easily!" Jared sipped, his anger in his heart turned into motivation, his eyes became harsh, sharp, and cold.

The sharp Onimaru Kunitsuna rushed out directly.

The blazing sword light cut through the atmosphere and directly faced the terrible shock wave!


There was a loud noise.

The two are constantly impacting and colliding, and no one is willing to give in!

"Woohoooo..." The air waves visible to the naked eye continue to ripple and raging, making people unable to open their eyes.

"Damn it! Vinsmoke· Iji!"

Alec Frey, covered in blood, didn't know when the change happened.

His face became hideous, he had a sharp long beak, his hands became sharp claws, and there were wings behind him, and he flew up directly.

Wrapped around Haki's blade, directly cut out a fierce slash in the air!

"Boom!!!", "Boom!!!"...

The whole land is constantly being destroyed and collapsed.

One after another fierce sword auras violently collided with violent shock waves from time to time.



The violent and unmatched air current constantly impacted.

Some exaggerated cracks continued to spread one after another, spreading in all directions.

Naturally, it is impossible to hide such a huge movement on the outskirts of the capital.

"Such movement..."

"What happened?"

"It's the direction of the Alec family, go over and take a look..."

Those strong in the royal capital couldn't help but their complexion changed drastically, and they all rushed out.

For a powerful country like the North Blue Prussian Kingdom, the world government has always focused on it. It is impossible for a place like the capital to have intelligence personnel lurking. The all-pervasive CP agent did not dare to have the slightest procrastination and directly reported to the World government.


Far in the first half of New World.

Adjacent to the G-1 branch fortress under the Red Line, the temporary center of the World government.

Five Elders who got the report were all a little frightened!


"Damn it, Vinsmoke·Iji, that bastard, he's unscrupulous!!!"

The huge tea table was shot directly to pieces. Five Elders, a big-character Hu with a grumpy temper and a birthmark on his forehead, looked furious after learning the news.

To be honest, whether it was the five of them or those Celestials, after learning about Garp's planting process in Vinsmoke·Iji's hands from Naval Headquarters, they already had a strong fear of this monster of Djerma.

Controlling the supreme power in the World government, they certainly don't want to fight each other personally if it is not necessary.

And because the two sides of Five Elders and Celestial Dragons can no longer maintain trust at all, there are big differences in opinions about how much combat power their respective camps will use to suppress Germa, and they are mutually vigilant and defensive.

No one hopes that there will be any accidents when the time comes, and the power under his control has been lost too much.

However, if the World government has insufficient combat power to form an absolute advantage, it will be impossible to directly and effectively suppress Djerma!

At most, it can only be like the Four Emperors that suppressed New World.

Not to mention the annihilation of the forces that severely exceeded the level of danger of New World Four Emperors.

In this case, they naturally hit their attention on those kingdoms, and they did not move for a long time. Apart from other reasons, they did not mean to put pressure on the North Blue nations.

Some powers in North Blue are not weak.

If these guys are willing to contribute, and then add the power of the world's recruitment and recruitment, as well as the strength of the military and CP, then naturally they will be more confident.

But the plan couldn't keep up with the changes.

Vinsmoke·Iji had obviously thought of this.

He actually walked around the back of the North Blue Governor's Mansion and appeared directly in the Kingdom of Prussia.

"Fernandi III of the Kingdom of Prussia asked Admiral Kizaru to immediately assist them against Vinsmoke·Iji..."

"Mostly too late, Alec Jared is indeed very strong, but after all he is old... His son Alec Frey is still a little worse even if he is called a military god... And even if it is really Kizaru. When I arrived there, I was afraid that it might not be able to stop him. That guy has always done nothing to do things..."

The blonde Five Elders standing beside loosened his collar, a little angry and helpless, and exhaled: "Of course, we still have to let Kizaru pass and show the attitude of the world government!"

The guy who could almost kill the Marine hero Garp with one punch really broke out, it was impossible to stop it.

And the guy Kizaru is too sleek and his character is unpredictable.

447 is not like the original Akainu and Aokiji, it is not at all like the type that is willing to work hard for other people.

"The most important thing is that Kizaru must immediately arrange the evacuation of Marine from the Governor's Mansion in North Blue. It is important to ensure the personal safety of the kings and royal families who are going to participate in the World Summit..."

The long Whitebeard's Five Elders looked gloomy and frowned, and said solemnly, "I'm worried that Vinsmoke·Iji will ruin the place directly by the time!"

If the kings and royal families who are preparing to participate in the World Summit are killed, the credibility of the World government will suffer a huge loss.

"Shock Fruit's ability is really a big trouble!"

Five Elders, who was holding First Generation ghostly, looked a little gloomy.

Shock Fruit's ability, known as the power to destroy the world, is indeed daunting.

A sea quake was directly launched in an instant, and a huge tsunami could be directly triggered in an instant. Without the power of Aokiji's frozen fruit, no matter how large a fleet the World government can organize for a full-scale crusade, it directly loses its meaning.

Even every military fortress of the World government in North Blue faces the danger of being destroyed at any time.

If it weren’t for the ambition of Djerma, it would directly shake the foundation of the World government, they would really like to treat the New World Four Emperors, or Seven Warlords of the Sea, to temporarily appease the guy Vinsmoke·Iji.

"Don't delay any longer, you must notify the other great kingdoms immediately..."

Five Elders with a flat hat leaned on a cane, poked the solid floor, and suddenly said: "I think Vinsmoke·Iji has probably sent other strong men to other North Blue powers to attack and kill those strong in the kingdom!"


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