

The atmosphere is like glass smashed by violence, with fine cracks spreading without any rules.

"Wow..." Polusalino's elementalization was directly interrupted, his body seemed to be torn apart with the atmosphere, his entire face was distorted, the binocular drama protruded, and he couldn't help but vomit blood.

Furiously staring at the blood red figure in front of him.


The ground shook violently.

One after another, shocking cracks appeared one after another.

Those powerhouses in the Prussian Kingdom who didn't know Moonwalk at all, even some were directly swallowed by the bottomless giant cracks, and directly screamed desperately.

Even the entire royal city has a strong sense of shock.

The towering and sturdy city wall near the outskirts was swallowed by cracks and directly collapsed. Those citizens in the city who had not yet been able to evacuate in the future were directly smashed and battered.


Kizaru, who was about to fly out in the darkness, was dragged by the terrible gravity.

"Vinsmoke·Iji!" His whole body was erected, and he noticed a great crisis, and Polusalino's complexion changed drastically!

He didn't expect it, just so little carelessness, that Vinsmoke·Iji was caught with a chance.

Without thinking about it, Haki was covered all over his body, and at the same time he slammed his fist at Iji in front of him.

"Bang!!!", "Bang!!!"

However, Iji didn't evade at all, letting him attack with his fists.

"Your Haki cultivation base is really not good!" The armor of the dark blessing Haki was cracked by Kizaru.


Between the electric light and the flint, the terrible darkness couldn't help being rolled from Iji's body.

Turned into one after another dark spears that made the scalp numb, they all shot out like Lion Majesty.

"Bang bang bang..." Numerous twists around Haki's spikes directly pierced Kizaru's whole person, who was impossible to avoid, immediately pierced with blood, breaking through his Armament Haki's defenses.


Kizaru, who had turned into a blood man, screamed again.

But the dignified Marine Admiral's Haki cultivation level, of course, can't really be as unbearable as Iji said, after all, there is no way to directly pierce its vitals.

"Bang!!!" The fatal crisis caused Kizaru to explode with a powerful force and directly struggled to get rid of the dark contact.

The whole person instantly turned into a golden light.

The ability of Logia·Sparkling fruit really gives it a great innate advantage.

If it weren't too careless, it was impossible to attack him before.


Not yet waiting Iji uses dark gravity to stop it.

"Vinsmoke·Iji!!!" At this moment, the blood-covered figure suddenly jumped from the ground and slashed at Iji, screaming like losing his mind.

The bloody sword covered Haki, as if it was really a sharp sword!

"Annoying bugs, don't you just die obediently?" With a cold gaze, Iji's right leg condensed a halo and stepped on Jared fiercely!


The violent shock wave directly overwhelmed Jared!

Ruthlessly blasted it into the ground.

"Om rumbling..." The huge impact visible to the naked eye continued to spread and spread, and the ground continued to collapse and collapse!

The sky is full of smoke and dust, and the incomparable air current can't help but raging, making people a little bit unable to open their eyes.

But Kizaru has disappeared!

Iji was left alone in the air.

"Huh, how fast we escaped!"

Just coldly hum a% sound.

Iji wasn't disappointed, he didn't expect to keep him.

Being able to take advantage of the sleek and cautious guy's carelessness, it's good to yin the other party once. Imagine like the last time Aokiji was attacked and killed at Naval Headquarters, it is impossible to keep this guy too.

Kizaru is obviously not a character who will fight him desperately for justice. In truth, this guy is the most difficult one of the original Marine III Admiral.

If it weren't for Dark Fruit's ability to have a certain degree of restraint, it would be impossible to seriously hurt the opponent.

But a monster is a monster, even if it is not easy to be attacked by him one after another, it still has terrible power.


The blood-colored figure appeared directly in the huge pit below, stepping on Jared, who was dripping with blood, and only half of his breath remained.

"Asshole! I'm going to kill you!"

Jared growled weakly, glaring at Iji with resentment, trying to struggle.

"Swipe!" The right hand stretched out, and the dark Uzumaki turned around.

The weird gravitational force directly sucked the Onimaru Kokuzuna hundreds of meters away.

"This supreme knife, I will accept it!"

The faint blue sword, with a strange pattern, shining with a palpitating cold light, directly pierced...

On a certain sea area.

The golden streamer flashed across the sky.

Kizaru, who was covered in blood, couldn't help flying by at speed.

". 々 Cough cough..." The wound on his body had stopped the blood, but he coughed up a mouthful of blood.

Obviously, whether it was Iji's terrifying punch with the ability to carry Shock Fruit, or the attack by countless dark spears that almost turned him into a hedgehog, the injury was really serious!

He really hurt his internal organs.

Iji is not Whitebeard who is seriously wounded and dying, and the battle with Alec and his son is not so exhausting. Even if the violent state that forcibly stimulates his potential is not activated, a ruthless blow is not so pleasant.

"Vinsmoke·Iji, cough~~~cough~~~" The Bloodline was wiped off, and Kizaru's eyes were full of fear.

I took out the phone worm and called Five Elders directly: "Your Excellency Five Elders, this is Polusalino..."

"Kizaru, how is the situation?"

In the phone bug, the expression of the long whitebeard old man was imitated, somewhat serious.

"Alec Jared and Alec Frey have been killed by him. Even myself (Zhao's Zhao) was seriously injured by the guy Vinsmoke·Iji. I almost confessed there..." Kizaru Some wry smile said: "Ah~~~ah~~~, I'm on my way home now, intending to prevent Fernandi III from returning to China!"


Five Elders all lost their voice.

With Kizaru's exaggerated speed and his always cautious and slippery character, he was seriously injured by the opponent, which is incredible.

"Then you immediately take Fernandi III to evacuate the sea. I guess Vinsmoke·Iji's% unscrupulous bastard will probably attack the North Blue Governor's Mansion..." The chief Whitebeard Five Elders sank and said decisively. : "As of now, you don't have to forcefully stop it, save your power first!"

As the only one remaining in Marine, compared to the highly qualified Marine Admiral, who is directly promoted by the World Conscription, Kizaru is the next Marine Marshal candidate. If something happens again, I am afraid that Marine will really become a mess. Mission.


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