One Piece: The Crown of Guilt

Chapter 415 The decision of the Revolutionary Army

North Blue.

Wadeseli Sea, Nikkor Island.

Here, it was originally the 145 branch of Marine, but it has been occupied by Djerma.

Because of the arrival of Marine Admiral Kizaru, he personally sits in the North Blue Governor's Mansion, and the speed of action here is not slow.

The main battlefield is where the resistance is weak, away from Mariejois, and towards the entrance of the Grand Line. Yuji and Weibull-they are in charge.

Djerma’s original plan was to take down most of the North Blue as quickly as possible.

"One of the ten niwas of the supreme knives, this is a rare thing."

Niji took the supreme big knife Onimaru Kokuzuna from Iji's hand, and observed it with great interest, and directly commented: "It is the rustic name that is really not good!

"Cang Na Du"

The magnificent scabbard and handle are inlaid with several gems of different colors.

The whole body is faint blue, with scribbled T-shaped lines, and the sword body is wide with three fingers, and the sharpness makes the heart palpitating, and it looks a little strange.

As if humming, resisting Niji.

"This is the famous sword that countless swordsmen desire most. There are only twelve in the world, but a few have been lost in history and their whereabouts are unknown."

Fujitora's eyes were a bit fierce, but knew that this knife could not be given to herself.

With his current strength, only Qiu Shui, the top-ranked Dao Qiu Shui, was enough.

"Sit down!"

Calmly sat on the main seat and gestured to Niji and Fujitora. Iji said directly: "The war here has been slowed down beforehand, and the World government will probably be ready to start the action."

"His Royal Highness, shall we retreat to the headquarters?" Fujitora nodded.

Niji returned Onimaru Kokuzuna to his scabbard, and Jiejie smiled strangely: "I think I can continue to work harder, just as the Marine in Governor North Blue's mansion has evacuated."

"I don't mean to stop the war, but you, the generals, retreat to the headquarters. I will send another person to take charge. You go to meet Yuji and Weibull and shook his head. Iji raised his glass and squinted his eyes. "After all, if the World government really sends a strong attack, even if it’s not coming out in full force, I’m afraid it’s not too far away. It may not choose each.

One break.

Although the World government has not called up the strong under its command until now, it will not be long before they come.

The longer Djerma is allowed to make trouble in North Blue, the more the reputation of the World government will undoubtedly be lost.

At that time, if those powerful countries in East Blue, West Blue, South Blue and other waters also no longer wait and see, and directly announce their separation from the World government, I am afraid it will be more troublesome.

"However, don't worry too much. It's not that we, Germa, are not prepared at all.

South Blue.

A kingdom whose regime has been overthrown by the insurgents.

The revolutionary dragon, the war ghost Kur, the blood buzzard Frakes, and Bartholomew-Bear gathered together.

"Dragon, do you want to agree to Germa?" The war ghost Kuer was tall, with bulging muscles, full of oppression, and directly asked in a deep voice.

"It not only provides drawings of new warships, but also has manufacturing technologies such as new-type rocket launchers, fortress heavy artillery, and large-caliber naval guns. It is indeed a very attractive proposal," Bartholomew-Xiong said calmly.

Although they have obtained the transformation technology of the pacifists, they are completely backward in terms of warships and guns.

Moreover, the scientific team of the Revolutionary Army has just been formed, and the pacifist transformation technology alone is enough to keep those scientists from being distracted, let alone researching new technologies.

Most of the weapons of their revolutionary army are directly robbed from those countries or purchased on the black market, and cannot be produced by themselves.

If these technologies are available, scientists of the Revolutionary Army can naturally produce them very quickly.

"Of course I have to promise him

The revolutionary dragon nodded and said calmly: "In fact, even if Vinsmoke-Iji didn't ask for it, the revolutionary army could not stand by."

"After all, if Germa is destroyed, the revolutionary army will be the next one. Unlike the past, the world government will suppress our revolutionary army to an unprecedented height!"

He saw it very thoroughly-once Germa is destroyed, the world government will never continue to let the revolutionary army go. It may even be possible to unleash the revolutionary army at all costs, and it is impossible to achieve a stable development.

……… Seeking flowers 0-…

"I'm not reconciled!"

Blood Eagle Frakes took a deep breath, his fists clenched.

He has no good feelings about Germaco, but the speed of the opponent's rise far exceeds that of the revolutionary army.

In fact, the development of the Revolutionary Army has been fast enough, and it can even be said that it has surpassed the Four Emperors of New World in terms of forces all over the world.

You must know that the time for the revolutionary army to be truly revealed to the world is less than ten years.

Previously, they were in low-key dormancy, looking for like-minded companions, and accumulating strength.

And New World’s Four Emperors BIG-MOM, Beast Kaido and others, as early as the last era, before the opening of the era of the big pirates, were already active on the world stage.

It's just that, equivalent to the behemoth of World government, their development speed is still too slow.

"At that time, Kur and Xiong and I will go there. Frakes, you are in charge of the overall situation here. Revolutionary Long is not an indecisive person. He made the decision directly.

With the ability of bears, they can leave the battlefield at any time.

Moreover, if it can weaken the power of the World government, it is also a good thing for the revolutionary army.

Wanting to overthrow the behemoth of World government cannot be done in one or two days. Revolutionary Long has enough patience.

"By the way, your son seems to have some information on the side, don't you want to check it?" Pasolomy-Xiong asked: "They are near the entrance of the Grand Line. It doesn't take much time to go there...

"I believe he will cheer up from the shock!"

Revolutionary Long was silent for a moment, and shook his head: "And that kid Sabo, isn't it eager to rush over?"

He did not expect that Fire Fist Ace had such a deep relationship with Sabo and Luffy. His father Garp never mentioned it to him.

Otherwise, the bear would definitely send Ace away.

"But you have to be prepared, you may have to face your father, the Marine hero!


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