One Piece: The Crown of Guilt

Chapter 417 Sand Crocodile’s Plans [Various Requests]

New World, G-1 fortress.

Temporary center of World government.

"Ping Pong Pong"

Inside Five Elders' office, there was the sound of items being smashed.

The guards in charge couldn't help being a little frightened and dared not look back.

"Damn it!!!"

"It's the opposite, those bastards!!"

"It's just a pirate

Five Elders's face was gloomy.

They didn't expect that the only three remaining Seven Warlords of the Sea refused the World government's summoning order, even the sand crocodile Crocodile in New World.

I don't know how I heard that the two of Eagle Eye and the Empress refused to convene. They also refused to convene on the grounds that Seven Warlords of the Sea was left alone, so that they could not trust whether the World government would still retain Shichibukai's organization.

"It's nothing more than Hawkeye Mihawk. I didn't expect that Boa-Hancock, the woman, would dare to do this." Five Elders of Big Eight Character 17 Hu was full of anger, clenched his fists, and said coldly: "I think she is hope. Hydra Island is surrounded by Marine's Buster Call!"

Just now, those coffee tables were broken by him in a hurry.

"At present, Marine really does not have any extra energy to pay attention to the area of ​​Nine Snake Island, temporarily put it aside, wait until the Germa is solved, and then directly launch the Buster Call!" Whitebeard Five Elders, who has always been good at raising qi, has a very unsightly face. Some said indifferently.

None of the others objected.

At present, the Marine and Army are busy suppressing the sea and calming down the increasingly fierce turmoil. They really do not have the energy to pay attention to the non-threatening Nine Snake Island.

"Seven Warlords of the Sea, I don’t think I need to keep it

Folding his brows and holding the blonde Five Elders on his chest, he proposed in a deep voice.

In the original Seven Warlords of the Sea, those who were killed were killed, and those who were disobedient and disobedient. Even the world's largest swordsman, Eagle Eye, directly announced his departure, which really made him a little angry.

At present, there is only Crocodile, a fairly obedient, but also full of cunning sand crocodile.

"No, when the world government is desperately short of combat power, this institution must be retained even more."

The old man wearing a flat hat and a cane shook his head, but he had different opinions: "The sand crocodile had already set off, and returning to the voyage was only because he was worried that the World government didn't care about credibility and was afraid that he would be imprisoned directly, otherwise he would not be detained at all. May risk abandoning such a big industry and resist the order of the World government

They received information that when the sand crocodile started, they had already set off for the G-5 fortress.

Obviously there is an eyeliner that the other party has installed or bought in the world government, otherwise it would be impossible to know so quickly that the two of Yingyan and the empress rejected the call, and they did not hesitate to withdraw from Shichibukai.

For a while, the World government is constantly purging the spies that the Revolutionary Army, Djerma and other forces have penetrated into the interior, as well as the officials who have betrayed the World government in private and colluded with these forces, but it is impossible to effectively extract all these moths in a short period of time.

Even the CP9 organization that is equivalent to the eyes of the World government, as well as some high-ranking officials in the government, have unclear relations with Djerma.

Spandane, who was in charge of CP9, was executed by Ling Chi by the angry Celestial Dragons a long time ago.

In particular, according to CP0's investigation, the penetration of the World government by Djerma and the Revolutionary Army is simply horrifying.

This is also the reason why they were so angry before.

"Pirates like Hawkeye and Empress are too arrogant and do their own way, so they can't be considered in the future."

Mi raised his eyes, and Whitebeard's Five Elders nodded, agreeing with the opinion of the flat hat Five Elders: "With a sign like the sand crocodile, I think there are many powerful pirates willing to join Shichibukai, but the Four Emperors throne is vacant. The battle in New World is becoming more and more fierce. Only by turning those ambitious guys into a sharp knife to the government can they effectively suppress the sea."

"We have to admit that there are certain things that Marine and Army cannot do. Keeping Shichibukai as an organization, in the current increasingly severe sea situation, has more advantages than disadvantages.

"Indeed, I agree to keep Shichibukai!"

Getting up from the sofa, loosening the collar of the shirt, the blonde Five Elders agreed.

"I still hold my objection..." Flat Hat Five Elders shook his head.

"I personally expressed objection and pushed round-frame glasses, with a weak face, holding the ghostly bald head of First Generation. Five Elders said calmly, "But since there are three of you who support, then keep it!"

The minority obeys the majority.

You can have opinions, but you can't make opinions.

This is the tacit understanding that they have formed over the decades of working together.

Far in the first half of the Grand Line.

Upon receiving the news, Nicole Robin's pretty face became serious and asked directly: "Mr. 0, if you refuse Shichibukai's summoning order, will you be removed from Shichibukai?

Whether she wants to admit it or not, compared to hiding in the past, experiencing betrayals from time to time, or actively betraying things, she likes the more comfortable life now, and can directly mobilize the intelligence forces under the crocodile group to let them Help yourself find the historical text.

Although I am not worried, will I suddenly lose everything?

"Do you need to transfer funds and headquarters?"

Robin turned his head and looked at the surrounding buildings that sprung up like mushrooms after a rain, as well as the two former Giant Pirate Captains "Blue Ogre" Dorry and "Red Ghost" who were constantly clashing in the middle of the island, shaking the ground 753. "Brogy.

"Don't worry, I just received news from His Highness that Five Elders has no plans to cancel Shichibukai's organization, and it will not directly kick me out of Shichibukai.

The words of Sand Crocodile Pod made Robin's pupils shrank suddenly, a little frightened.

Even if Five Elders, which controls the highest authority in the world government, makes a decision, it will definitely not take long.

Deerma had already learned the news in advance, and it was numb to the scalp.

"A few days ago, didn't you say that you received information and found a huge island tortoise?"

Half of the body was directly deserted, floating in the air, and the sand crocodile rushing towards the first half of the Grand Line sneered at the phone bug and said, "There was no time at that time. Now I am going back to the first half of the Grand Line, ready to hunt that one. Island Turtle, as the mobile headquarters of the Crocodile Group in the future, even if it turns against the World government in the future, there is no need to worry too much!"

"Hunting island turtles?"

Thinking that he and Nami led the crocodile group and saw the exaggerated size of the island tortoise in person, Robin couldn't help being a little dumbfounded.

Only the powerful sand crocodile dare to say that they want to hunt such a big guy?

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