One Piece: The Crown of Guilt

Chapter 432 The anger of the tea dolphin [four more]


A strange cat with two tails, surrounded by black flames, was floating in the air.

Opposite her, there is a strong CP-15 second only to the Supreme Chief Eagle, who also has the ability to fly, and the two collided.


Two long cat tails entwined Haki.

With a weird black flame, he directly hit the strong man in front of him.


But before the cat's tail carrying the black flames flew over, the fierce hurricane directly blasted Isabel out.

"What kind of ability is this guy?"

Isabel had to shrink the beast's body and transformed it into a human-beast form.

His eyes were a little surprised and staring at the blond man who was stuck in the air, not knowing what kind of ability he was, with a hideous scar on the bridge of his nose.

"Paramecia. Atmospheric pressure fruit, I am a pressure person who can control atmospheric pressure at will"

The blond man with a hideous scar on his nose stared coldly at Isabel on the opposite side, and slammed his right hand: "For example, it can be 17 storms!"

"Ming hoo hoo--"

A terrible storm occurred in an instant.

It directly destroyed the ground in front of him, rolling and impacting Isabel whose pupils shrank sharply!


Isabel runs away in embarrassment.

But what was oncoming was Gulliver's violent black fist.


The sharp cat's claws barely held the opponent's fist.

But while Isabel's whole body was blasted out, Gulliver, the CP-15's No. 2 figure, also screamed in pain.

"That flame, damn it

Gulliver's face was twisted, and he sucked in air.

Sen Leng's gaze glared at Isabel on the opposite side, her face pale, full of strong killing intent.

There is obviously a gap in the strength of the two.

If the world government does not have sufficient assurance, it is impossible to bite the bullet and start a war with Djerma.

It seems that the battlefield is at a stalemate, but in fact, as time goes by, the faction of Djerma will only get more and more disadvantaged.

Even if the Red Earl Ryder, BIG-MOM and others are facing the highest combat power of the army to gain the upper hand, they obviously cannot kill the opponent in a short period of time.

Perhaps fortunately, the only remaining Shichibukai, Hawkeye Mihawk, and Empress Hancock did not participate in the war.

Otherwise, it might only be more troublesome.

Of course, this is also where Five Elders and Ulysses Saint are more annoyed.

Isabel barely stabilized her figure, her complexion changed abruptly, and she retreated like lightning without thinking about it!

"Boom!!!" The entire ground was directly crushed by the violent air pressure!

The dust is so high that people can't help the scalp numb.

The pressure fruit, this is undoubtedly a very powerful Devil Fruit, and will never be inferior to the ability of Paramecia.


"The power of this guy

The terrible power directly blasted Momousagi, whose complexion changed greatly.

Yuzhi Shiryu didn't mean to be merciful at all. The monster Muramaru, violently slashed out a fierce slash, and pours toward the retreating Taomiantu.



One after another fierce slashes, they couldn't help colliding together.

The strong air flow couldn't help but hit, and the ground was shattered and collapsed.

"Slap, slap"

Stepping on the Moonwalk vigorously, Momousagi stabilized his figure, feeling a bit of a tingling tiger's mouth, looking ahead to maintain the form of humans and animals, full of ferocious rain Shiryu, with a little fear in his eyes: "It really is the most special one. Zoan-worm fruit-ant form ability? The power is so exaggerated!"

"I heard that you are going to be the next Marine Admiral, let me verify, do you have this strength?"

Yuzhi Shiryu obviously knew Momousagi, so he sneered slightly, and stomped the atmosphere under his feet.

Charged like lightning, the scarlet Muramaru slammed into Momousagi.


In the eyes of this bloodthirsty, power-seeking guy, it doesn't exist!

"Keng!!!" The famous sword Jin Pira cut through the atmosphere, shining with a palpitating cold light, blocking the opponent's attack.

Without head-to-head with the opponent, Momousagi retreated violently.

"Shoo!" In an instant, a terrifying new blow was swung, and it blasted towards Shiryu of Rain.


Yuzhi Shiryu drew a knife from his waist again!

The temperature around has dropped a lot, and the big knife is twenty-one エ-snowfall!

"Dual Sword Flow?" Momousagi's pupils shrank slightly.

"I don't like Double Sword Stream very much, but because of the skyrocketing power, this Muramaru is less and less suitable for me.

Yuzhi Shiryu sneered, and the whole person rushed up suddenly, waving Senhan's blade!

If he thinks about it, four knives will be fine.

However, as a swordsman, it is obviously not that the more swords, the stronger.

What suits you is the best.


The dazzling laser beam blasted through the giant earth in front of you!

The shocking explosion illuminated the entire battlefield, and people couldn't help but look over.

The confrontation between "World" and the tea dolphin is obviously more intense than here!

"Logia-Earth-earth and fruit-powered person? Really a troublesome guy." World" frowned, and had to dispel the idea of ​​trying to solve the tea dolphin in a short time.

For Logia capable 753, the laser cannon has no way to cause damage unless it is just restrained.

"Swipe it"

One after another shocking spurs suddenly rose from the ground, carrying Haki at the tip, and rushing into the air to step on the "World" of Moonwalk.

"Momo-fifty times faster!"

The whole person turned into an afterimage, easily avoiding this terrible attack.

"I didn't expect that even the ability to smile would be deprived by Germa.

The whole body is covered with a solid layer of soil, and the tea dolphin has a green complexion. Looking hundreds of meters away, it is being planted with the ancient admiral Admiral. Fujitora, who fought fiercely between the snake fruit and the Titan Python form ability "Blood Python", his eyes became cold.

He used to have old friends with Yixiao, and the two met at the casino.

Even when he was recruiting in the world, he wanted to persuade him to join Marine, but he couldn't get in touch.

Because Fujitora has already been used Op-Op Fruit for plastic surgery, the tea dolphin can't recognize it naturally, but seeing the Paramecia used by Fujitora. Gravity fruit ability, why can't I guess what happened?


The unparalleled gravitational force directly shook out the exaggerated and fierce giant python!

Fujitora turned her head and smiled at the tea dolphin base tooth.

"It looks like you know the guy who smiled

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