One Piece: The Crown of Guilt

Chapter 438 The Death of Green Bull [Various Requests]

"Pump, pounce"

The bloody heart beats weaker and weaker, the hair becomes gray, and the flesh and blood gradually dry

"Vinsmoke. Iji, you bastard!!!" Hundreds of meters away, Garp, who was dragged by the revolutionary dragon, couldn't help but widened his eyes and roared in anger!

Even the revolutionary Long couldn't help feeling a little bit chill, looking at the blood-saturated figure, his eyes were a bit deeply jealous.

Zero is obviously hopeless!

But he seemed to be back in the light, abruptly grabbing Iji's claws, and screaming at Kizaru and the green bull: "Don't hesitate! Don't let him take the opportunity to recover from blood sucking.

Hearing that, Kizaru and Green Bull's complexion changed drastically!

Thinking of Vinsmoke- Iji's terrifying power in vampire form.

It can swallow the target's blood in the shortest time and restore its own injuries and even physical strength.


A golden light appeared in the air, and Polusalino made a decisive move. The whole person crossed his hands and directly condensed a dazzling light mirror: "Bachi Qiong Gouyu!"


The terrible light bullets poured out one after another.

Together with the zero that is penetrated by Iji, it is also covered in the attack range!

The original plan was that he, Green Bull, Sengoku, Garp, and a few strong people joined forces to suppress the Vinsmoke-Iji that broke out at any cost, but the plan was obviously destroyed.

Must find ways to weaken the other party.

Otherwise, he still has the confidence to protect himself, but the green

"Boom boom boom"

The dense golden light bullets tore the atmosphere and violently shattered Zero's body.

The ground was shattered and collapsed, the sky filled with smoke and dust, and the dazzling light made it impossible to look directly at it.


The incomparable momentum is constantly rising, which makes people feel a little frightened.

"汨泪" I don't know when I will appear high in the sky, and his muscles are rhythmic, with blue veins violent, full of hideous and terrifying explosive power!

The face became stubborn, distorted, and even growled!

"Bull Bull Crash!!"!"

The green bull was horrified with blue veins, and his red skin kept smoking white smoke.

The violent fist drove a terrible impact, and blasted straight towards Iji, not wanting to give the opponent time to breathe.

"Green Bull! Hurry and get away!!!"

The revolutionary dragon was blasted back with a punch, and Garp's face changed wildly regardless of the mad rush, and he shouted at the green bull.

But it is obviously too late!

It's impossible to dodge such a distance.


The cold voice fell.

"Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!" In Polusalino, who just shot the laser beam, the atmosphere was directly crushed and shaken in the cold eyes.

"call out--"

A terrible white column of air seemed to illuminate the night sky.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The huge bull-shaped shock wave was immediately dispersed.

At the same time, several blazing laser beams directly blasted through Iji's chest because he was evasive.


"Boom boom"

The ground cannot stop shaking, roaring, and collapsing.

A shocking, bottomless circular giant pit appeared in the royal city, and Green Bull disappeared!

"Send you on the road!"

Looking fiercely, Iji didn't care about the blood hole blasted out by the laser beam, and the blood was steaming all over his body.


The haloed fist banged straight down!



There was an unspeakable vibration, and the entire royal city shook completely and violently.

"Weicha kha" huge cracks that are extremely exaggerated, one after another, appearing horizontally, spreading and extending.

Sengoku, Chiryu and others, who are in fierce confrontation with the beasts Kaido, Boris, lion and ghost, etc., can't help but look ugly to the extreme.

But the only two who were sure to get rid of their opponents, Whitebeard Five Elders and Ulysses Saint, were obviously hesitant and jealous. After all, they did not make up their minds to rush over immediately.

They naturally know how terrifying the monster is when it erupts.

Coupled with Dark Fruit's ability, of course, I don't want to fight the opponent hard in the past.


The golden light is dazzling.

The ugly face Kizaru swept over the pit, and Observation Haki locked Iji's figure.

The blood-red figure rushed out, and the entire huge pit collapsed directly, burying the whole life of Green Bull in it.


The dense light bombs hit Iji's body in an instant.


Covering Haki's body, he was able to resist Kizaru's Hachijo Gyuyu.

"It's really annoying monkey" The corners of his mouth couldn't help bleeding, Iji's complexion was extremely clean, and his fist was haloed, and he suddenly blasted out.


A terrible shock wave rolled out wildly.

A large number of dazzling light bombs were blasted away, and Kizaru's whole body was blasted out directly, but it turned into photons in an instant and disappeared directly into Iji's sight.

*."brush "

In the next moment, the golden figure appeared hundreds of meters away!

Obviously, "Zero" and Green Bull were killed successively, which made Polusalino extremely afraid.

I don't want to fight for my life at all.

However, Iji simply ignored him.

"Shoo..." The blood was full of blood, with the blazing high temperature, the blood-colored figure directly rushed towards the direction of the king's city.

In an instant, I took out two dandelion-shaped light balls from the Greatcloak and stuffed them directly into his mouth.


"That bastard, he thought

Upon seeing this, Kizaru and Garp's face changed!

"Sorry, I can't watch you go to die!" The sharp dragon claws hit Garp's abdomen fiercely and blasted it out.

The revolutionary dragon, who was covered with scales and maintained the form of humans and beasts, had a very firm tone.

He can feel how dangerous Vinsmoke-Iji is now.

Even if you weren't here, I'm afraid that the other party's target (Zhao Zhao's) must be his father, the hero of Marine.

"Boy, you let me go!!!"

Garp roars with blood in his mouth, his beard is upside down!

Did he just watch, Vinsmoke-Iji went to kill the strong man in the world government?


A violent iron fist rubbed the air.

Suddenly it turned red like fire, and bombarded it!

"Dragon swinging its tail!"

The huge dragon tail was covered with dark Haki, shining with metallic luster, and suddenly slammed it madly.

"Boom!! Block!

"Ming hoo hoo--"

The terrible confrontation directly caused a violent hurricane and crushed the dilapidated earth around it!

"Boom!!!", "Boom!!!".

The loud noise continued, and the two father and son fought fiercely.

Between the electric light and flint, it has collided no less than ten times!

With Garp desperate, the revolutionary Long also had to go all out to stop his father.

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