One Piece: The Crown of Guilt

Chapter 448 The big-mom pirates

New World.

On a small island.

There was gunpowder smoke and a strong smell of blood.

The bodies of many pirates were there everywhere.

In the small town in the center of the island, countless residents were in a panic, but they were overjoyed when they saw Marco, the first team captain of the Whitebeard Pirate Group.

"Damn the Blackbeard Pirates, you must let those bastards take away the territory and spit it out intact!!" With a cold face, Marco directly tore the Blackbeard Pirates skull flag with a strong suffocation. And anger.

The whole person was stained with a lot of Bloodline, but that was naturally not his own.

Having just returned to New World, the cruel reality is in front of the Whitebeard Pirates.

The islands that originally belonged to the Whitebeard Pirate Group, or were protected by the Whitebeard flag, are constantly being swallowed up by the BIG-MOM Pirate Group, Beasts Pirates, Blackbeard Pirate Group, and some unwilling pirate forces.

Without the mountain of Whitebeard, there are not many people who care about the Phoenix, Marco and Diamond Joz.

Compared to the Four Emperors, their reputation in New World is not weak enough to deter those unscrupulous and ambitious generations.

"Ace, maybe the Blackbeard Pirates 770 group is also involved in it, absolutely can't let them go easily!" In order to prevent the Blackbeard Pirates from retreating after hearing the wind, he alone drove over from the Whitebeard Pirates. It's a pity that the two main cadres in the Blackbeard Pirate Group took the opportunity to escape.

However, killing the pirates of the Blackbeard Pirate Group and wounding the two bastards again finally made a nasty breath.


Over the sea nearly ten miles away.

The white wings couldn't help vibrating, and Lafitte, covered in blood, grabbed the seriously injured Cavendish and galloped away.

The wounds on their bodies were shocking. They were completely deprived of the previous Xiaojiu. Obviously, the injuries were serious.

"Cough cough, it's really dangerous, cough cough, if it weren't for Shadow Shadow Fruit's ability, I would almost be killed."

Cavendish, who couldn't help vomiting blood, gritted his teeth a bit.

The bloody mouth on the right shoulder was a bit shocking, as if it had been caught by the claws of some raptor or beast, and it was unknown how many bones had been broken.

The whole person is extremely weak, and even with the ability of shadow fruit (bhai), it is impossible to make wings and fly.

Earlier, he and Lafitte were one enemy two, and he was beaten by Marco, and almost died in the hands of the opponent. This was indeed a big blow.

"After all, it is the Captain of the First Division of the Whitebeard Pirates' Phoenix, Marko, but he just wiped the Bloodline off the corner of his mouth normally. Not bad, the captain-level guys such as Diamond Joz and Foil Bista will definitely come over soon!'

He must admit that he and Cavendish are far from a strong man like Marco, the Phoenix.

Especially the other party is not afraid of their attacks at all, and can recover in a blink of an eye.

"The loss is not small, it must be done"


The phone worm on his body rang, causing Lafitte to stop talking.

Take out the phone worm and press the connect button.

"Weihaha, Lafitte, Cavendish, are you two still alive?"

In the phone worm, the loud voice of the champion Burgess came out, as if not worrying about the two of them at all: "Me, Joet, Pizarro and others are about to rush over to support you!"

"When you come to support us, the two of us are estimated to have been sacked by the'phoenix' Marco and did not respond well. Lafitte said directly: "Follow our life card to find it. The thieves clashed, wait until the captain and Shiryu come back."

"Oka has already taken the captain back quickly, but the bastard Shiryu, I don't know why he is still in North Blue!"

The contours imitated by the telephone worm changed, and the two slender crescent-shaped beards were very conspicuous, and Pizarro grumbled with dissatisfaction.

Unlike Lafitte, Burgess, and Van Oka, the cadres who were recognized by Germa early, they were selected from Impel down by Blackbeard. Shang couldn't really get into the core of the Blackbeard Pirate Group, naturally he didn't know the specific reason why Shiryu of Rain was still staying in North Blue.

"Weihahaha, the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirate Group suffered heavy losses when they topped the war. Except for the captains and some of the captains, it is estimated that there are not many people left. When the captain comes back, he can do a big job..." Burgess some Raised his sturdy arms in excitement, he couldn't wait to laugh.

It's not that Djerma can't directly send strong aid to solve the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates.

But if the Blackbeard Pirates want to be truly famous in the New World, they must rely on themselves to defeat the Whitebeard Pirates, in order to hope to establish the status of the Four Emperors!

So they can only rely on themselves, at least on the surface.

The middle half of New World, outside the Totto Land sea area.

"The boat~~~The boat~~~ With the weird singing, a huge singing boat is driving towards the depths of the sea at high speed.

"Pokemus, I have already given you the opportunity. If those guys refuse to take the initiative to hand over the Aka Stone by then, we will not show mercy."

Above the bow, Perrospero licked his candy cane, squinted his eyes, and said with some seriousness to the Pockmus who was in front of him: "Mom is rushing back, she must be ahead of Beasts Pirates!"

"Master Perros, please rest assured, I will try my best to persuade the Lord Duke and the boss of the cat viper!" Holding the palm of the hand, the life card pointing to Zou, Pok Moss couldn't help but sweat, and said in a deep voice. Promised.

He did not expect that one of the only four red road signs in the legend was hidden in Zuowu.

Remembering the funny and profound smile when Vinsmoke- Iji asked about himself, Pokmoke was a little bit angry at the same time, but he couldn't help but feel a bit cold. Obviously, the other party has already known this for a long time. NS.

But he can't betray his mother.

And even if he didn't help himself, Zou probably couldn't escape.

Pockems is very aware of the energy of the BIG-MOM Pirates in the New World, not to mention the beast Kaido is watching to help.

I only hope that I can keep my people.

"Cracker, Dafu, and Owen, but they have given up the task of fighting for Whitebeard's territory and are coming over to join us at full speed! BON!

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