One Piece: The Crown of Guilt

Chapter 453 Angry Marco

New World.

In a certain sea area.


The sparse artillery sound continued, and the gunpowder was filled with smoke.

Blackbeard Jenny, who has just returned to the Blackbeard Pirates, did not wait for Shiryu of Rain, who had already undergone remodeling operations, to return.

I can’t wait to directly lead Burgess, the Evil King, and others to find the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirate Group, to launch bloody revenge and stand up.

"Hey hahaha, is the Great Vortex Spider Skuard? I didn't expect you to lead a man and a horse to leave the Whitebeard Pirate Group alone."

Standing on the bow of the ship, Blackbeard looked at the Pirate Ship that was intercepted by them and was about to escape. He sneered: "I really don't know if I should admire your courage, or say that you are extremely stupid!

"Blackbeard, you bastard, who robbed us of the Whitebeard Pirate Group, what else do you want to do now?"

Scudard snarled inwardly and shouted: "Marko and the others will be here soon, don't think about it!!!"

"I also want to know, can you support them until they come over!"

Blackbeard Andre-Jenny laughed grimly.

"Mi Lei" instantly turned red like a fire, with billowing magma.

The sharply rising high temperature caused the evil king, Burgess and others to quickly retreat aside.

"Meteor Volcano!!"

I didn't mean to continue talking nonsense, and strenuously waved the magmaized crimson fist.

One after another, huge magma fists flew out, rushing straight to the sky, dyeing the entire sky red.

"Shoo 770"

Volcano bombs one after another, carrying terrifying impact and high temperature, continued to blast down from high in the sky.

I couldn't help rubbing the atmosphere, and the sharp whistling sound continued to echo.

"Boom boom boom", "his hiss"

One after another huge volcano bombs hit the sea.

A large amount of water splashed, and at the same time a large area of ​​the sea was evaporated, and the heat was permeated.


"Ah, Captain

"The volcano bomb is going to fall!"

As the waves rolled, the pirate ship of the Great Vortex Spider Pirate Group shook violently, making the few crew members who survived the war from the top a little unstable to stand, and cold sweat couldn't help but burst out.

"" The exaggerated sharp long knife swung a huge slash.

"Damn it!! Blackbeard!!!" Struggling to split a volcanic bomb coming from it, the giant vortex spider Skuyard screamed in anger.

The ten or so people on his boat could not help but pale and were a little panicked.

"Boom!!!" A volcanic bomb blasted directly into the cabin behind, and Skuyard had no time to stop it.

The cabin was smashed to pieces by the falling volcanic bomb, and at the same time it burned directly into flames.

Thick smoke billowed, and the fire spread rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Oops, it's burning!

"Put out the fire now! Damn it's Blackbeard!!"

"Damn it, we blamed us for not following Captain Marco's advice and ran out alone."

Those crew members all turned pale and panicked trying to put out the fire.

"Let's release the lifeboat right away, this kind of fire can't be extinguished!" Skuyard's face was pale, and he yelled at the crew members, preventing them from continuing to save people.

Gritting his teeth hard, regretting his decision to Lu Zang: "It must be held until the reinforcements arrive!

To put it bluntly, even if Whitebeard, Marco and others explain and enlighten them, claiming that they will never give up any companions, but in his heart he still has a bit of grudge that Fire Fist Ace is the son of One Piece Roger.

As a young and famous savage pirate in New World, because all his crew members were killed, he hated the pirate king Roger.

Skuyard is not a person like Whitebeard!

Because they had some quarrels with Marco and others over the failure of the war, they were angry and ignored Marco and other people's advice, and led the Moxia personnel to act alone.

On the sea dozens of miles away.

"Swipe--" On the surface of the sea, a blue figure flew over at an extremely fast speed.

Surrounded by strange flames, the big blue bird with the Whitebeard Pirate Group logo on its abdomen is constantly flapping its wings to the direction where Skuyard and others are.

"That guy Scudard is so impulsive... Marco is a little anxious.

There were some quarrels, but the friendship between them over the years was not just talking. Of course, he could not sit back and watch after receiving Skuyard and others' calls for help.

Not to mention, this time, they originally wanted to be the first to bhai the Blackbeard Pirates.

Upon hearing Blackbeard's appearance, Diamond Joz and others had all set off and followed behind in the Pirate Ship.

However, when Marco arrived on the scene, he couldn't help being stunned.

I saw the wreckage of the ship floating scattered on the sea, and there was still black smoke.

Most of the flag that was burnt and fell into the sea showed that it was the Pirate Flag of the Giant Vortex Spider Pirate Group.


"Captain Marco! Help!!!"

An embarrassed figure, struggling on the sea, holding the floating wood.

"What's the matter with you?"

Marco, with an ugly face, flew down, looking at the surviving member of the Great Vortex Spider Pirate Group, and asked anxiously: "Where is Scudard?"

"Captain Skuyard, he was captured by Blackbeard

The crew member held the wood and said with a weeping face to Marco: "He deliberately left me to tell you that if the Whitebeard Pirate Group has a species, it will fight in the Omia Sea three days later, otherwise he will directly execute the sentence publicly. Captain Kuyard!"


Marko's face turned blue, and his forehead was blue.

Directly follow Marine to Ace, publicly execute Scuard? This is obviously a deliberate mockery of the Whitebeard Pirates.

At the same time, the other party made it clear to attract them to the past.

But even if that might be a trap, can they really let Skuard go?

"That bastard!!!"

"Weihahaha, Captain, I thought you were really going to fight them directly!"

The pirate ship with three skulls was constantly driving toward the depths of the sea, Burgess' loud voice kept laughing.

"It's a shame to evacuate directly! It's better to let me be the captain.

The villainous king Pizarro obviously hasn't given up his heart yet, and is very enthusiastic about the position of the captain.

"According to intelligence, most of the captains of the Whitebeard Pirate Group and their captains are still alive.

Blackbeard Jenny shook his head, stamped his right foot on Skuyard's face, and said with a sneer: "The guy Shiryu is not there, so he rushed to fight them directly. Even if we win, we will probably be hurt. , This can't be done, otherwise it will be troublesome if the World government or the BIG-MOM Pirates, Beasts Pirates take the opportunity to attack!"

At the beginning, he had been mixed in the first half of New World for a long time. Of course, his underlings also gathered a lot of fairly strong strength. Coupled with the not weak strength of the evil king and others, he was not afraid of the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates.

It's just that he doesn't want to lose too much, so he must gather everyone to fight with all his strength!

Even if the Whitebeard Pirates can't be destroyed, they must be completely mutilated at one time so that they can't get over the big waves.

Phoenix, Marco and Diamond Joz, these two men who are huge threats, can't let them escape.

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