One Piece: The Crown of Guilt

Chapter 476 Paramecia, air pressure fruit

late at night.

Livar Island.

Two or three pirate ships approached slowly.

The quietness of the bay is uneasy and disturbing.


But the Phoenix Marco and others decided to attack as originally planned.

It's already here, it's impossible to leave dingy again.


"boom "

"Jie ha ha, kill these guys!"

"Destroy the Whitebeard Pirate Group!!!"

"Four Emperors are ours!!"

When the Whitebeard Pirate Group and the three pirate groups that came to support, just rushed to the West Bay, there was suddenly one after another on the beach where there was nothing, holding a sharp knife or Musketeer, grinned and killed the Whitebeard Pirates.


Sudden bullets kept shooting and killing the pirates who washed up on the beach.

But the screams were basically the pirates who were not from the Whitebeard pirate group.

"Hiding in the sand?"

Directly kicking the zombies rushing towards his "Seven Eight Three", Marco spoke indifferently.

Diamond Joz's fist shone and shattered the heads of the zombies in front of him. He disdainfully said, "Do you really think that you can ambush us? Too little to look down on us, the Whitebeard Pirates."

"go to hell!"

The whole body was pale, but the sand-stained figure emerged from the ground, brandishing a gleaming broad knife, and slashing at the nearby pirate fiercely.

But it was easily avoided.


The fierce pirate suddenly pierced his heart with a knife: "I don't know whether to live or die."

After all, he was also an elite who survived the war on the top, how could he be injured by such a half-hearted attack?

"Hey "

The zombie soldier smiled slyly.

As if not injured, the sharp knife struck at the careless pirate.

"D ."


In the same situation, there are obviously more than one or two.

Soon Marco and others discovered something was wrong, and their expressions changed.

"Everyone, be careful, these guys don't seem to be afraid of ordinary injuries, so they just cut off their heads!"

"Hey hahaha"

"Little ones, go to Laozi!"

"Oh!!! Killed the Whitebeard Pirates!!!""


Countless zombie soldiers and pirates all rushed out of the darkness and slew towards the beach.

The roar of the beasts is deafening, headed by the huge King Kong great ape, the huge mammoth giant, and the fierce lion.

"These guys"

"How exactly is it tame?"

"And speak

The pirates on and off the Whitebeard pirate group couldn't help being a little discolored.

It's not that they haven't been to the beast island, but this kind of beast is hard to tame.

Even if you are in awe of the strong who can easily defeat them, it is not easy to make these beasts obediently obedient.

And it's too weird to be able to vomit.

"Don't be scared."

"Blackbeard must be well prepared!"

"When you came, wasn't it clear already?"

The captains and captains such as Marko, Diamond Joz, Doma the Ranger, and others killed or knocked off opponents in front of them, and rushed to the soldiers and beasts without showing any weakness.

Blackbeard still sneered in the distance.

Both arms turned into crimson lava, billowing thick smoke.

"Meteor Volcano!!!"

The violent magma fists blasted into the sky one after another!

"Shoo!" The entire sky was dyed red, lighting up the entire beach battlefield with the moonlight, and the scarlet volcanic bomb slammed down.

It is not an attack on the Whitebeard Pirates and the corpses.

And if you directly destroy the opponent's pirate ship, cut off the opponent's back path!


Several pirate boats were directly hit by the volcano bombs, and a violent fire was set alighting the sea.

A large amount of seawater was boiled by the volcano bomb, the water mist evaporated, and the heat was permeated.

"Huh, do you want to break our back path?" Marco couldn't help but snorted coldly.

They were well prepared, and of course it was impossible for all the ships to appear near the sea and be attacked by the other side.

"Boom boom boom

The people from the two camps directly rushed together.

After a loss, the Whitebeard Pirate Group will naturally not be careless.

"Ah, let you all become muddy mammoths," the mammoth colossus roared, and the trunk flung it wildly.

The pirates of the Whitebeard pirate group that rushed up flew out fiercely, and the huge elephant feet stomped on the target in front of them fiercely.


The huge trunk was blocked by a sharp knife.

"Damn it, don't be too arrogant. The ninth squad captain Blenheim shouted, Haki wrapped around the blade.

"Ah, hee hee, your King Kong uncle is the strongest!" The huge King Kong suddenly punched the pirates in front of him.


A pirate was hit to the point that even his broad sword was broken. The entire face was distorted and screamed. Without knowing how many bones were broken, he flew straight to the sea.

"You guys get out, leave this guy to me!"

Diamond Joz witnessed this scene with cold eyes.

Half of the person's body turned into a diamond and rushed directly up.

"Is the captain of the third division of the Whitebeard Pirates Diamond Joz? I heard that you have a lot of strength?"

The great ape area of ​​Qi Zhang was glaring, and suddenly threw his fist and blasted over: "Fly to the sea, Master King Kong!"


The sound of breaking through the air makes people feel numb in their scalp


However, the exaggerated giant fist was blocked by life.


King Kong was sluggish, and some couldn't believe it.

The infinite self would be easily blocked by the stupid man in front of him.

"Get me aside!" Diamond Joz struggled to grab King Kong's fist, grabbed it directly, and flew out fiercely.


Looking at the mammoth in front of him, Diamond Joz's half of his body was shining brightly, and he was about to rush into it directly.

But what came oncoming were two massive and unmatched huge slashes!

"Boom boom"

The flaming slash was blocked by Diamond Joz, but there was already an extra figure in the midair ahead.

"Diamond Joz? This ability really makes the swordsman a headache. Rain Shiryu floats in mid-air strangely, looking down at Diamond Joz from a high altitude.

Diamond-level defense, even without Armament Haki, is enough to ignore the attacks of most swordsmen.

"He gave it to me. Joz Foil Busta rushed up, trying to attack Shiryu of Rain with his sword.

However, their hearts were suddenly cold, and both of them couldn't help but change their expressions.

Without thinking about it, Qi Qi backed out like lightning.


The sandy ground in front of him collapsed in an instant, and the dust flew up.

"The reaction is so quick, it is worthy of being the top ranked captains of the Whitebeard Pirates, Yu no Shiryu's figure swept down in an instant, and Muramaru and the famous sword Yukatsu slammed out!


The terrible power made Foil Bista's face greatly changed, and the tiger's mouth was numb.

The whole person kept sliding 0.80 out, leaving two deep tracks.

At the same time, Diamond Joz's tall body slammed over.

The diamond covering half of the body was a little dazzling.

"Air pressure storm!"

Yuzhi Shiryu sneered, and the air pressure changed drastically in an instant.

"Ming Hu Hu" The terrible storm appeared abruptly, sweeping through the sand, with endless gravel, making many people unable to open their eyes.

Furiously destroying the obstacles in front of him, Diamond Joz, along with many pirates and zombies, were all swept away fiercely.

"The era of the Whitebeard Pirates' rampage has passed, and now you are waiting for defeat!"


And on the other side.

"Hey hahaha, Marco, you still obediently become the stepping stones for the Blackbeard Pirates to ascend the throne of the Four Emperors!!"

The huge magma fist dyed the battlefield red, scorching the atmosphere with terrible heat, and collided with Marco, who was bathed in blue flames.

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