One Piece: The Crown of Guilt

Chapter 479 Obediently accept your fate! [Four changes, ask for automatic subscription]

"Boom boom"

Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, the violent air pressure suddenly changed.

"Ah--" Bramanc screamed, and in an instant, the surrounding ground was forcibly crushed.

Blood splattered, and the whole person was blurry, which made people horrified.


Many captains and captains of the Whitebeard Pirate Group screamed in anger!

No one can believe that Bramanque was killed in this way.

"Weihaha, Shiryu, you are too cruel" Burgess laughed.

He is absolutely sure that he can get rid of the opponent, but now he is in a melee. As long as he gets rid of these Whitebeard Pirates, Shiryu of Rain cannot say anything about it.

Most importantly, he can't beat that guy.

"You bastard!!"

Diamond Joz roared and slammed into Shiryu of Rain, who was able to use air pressure to control air pressure to kill Bramanque.


The flaming and heavy slash directly blasted him back out.

With a cigar in his mouth, Yuzhi Shiryu sneered: "Unfortunately, anger can't make you stronger!"

"You bastards!"

The Phoenix, who was confronting Blackbeard, had a pale face and murderous intent.

The Whitebeard pirate group, which used to run wild on the sea, was oppressed to such an extent after the death of his father, which made Marco feel inexplicably angry and furious.

"Dogbite Guren!!

The sky was stained red, the terrible high temperature distorted the atmosphere, and huge magma fists blasted over.

In an instant of 783, a ferocious lava dog formed, roaring and biting towards Marco.

"Hey ha ha ha, obediently accept your fate, without Whitebeard's Whitebeard Pirates, nothing!" Blackbeard laughed, his tone full of sarcasm.

"Less tools are gone!! !"

The blue giant bird flashed past the giant magma dog, its wings vibrated, and rushed over in the air.

"Swipe" The sharp long beak entangled Haki and pecked at the giant ape fiercely.

Directly gave the opponent the strongest response!

"Boom!!!", "Boom!!!"..

There was a loud noise, and the two figures collided violently.

A large amount of magma splashed, and the violent heat wave couldn't help raging.

Those pirates and zombies couldn't help being frightened, for fear of being splashed on by the hot magma.

Even though Blackbeard's strength can suppress Marco, but it can't directly solve the opponent, the ability to continuously regenerate is really too difficult.


Pieces of sparks splashed.

The holy sword Durandall blocked Fosana covering the flames and entangling Haki's blade.

"Do you only have this strength?" Cavendish, who had not healed from his injury, laughed arrogantly, with undisguised mockery.

The black shadow directly swung a sharp shadow knife and stab at Foza violently.

The last time they were with Lafitte, they were brutally abused by Marko (bhai). This guy was obviously still holding his stomach.

"Don't look down on people! Bastard!"

Foza flashed the shadow's attack, but in an instant, Cavendish swung the holy sword and slashed over.

"Weihaha, what about looking down on you?" Burgess rushed over.

Swinging the fist covered by the barrier, he slammed on Foza who was caught off guard, spitting blood and flew out.

"Hey, Burgess, you guy, grab my opponent?" Cavendish yelled dissatisfiedly.

"It's not the time to talk about this. It is the captain's order to resolve them as soon as possible..." Burgess didn't care about Cavendish at all, and rushed to Foza, who had just gotten up and glared at him.

"It's the young master who wants to kill!"

Cavendish, together with his shadow, rushed out quickly.

Wielding the pitch-black blade, he slashed towards the ugly face of Fossa.

If it wasn't that the injury was not good, and he didn't want to let himself get hurt, he really wanted to absorb some shadows directly, and strengthen his combat power to kill the Quartet.


Cavendish and the blade of his shadow were blocked.

"Bang!!" But Burgess' fist hit Foza's cheek directly, dripping with blood.

Cavendish was so angry that Xu Qingjin jumped and couldn't help but vomit blood.

"what "

Foza, who fell heavily on the ground, became dizzy.

The whole person's face was bloody, swaying, and he hadn't recovered from the brutal blow of Burgess.

The faces of Saqi, Bista, Makugei and others who were closer to the "Fusa" changed drastically, and they were about to abandon their opponents and rush over.

But how can their respective opponents let each other get rid of themselves easily!

"Don't think about the past." The pitch-black fist slammed heavily on the sharp double knives, shocked Saatchi backing out, and the tiger's mouth was numb.

"You fellow, you are so restless after you die!"

Glancing at "Akainu", Saatchi couldn't help gritting his teeth!

"Gudong, Gudong, dare to be distracted at this time. If you want to die, I can directly fulfill you." Foil Bista was even more distracted. He was almost pierced by the cauldron Joet, and there was a shocking expression on his body. Blood is constantly leaking out of his blood.

"Keng! Keng!"

"Sorry, it's better to let him die!"

Lei Qing Makugay's blade ran into the arc and collided with Lafitte's sharp rod and sword. There were no less than ten encounters between the electric and flint, and the two sides were evenly matched!

"I'm furious!

For fear of being a step ahead by Burgess, Cavendish leaped and revolved in magnificent shape, turning 360 degrees in mid-air. The sharp long sword tore the atmosphere and directly cut off Foza's head: "Sword Round Table !"

Blood splattered.

A head flew up.


"Asshole! I want to kill you!!!"

Saqi, Bista and others have their eyes directly red, with unlimited killing intent, and they attacked their opponents desperately!

the other side.

"Keng!!", "Bang!!"

Swords couldn't help but fought, sparks splattered everywhere.

"Huh, huh~~~, let me be more excited, I like you very much. Xuanyue Hunter grinned again and again, wielding a sharp sickle, as fast as a ghost.

Constantly attacking the two pirate captains, Pei the Ice Witch and Delakhi, they even had an advantage with one enemy and two, so that the opponents were unable to fight back.



The beast roars ears, echoing in this sea area.

"Blood Lion" Wokerton maintained the form of human beings and beasts, tall and violent, full of oppression.

Even if it was besieged by captains like Ai Luwan, Garuma, and Palms, there was no tendency to lose.


A punch blasted the meteor hammer.

"Jie haha, Whitebeard Pirates, but that's it...

"The villain" Wadebart rushed out, swept his right leg, and slammed to the captain of the 12th division Harta.


The pitch-black blade barely blocked the violent kick.

But Harta, a short stature, was so shocked that he flew out, and the sword almost dropped out of his hand.

"Asshole! Don't forgive Beijing!!" The thirteenth team captain Buffalo Atmos rushed up, slashed with both knives, and fought against the villain Bart.

"Even if you fight for my life, you must protect the glory of your father, and you will never allow anyone to insult the Whitebeard Pirates!" The shark fish man Namur has sharp teeth, covered with Armament Haki, and tore it fiercely. Bite towards each other.


The meteor hammer pierced through the air and smashed into the past fiercely.

The sudden display of the zombie army and the beast army of the Blackbeard Pirates has caused the enemy to basically fall into the wind, and people continue to fall, and even the captains such as Foza have been killed. monster!

In such a situation, let alone saving people, it is a question of whether you can retreat from the whole body.

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