One Piece: The Crown of Guilt

Chapter 481 Revenge for the father?

Liwa Island.

The fierce battle lasted until noon the next day.

The Whitebeard Pirates group retreated, Marco and several captains resolutely stayed behind and blocked the main force of the Blackbeard Pirates group.

Want to let Diamond Jozhyun, Saatchi, Foil Bista and others escape safely.

However, those captains who were not bad in strength had already been killed directly, and only Marco relied on the regenerative ability of the Phoenix form to resist.

"Boom!!!", "Boom!!!"

On the chaotic battlefield, the three figures collided fiercely.

Blazing magma, eye-catching sword energy, and violent energy, frantically splashed on the ground, causing the ground to sink and crack.

Diamond Joz, Saatchi, Bista, Lei Qing Makugai and others have long since disappeared.

Even the Evil King, Barrel Joet, and Lafitte were also absent, leading the fleet to chase the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates group "Seven Eight Three".

Rain Shiryu floats in the air, constantly swinging blazing sword energy.

Once Marco wanted to fly into the air, he did not hesitate to use Paramecia's ability to suppress and intercept.

Obviously he is determined to stay here.


The scorching high temperature distorted the atmosphere, and thick smoke billowed.

The extremely scarlet magma fist hit the big blue bird fiercely.

Sweating profusely, and even with a lot of burn marks on his body, Marko, who was shocked by Bloodline, was directly blown out and fell to the ground severely.

"Philadelphia, that's the end. Shiryu of Rain suddenly rushed forward, and his four hands directly pressed Marco, who was almost exhausted.

If it weren't for the purpose of capturing the opponent alive, there would be no need to spend so much effort.

"Damn it! Get out of me!!"

The blue flames all over his body were dim, and Marco struggled desperately, full of unwillingness and anger.

However, Shiryu, who is in the form of an ant, is strong enough to easily shake Diamond Joz. How can he struggle?


The pirate, who had been preparing for a long time, rushed up with the seastone and quickly handcuffed it.

The phoenix form ability was sealed in an instant, and the whole person could only continue to struggle with insignificant brute force.

"Accept your fate obediently!"

Shiryu sneered.

Without mercy, he kicked him out with one kick.

"Wow "

The whole person slammed into the boulder, and Marco couldn't help vomiting blood.

"Asshole! Something killed me!

The eyes were about to split, and they glared at Blackbeard and Shiryu on the opposite side. They were misplaced by seastone's hand. Marco, who was abnormally weak, gritted his teeth.

"Hey hahaha, after you think you stayed and cut off, you desperately stopped Laozi and Shiryu, Diamond Joz and the others can really escape?" The fierce giant ape shrank and changed back to the normal state of Blackbeard, laughing endlessly. :"too naive!"

"Don't underestimate Joz and the others!"

Marco, struggling hard, said unwillingly.

"Hey, wait and see Blackbeard playfully.

Not to mention Lafitte, Xuanyue Hunter, Vicious King, Barrel Joet, the villain Bart, Blood Lion Walkerton, the zombie army commander "Akainu" and others who are going to pursue.

The Whitebeard Pirates alone have been locked in with the staring fruit's ability, and it is impossible to get rid of the powerhouses such as Edward Weibull, "Poison Man", "Golden Emperor", etc., who came over from North Blue and chased them .

From the beginning, the fate of the Whitebeard Pirates has been doomed.

But of course he was not so kind to tell Marco directly.

Outskirts of the Omian Sea.

Mr.1 They and Edward Weibull, "Poison Man", "Golden Emperor" and others who were sent by "Bassoromius-Bear" have just joined together.

Jean Violet was shocked inexplicably.

She doesn't know the "Poisonous Man" and others, but how could she have never seen the "Golden Emperor" who once worked with Doflamingo?

But keeping in mind Mr.1's previous warning, even if he had some guesses in his heart, he did not dare to speak indiscriminately.

"Phoenix Marco will give Blackbeard to them first, where are Diamond Joz and the others now?" Miss. Ba Jin, sitting on the shoulders of the silly Weibull, asked Violet directly.

"At three o'clock, I'm evading trial in the direction of Nister Island, maybe we can go around and intercept it directly!" Violet, who is always following the movements of the Whitebeard Pirate Group, reported the situation and directly proposed.

"Then rush over immediately, and never let these guys escape!"

"Hey, mom, are you really going to kill those guys?"

Edward Weibull bit his finger and asked a little naively, as if entangled: "They are all members of the Whitebeard Pirates."

"Idiot, if you don't kill them, how do you inherit Whitebeard's legacy?"

With a violent expression, the cane hit Edward and Weibull's head fiercely, miss. Ba Jin had already completely squeezed this guy: "Didn't you say it? I definitely can't question the old lady's decision."

"It hurts~~~It hurts~~~"

Weibull cried out with a headache, pitifully begging for mercy: "Mom, don't fight, I was wrong~~~"

"Forget it, my old lady forgive you, because you are my favorite baby."

"Woo Ming~~~Mom~~~Sorry~~~"

"This guy "

"Unbelievable, the guy with such terrible power turned out to be an out-and-out man."

Looking at the arms and crying, they didn't dare to resist the miss. Ba Jin at all. They were even touched by miss. Ba Jin's incomparable "acting skills", crying Edward Weibull, Mr.1 and Violet, etc. Can't help being a little speechless

But photographed by Weibull's monster-like power, he dare not say the word "mentally retarded".

The "Poison Man", "Golden Emperor" and others who have been warned also had to resist the urge to laugh.

"But mom, people have recently said that Vinsmoke-Iji killed his father, shouldn't we seek revenge from him?"

Weibull held the pheasant knife, tears flowed, his face was full of flesh, gritted teeth: "I want to kill that bastard!!!"

The determination to swear to the death to avenge his father made him seem to have suddenly dispelled the fear of Iji in the past at this moment.

"Hey, hello, just kidding."

Mr.1 and others were immediately taken aback.

Claiming to be the son of Whitebeard, and still wanting revenge on that Highness 0.8? With such a bomb by your side, are you sure you won't suddenly defect?

"Stupid, revenge is worthless these years. First use Djerma to find out Whitebeard's production and then hit Weibull's head fiercely again. Miss. Ba Jin said angrily: "Furthermore, you beat Have you ever passed that monster? Don't bother my old lady!!

"Mom~~~ I can't beat him~~~"

Recalling the horror of being abused at the time, Weibull couldn't help but make a face and burst into cold sweat.

"Then listen to my old lady, money is the most important thing!"

"Yes, mom, you are right." The tears stopped, and Weibull nodded quickly like a chicken pecking at rice.

"This guy, what is going on?"

Witnessing this drama, "Poison Man", "Golden Emperor", Mr.1 and others were completely speechless.

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