One Piece: The Crown of Guilt

Chapter 483 Falling Giant Elephant [Various Requests]

New World, Nest Island.

In the center of the island, the small town is in the distance, with smoke and smoke.

This is an island originally owned by the Whitebeard Pirates.

It was later taken by the Blackbeard Pirates, but it was taken back by the Whitebeard Pirates who entered the New World.

After two days and two nights of constant sailing, the pirate ship of the Whitebeard Pirate Group finally left the chase temporarily.

The entire Whitebeard pirate group went up and down, all shameless and devoid of morale.

Even everyone has varying degrees of injury.

Five hundred people are now less than forty. It is conceivable how much they lost this time.

Except for the more than ten ordinary crew members who initially stayed on the Pirate Ship and were responsible for operations, they were safely evacuated from Livar Island. All the captains and captains survived.

"Damn it's Blackbeard!"

Joz looked at the captains and captains with sad faces, his fists could not help clenching, and his teeth were gritted.

The news of Marco's "death" had been learned through the intelligence channels of the Whitebeard Pirate Group, and their hearts were inexplicably saddened.

I can't wait to fight Blackbeard directly.

But he can't!

If he is recklessly killed, what will Nasaki, Bista, Lei Qing Makugai and others do?

The Blackbeard Pirates would not let them go so easily.

However, just when the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates had just landed ashore and headed for the small town on the island.


A fierce shout came suddenly from the shore in the other direction.


The shock wave of horror suddenly appeared.

Can't help but violently create the ground and destroy the obstacles ahead!

Instead of attacking Joz and others, he directly blasted the pirate ship docked there.


Joz, Saatchi, Bista and others couldn't help but their expressions changed drastically!

But it was too late to stop it, so I could only watch the huge shock wave violently from another direction, tearing the entire pirate ship and the people left on it to pieces.



Countless debris and sawdust splashed, and the big waves rolled up and surging constantly.

More than a dozen pirates screamed, and directly with the ship, they were killed by the terrible shock wave.

"Damn it! Have you all been chased here?"

The fourth division captain Saqi, foil Bista, Lei Qing Makugay, and the knight Doma quickly drew their swords and looked at the distance vigilantly.

But after seeing the figures that rushed over quickly, his pupils shrank sharply.

Paramecia-Weibull, who is capable of impacting fruit, Paramecia- "Poisonous", who is capable of poisoning fruit, Paramecia-"Golden Emperor", who is capable of golden fruit, Paramecia. S

"Edward Weibull, Gilder Tezolo

"It's from Germa!"

Joz's face turned pale.

My heart couldn't help but sink to the extreme.

Unexpectedly, Germa, far away in North Blue, would send someone to stop them.

Obviously it was well prepared.

"Jie Jie, everyone of the Whitebeard Pirate Group, we have been waiting for you for a long time," Poison Man said with a sneer, making no secret of his malice and murderous.

"What do you mean?" Saqi gritted his teeth angrily.

"Derma would like to invite you to North Blue as a guest..."

Playing with a golden gold coin, the spleen is late to the furious Joz, Bista and others in front of him.


"You can't do it just with you!"

"Just a few people, kill them!"

"Damn it! Are we really being bullied by the Whitebeard Pirates?"

Being so provoked by people, Joz, Saatchi, Bista and others looked so ugly that they couldn't help it anymore and rushed up directly in anger.

There is nothing to say at this time. Ever since Whitebeard was killed by Vinsmoke-Iji, both the Whitebeard Pirates and Djerma were destined to never die.

"My dear son, kill them for me. Just catch "Diamond" Joz alive. Weibull hung on the phone worm around his neck, and the voice of Miss Ba Jin came out.

Knowing that she has no strength, she certainly wouldn't be stupid to put herself in danger.

Together with Mr.1, Violet and others, waited for the result on the ship on the other side of the island.

"I see, mom~~~"

Weibull's face became fierce.

"Om~~~" The raised pheasant knife showed a halo.

Without a word, he slammed directly towards Diamond Joz and the others who were rushing over.


In the second half of New World, Jebel Danna waters.

Because of the arrival of the red hair, the battle between the Red Earl, Kaido, and BIG-MOM has not ended, but has become more fierce. Even the red-haired Shanks will inevitably be involved.

For two or three days, the terrifying confrontation on his back caused this old giant elephant to keep hurting and hurting.

Finally unable to bear it anymore, he roared in pain and fell straight down.

*. "Boom boom boom...

"Wow, wow, wow!"

The indescribable huge shaking caused a monstrous wave on the sea. Even the BIG-MOM Pirates and Beasts Pirates, who wanted to salvage the red historical text, were already far away from the giant elephant's battleship group, almost completely submerged.

Waves of terrifying waves rolled away in all directions, full of visual impact.

"Wow~~~ Minghuhu~~~"

The sea is raging and roaring.

Accompanied by the strong air currents, the warship shook violently in the big waves, as if it could not bear the pressure and shattered.

Someone was accidentally thrown off.

Whether it is KING or Kata Kuri and others, their faces are all ugly.

No one thought that this giant elephant had already been far away from here, so far apart, that the huge waves that rolled up after falling would even spread to this side.

The delay in finding the piece of historical text that was dropped by Red Earl Ryder from Zow Island made them feel a little anxious.

(Good Zhao Qian)

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the giant elephant fell down.

Fortunately, they had already ordered the sails to be put away in order to salvage the stele.


"No, how is this possible?"

"Damn it!! Like the Lord!!!"

On the distant fleet, the people who had been under the command of Red Hair Pirates, like the fur tribe evacuated on the main back, all cried and shed tears, and knelt to the ground one after another.

To Beasts Pirates, BIG-MOM Pirates, Red Earl Ryder, they bit their teeth.

"Huh~~~ Huh~~~, damn it, let him run away." BIG-MOM sat on top of Thunder Cloud Zeus, breathing heavily.

His complexion was extremely heavy.

Because the Red Earl Ryder with the rubbing of the red stone on his body has disappeared.

Nearly three days of fighting, and it has evolved from a three-way melee to a four-way melee, and her physical strength is naturally exhausting.

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