One Piece: The Crown of Guilt

Chapter 487 Apu of death [various requests]

[PS: There was a small mistake in the previous chapter. Dingyin Apu is the pirate of the Grand Line, not from all over the world]

When Reiju, Judge and others returned to North Blue.

Far in the first half of the Grand Line, in the whisky town, in the luxurious casino.

"Borrow money?

In front of the counter specializing in redemption of chips and separated by a solid iron fence, the staff did not hesitate to refuse the request of Ding Yin Apu and said nonchalantly: "I'm sorry, the rules of our casino, don't charge, don't let it go."

However, based on the casino's regulations, no one directly kicked out Dian Yin Apu.

"Really indifferent performance"

Luck is really bad. Dadi Yin Apu, who has just lost all his money, spread his hands, and stalked like a slapstick: "Then what do I say with my head, it is worth 35 million Baileys, you can always change some bargaining chips. ?"

Looking at the safe behind the counter, there was a gleam in his eyes.

There are at least hundreds of millions of Baileys in this safe, which is not considered to have been transported to the casino vault.

Being so poor, how could Dingyin Apu not be moved?

"Sir, I'm sorry, we don't accept this kind of business here. The staff at the counter frowned, and their tone became cold.

17 The opponent is clearly deliberately picking things up.

I couldn't help but wink at the two bodyguards who were in charge of patrolling nearby.

"Captain of the Broadcast Pirate Group, Ding Ding Yin Apu" The fierce bodyguard came up, apparently knowing Ding Yin Apu, and said coldly: "Longshou clan? I want you from Grand Line, you should Do you know what it means to make trouble here?"

They were also pirates before, but they were collected by the Crocodile Pirates.

All Demon fruit power, whether it is a rookie pirate or not, will basically be paid attention to by the Crocodile Group.

Many pirates from Grand Line and even New World will choose Grand Line to start roaming from the entrance, although not all of them.

But for a newcomer with ambitious ambitions like Da Die Yin Apu, it is natural to "start from scratch."

His bounty was when he just arrived at the entrance of the Grand Line, he hung the Pirate flag and was chased by Marine, and defeated several warships led by Colonel Naval Headquarters before he was offered a direct reward of 35 million Baileys.

"Mr. Arp

The crew members of the Broadcast Pirate Group couldn't help but sweat.

The casino bodyguards all around gathered here, intentionally or unintentionally, and their eyes were a little unkind.

"Haha, it looks like I'm really famous! Ah la Ba Ba Ba~~~" Dadi Yin Apu laughed.

"Bang! Bang!

Very abruptly, the right leg swept out directly and kicked the bodyguard beside him.

"Of course I know, but that's what makes it interesting." Dadi Yin Apu laughed, and his five fingers suddenly pressed the keys in his mouth.

"Ding Ding"


The ripples visible to the naked eye suddenly rolled out.

Accompanied by loud noises, large swaths of smoke spread, and terrible sound waves directly blasted through the incomparably strong iron fence.


"Asshole, what are you going to do?"

The bodyguards and gamblers were all taken aback by the sudden explosion.

In twos or twos, the camera crew was stunned, grabbing the half-person-high safe, and Die Yinap ran out.

"Run! Set sail right away! Ha, while yelling at his subordinates, he slammed the word "yin" on his chest.

Offending Shichibukai, making the other party annoyed and chasing him down, makes Apu very excited.




The terrible sonic wave screamed at the casino bodyguards who were the first to rush over with their weapons. Their bodies were all exploded in half, dripping with blood, and the entire first floor of the casino was plunged into chaos in an instant.

"boom "

"Dare to make trouble here."

"Kill him, don't let that guy run away!!!"

The outside patrol teams were all alarmed.

They rushed over one after another, directly raising the Gatling machine guns and rifles, all of them constantly holding the huge safe, and taking a few pirates under his command to shoot at Apu, who was running wildly outside.

The originally bustling and lively town was directly caught in the riots.

Those unrelated pirates, bounty hunters, and tourists, under the guidance of experienced staff, rushed to other directions to take refuge, for fear of being involved in disorder.


"Be careful! Don't get hit by sound waves

"This guy is capable!"

"I will let people block the port immediately, and we must not let these bastards run away!"

"Boom boom"

The original bounty amounted to more than 50 million. The guards who were in charge of the sand crocodile and were responsible for guarding here were almost directly torn apart by the terrible sound waves, and they were shocked and sweated.

He quickly took out the phone worm and blocked the warships and giant guards guarding the harbor.

Ding Yin Apu had no fear. He laughed and led his subordinates to avoid the rain of guns and bullets, hid in the shop next to the street holding the safe, directly violently punched through the wall, and fled towards the port: "Hahaha, Shichibukai, but that's it. Well!"

The fragile defense makes DJingyin Apu more confident and calm.

Own Devil Fruit ability, but very powerful.

"Ding Dangdang"

The pace of running wildly, the fingers kept pressing on the keys of the mouth indiscriminately.


Layers of ripples couldn't help but rolled out, blasting away the dense bullets and rockets that violently shot at him, triggering bursts of explosions.

"Mr. Arp, slow down

"Please wait for us!

"Damn, those guards were all alarmed

The pirates who followed him all had numb scalp and turned pale in fright.

Some people were directly beaten into a sieve by the intensive bullet rain because they were running slowly.

"Asshole, dare to disturb grandma and aunt enjoying snacks" a petite figure flew out from the top of the casino, stepping wildly in the air, with its moving cheeks bulging, and shouted angrily.

The cute figure can't help but step on the Moonwalk, making many pirates and bodyguards dull.

"Master Perona, a pirate took away the safe in the casino and ran towards the port. One of them is Demon fruit power."

A cadre who had been taught by Perona and knew the other side's terrible cadres, quickly pointed at Apu and his party hiding in the alley in front, and shouted 783 towards Perona who was high in the sky: "Please stop him quickly, absolutely. Let these criminals run away!"

"Demon fruit power?"

Perona's eyes lit up abruptly when he heard the words.

It's like encountering a funny toy, showing interest: "Aloha Lohalo, I just happen to be boring to be idle."

"Negative ghost!

The right hand pointed directly at the direction of the port, and one after another weird ghosts flew out directly.

"Pessimistic~~~pessimistic~~ Dozens of ghosts rushed out, directly rushing towards the port at an astonishing speed.

"Don't want to run!!

In the port area, two giants led a large number of guards and stopped in front of Dian Yin Apu.

"Haha, giants? I can't stop me by my size alone."

Dingyin Apu was full of confidence, just about to continue pressing the keys in his mouth.

One after another, the ghosts rushed up from behind and passed directly through the bodies of him and his companions.

"what is this?"


The ghosts were floating in the air, and they couldn't help crying around them.

In the next moment, a very strange scene happened.

Playing Die Yin Apu, and several pirates under his command, knelt down one after another.

"I am a bug...

"In the next life, I want to be a jumper"

"I'm very sorry, a scum like me will come into this world

Several people seemed to have received a huge blow, and suddenly became extremely negative, so that the giants and bodyguards who were rushing over could not help but be stunned.

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