One Piece: The Crown of Guilt

Chapter 489 Cruel experiment [Various requests]


The screams reverberated from the laboratory.

A sturdy prisoner who was fixed on the experimental platform was howling in pain, his face was distorted, and his horrible veins were violent, and he seemed to be extremely healed.

A few meters away.

One precision instrument after another kept shining and making a ticking sound.

Several scientific researchers in white lab coats are observing the electronic screen in front of them, and are constantly recording something.


The protruding blood vessels slammed in and split, and blood splashed.


The experiment table is dyed red directly.

It was so bloody that the prisoner oozes blood all over his body, which makes his scalp numb.

The screams stopped abruptly, and the body that was struggling quickly lost motion.

"Failed again?" Vegapunk scratched his messy hair.

This is not the first time such an attempt has been made.

Since helping to remodel Yuji's body a few days ago, he has transferred to the study of Kaido genes of beasts.

Iji used to collect the blood of Kaido, the beast.

But for a long time, the research has yielded little results, and the experiments continue to fail.

"The body of an ordinary strong person can't bear it at all. The gene chain will break in the shortest time. 783 will not work even from the mother's fetus." An old man in a white coat next to him also shook his head helplessly.

This is undoubtedly a very cruel experiment. Kaido's genes are too overbearing for ordinary people to bear.

It is difficult for ordinary people to have the physique and resilience of Kaido.

"Then use the guys in the sixth layer of Impel down to try. If it really fails, then terminate the experiment."

Sitting next to me, I could have a panoramic view of the previous scene, his eyes indifferent, Iji said calmly.

Although Judge needed Vegapunk to participate in his project that was stuck in a bottleneck, Iji let Vegapunk take part of the time to lead the research in this area.

Anyway, the original members of the huge Marine Science Corps also had quite a few very outstanding scientists, enough to assist Judge in completing the research.

"You don't mind, of course I'm fine

Dr. Vegapunk shrugged indifferently, remembering something, and said to Iji: "By the way, I checked the brains of your two younger brothers! Unexpectedly, the old guy Judge was really cold and too cold, and he didn't hesitate to take his own The son is transformed into a weapon without emotion"

"Fortunately, your mother was desperately blocked (bhai), otherwise, let alone the two of them still have some human emotions, even you can't escape.

"Is there any chance of recovery?" Between the five fingers of his left hand, a beautiful coin turned around, and Iji looked directly at Vegapunk.

He didn't want to talk more about Judge's character, it didn't make much sense.

"It's okay, but I am afraid it will be difficult to change that bad personality. Dr. Vegapunk knows very well how bad and cold-blooded the personalities of Niji and Yuji are: "Unless those two boys have a big emotional impact. , But unlikely"

Vegapunk sighed: "I guess that even if the guy Judge died in front of them, at most, he would shed a few tears and feel a little sad."

"The future depends on their own destiny, they only need to untie all the'limitations' in their brains and let them return to normal!'

After all, they are all "same mother fetus".

Even if I don't have any affection for Niji and Yuji, since it is possible to change, Iji will not deliberately stop it.

Of course, the transformation of these two people was not thorough.

Otherwise, you won't occasionally show emotions like anger and excitement.

After walking out of the laboratory, Kalifa, who was waiting outside, greeted him.

"His Royal Highness, there is news from New World that Kaido has salvaged the red stone that was thrown into the sea by the Red Earl. Ryder attacked the Headquarters Cake Island, intending to seize the piece of red historical text in her collection, and had to suppress it!"

Since the last battle on Zow Island ended, Red Earl Ryder seemed to have disappeared. Even with the huge intelligence network of BIG-MOM, it was impossible to collect its news in a short period of time.

However, it will be sooner or later to find out Ryder.

Because of Red Earl's character, he is destined to be a hiding person.

"Even if BIG-MOM and Kaido don't come to him, in order to collect the complete road signs, that guy will come directly to the door."

With deep eyes, looking at the blue sea in the distance, the corner of Iji's mouth raised, and he concluded: "There is no news for a few days. He is probably looking for the whereabouts of the fourth piece of historical text."

The two quickly left the experimental area and entered the imperial capital.

Inside the luxurious palace.

In Iji's exclusive office, Reiju is sitting in his place.

Lightly draped the legs, the plump body curve is perfect, and it always exudes fascinating temptation. There is a gentle smile on the beautiful pretty face, and he said: "You came just right, there is something to tell you

"The treasure of the Whitebeard Pirates has been found by the Blackbeard Pirates. It is a surprisingly huge treasure.

"Is that right? There is no shortage of money here, so let them keep for development!" Through the outside window, Iji saw the distant school field.

A petite figure is training sweating like rain.

"Fujitora" was constantly exerting gravity on her, pressing her directly against the dirty ground, and tears couldn't stop streaming.

Horton, with a cold face, stood by and looked indifferent when he witnessed this scene.

Monet was alone in the center of the field, constantly practicing Finger Pistol, and Bloodline Madara Madara on the stake.

Sugar is for fear that his sister Monet will die because of not working hard, and Monet is afraid that if he can't keep up with the training, he will leave his sister, Sugar, alone in the future.

Both sisters kept gritting their teeth.

The seemingly insignificant beliefs gradually took root in the bottom of my heart.

"Still holding on?" Iji smiled faintly.

This is just the beginning. More cruel training and killing trials are yet to come. It is hard to say whether the sugar can hold on.

"You are really cold-blooded. Reiju, who had received such exaggerated training to measure her body and walked over, for such a small girl, couldn't help but give Iji a blank look: "If it's not for the ability to heal fruits, I'm afraid her small body I'm overwhelmed a long time ago"

In the past few days, I often see that girl is being rigorously trained by Holden. She already knows about the two sisters of sugar.

"If it is of no value, why am I wasting resources on her?"

Looking squarely at Reiju's beautiful eyes, Iji didn't care and shook his head and said, "This kind of treatment, no one else wants it."

The reality is so cruel.

He did not directly kill these two sisters, it was already a great grace.

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