One Piece: The Crown of Guilt

Chapter 491 Water City Storm

Time flies like an arrow.

Three months passed in a hurry.

Iji has already put aside the affairs of the Djerma Empire and delegated full power to Reiju. I ran to the Beast Island day after day, fighting his body in a very cruel way, and constantly trying to develop his Devil Fruit ability in depth. .

Since this time, the New World has been turbulent.

The Blackbeard Pirates, which defeated the Whitebeard Pirates, officially reached the top. Blackbeard Andre-Jenny and BIG-MOM Charlotte- Linlin, Beast Kaido, and the red-haired Shanks are four people, and they are called "Four Emperors"!

Red Earl Lederfield, alone with the BIG-MOM Pirates, Beasts Pirates clash no less than five times.

However, the well-prepared BIG-MOM and Kaido have already hidden the red stone. Apart from them, only the second-in-command such as Kata Kuri and KING knows that the Red Earl Ryder has not captured the red stone after all. .

At the same time, Germa's reorganization of the army is proceeding in an orderly manner.

Those surrendered troops forced the demobilization of the old, weak, sick and disabled, and incorporated the 17 elites who had been strictly screened into various ministries under the command of Germa, and the remaining personnel were directly reorganized into garrison troops, responsible for maintaining local order.

Construct military bases and fortresses throughout the North Blue area.

"Big Tiger" Boris, "Lion Ghost", "Fujitora"

These strong men who saddled Gyre before and after were all awarded the rank of four-star general.

"Ghost Sword" Dampier, "Iron Bone" Asa, "Red Beard" Thomas and other Impel down powerhouses who joined Derma later, all were awarded the rank of Samsung Vice Admiral.

In the future, whether these people can continue to climb will be assessed in strict accordance with the relevant regulations of the Djerma Empire, such as the "Delma Empire Rank Promotion Regulations", "Delma Empire Army Meritorious Regulations", "Army Meritorious Commendation Regulations" and other relevant regulations. !

Two months ago.

Marine and the Army formed a joint fleet and went to South Blue to crusade against the Revolutionary Army. However, the two sides fought many times without success.

The World government, which needs to separate most of its forces to contain Djerma, is simply unable to annihilate the rising revolutionary army.

A month and a half ago, as the sea turbulence intensified, the number of pirates exponentially increased.

A large number of vicious, mixed fish and dragon pirates flooded into The fish men island in vain, trying to catch those mermaids. If it weren't for the bloody suppression of the murloc Jinbei's sun pirates, the whole fish men island almost fell into chaos.

But this is the case. In the face of those extremely vicious pirates, the Pirates of the Sun has also suffered a lot.

And in the underground world, the mermaid clan keeps rising. I don't know when it has exceeded the starting price of 200 million yuan. Even the pirates of New World are ready to move.

King Neptune couldn't stop the pressure anymore and had to bite the bullet and hoist the flag of the Djerma Empire on the island, which caused quite a shock!

Those New World pirates who tried to make trouble in The fish men island were silent and sweaty.

Make the World government angry.

But he didn't want to break out a larger war with Germa for The fish men island, so he had to pinch his nose and endure it.

A month ago, due to the failure of the combined fleet in the crusade against the Revolutionary Army, both sides suffered relatively large losses and fell into a long-term confrontation.

The World government lost patience and directly dispatched CP personnel to the Water City to give the Carrera Company’s power holder. Now it is already the ultimatum of the Water City Changbing Mountain.

Ask it to hand over the drawings of Ancient Weapon-- Pluton!

Bingshan would rather die than tell the news about the drawings, and was eventually caught by Enies Lobby.

Half a month ago, after entering the Grand Line, I experienced a lot of adventures on a certain route. The Straw Hat Pirates, which were soaring for bounty, arrived in the City of Water.

There was a lot of conflict with Franky's house, but in the end the Straw Hat Pirates, who were inexplicably relieved of their suspicion, built a new ship with Franky's help - Thousand Sunny!

And at this time, CP finally found out that Franky was one of the disciples of the famous craftsman Tom who built the ship for Roger, the one piece king. Celestial Dragons grabbed the front of Five Elders and directly mobilized the Forbidden Army to blockade the entire water capital.


A full ten of the most advanced warships lay across the sea.

Rows of black and heavy naval guns, like swallowing giant beasts, make people tremble, surrounding the city of water.

The size of the warship is comparable to Buster Call, which makes the residents of the island panicked and a little frightened.

In addition to the cross flag of the World government, hung on the imperial warship, there was also a similar to Marine, but with a sharp sword directly through the black pattern of seagulls.

This is obviously the Celestial Dragons' sorrow for Marine's "betraying" them, and venting their inner dissatisfaction in this way.

At the beginning, the Naval Headquarters was a little dissatisfied because of this somewhat insulting flag to Marine, but Five Elders did not want to conflict with Celestial Dragons on this issue, and eventually died down.

"The bastard Bingberg is in Enies Lobby, and he refuses to say anything, and must not let this guy run away!" Several CP-15 agents and two Vice Admiral troops boarded the port with gloomy eyes.

"The adults demand that even if you can't find the drawing right away, you must be in front of Marine and control Franky in your hands!" The CP-15 high-level leader is tall, wearing a mask and unable to see his expression clearly.

"This is natural!"

Vice Admiral, an imperial army, nodded solemnly.

The newly formed backbone of the Forbidden Army is itself separated from the original CP agency or Celestial Dragons' retainers. Regarding CP-15, the highest CIPHER-POL directly controlled by Celestial Dragons, the attitude will naturally not be bad.

Teams of heavily armed soldiers with cold-faced faces kept pouring into the island.

Rough searches from house to house, any residents who wanted to resist were shot and killed or arrested mercilessly, which severely deterred other dissatisfied residents.

But after searching for a long time, Franky was nowhere to be seen.

"Damn it!!"

"Let me go...783"

"What do you want to do?"

The gangsters in Franky's house were all caught directly and rudely.

Inside the room, the sound of ping-pong-pong continued to be heard. The soldiers of the Forbidden Army rummaged through it inside and out, but they did not find anything related to Pluton's drawings.

"Caddy Frum, or where is Franky?"

A CP-15 agent wearing a grimace mask looked down at the members of Franky's house held by soldiers and asked coldly.

"Big Brother? We don't know."

The two sisters with square hairstyles and very pointed noses gritted their teeth and said loudly.


The high-level appearance of the CP-15 was indifferent.

He gestured directly to the agent with the explosive head next to him.

"Why do you want to mobilize people so much? What crime did he commit, eldest brother?"

Seeing that the agent with the explosive head suddenly came over, the Zamba and others of Franky's house were uneasy and couldn't help asking angrily.

"Puff! Puff!"

Lifting the index finger of his right hand, lightning shot out, coldly piercing the skulls of the two sisters.

The blood was dripping, and the two people who couldn't even scream in time, fell straight down.

"Now, can you tell me where is Franky?" The CP-15 executive looked angry and inexplicably, but at the same time praised them with a little fright.

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