One Piece: The Crown of Guilt

Chapter 504 Straw hat being pursued

Peninsula number 27.

Thousand Sunny is docked in a remote bay.

Usopp, Zoro, and Chopper lost the draw and were left to guard the Pirate Ship.

"Zoro, Chopper, ~ the big thing is not good"

But at this time, Usopp on the observation deck looked horrified, cold and sweaty.

"A Marine warship approached, and those guys have discovered our whereabouts."

Chopper, who hurriedly moved downwards, was stimulated by what Sanji said on the island turtle a few days ago. Sulong was sweating profusely.


The complexions of Chopper and Zoro changed drastically.

Hastily ran to the rear, looking at the sea in the distance.

I saw a few huge Marine warships, slowly pressing over from the blue sea, aggressively.

"Damn it, Luffy and Sanji are not here at this time..."

Zoro grabbed the three daggers placed aside and said loudly to Chopper, "Chopper, call them back now!"

"I see!"

Chopper broke out in cold sweat.

I hurriedly took out the phone bug and called Sanji and others who were out shopping and looking for coating artisans.

"Usopp, immediately put down the sails, let's try to avoid them first!"

Zoro's face was heavy, and he shouted to Usopp above: "Otherwise, here is the list. I can't stop so many shells alone, and the ship will definitely be sunk!


Usopp is more anxious than Zoro.

Although the skill is far inferior to Zoro and others, the tempering these days is not without the slightest effect.

He was agile a lot, and put down the sail directly after three or five strokes.

"I put away the anchor, Chopper, you take the helm!"

Looking at the fleet of warships that were still far away, but probably already close to the range, Zoro couldn't help but sink.

If the energy of Coke is not enough, then the wind will not be used, but it will be troublesome.

They don’t have much Coke left, so they can only use it once.

"Sir, the sails of the pirate ship of the Straw Hat Pirates Group have been lowered, and it looks like they want to escape." On the leading warship, a Marine Rear Admiral saluted and reported to the CP0 officers wearing different masks.

"Prepare for shelling, even if you sink them, you can't let them escape!"

Even if the distance is farther, the shelling will be less precise, but the number can make up for the deficiency.


Marine Rear Admiral nodded.

I picked up the phone worm and directly ordered: "Immediately adjust the angle of the turret and prepare for the first round of test firing!"


The heavy and huge turrets continued to rotate.

Under the debugging of those gunners, the angle was continuously adjusted to the farthest range.

"Ziling Lulu, one after another black bombs, the size of a basketball, filled the car, and they were pushed out one after another.


"Bang! Bang! Bang!


The mouths of each cannon puffed out fiery tongues of fire.

The crushed black shells sparsely blasted towards the pirate ship on the Sabaody Archipelago Bay.

"Boom boom"

The sea is raging.

Thousand Sunny was almost hit directly and shook with the surging sea.

"Luffy, let's drive away the pirate ship first to avoid the pursuit of Marine. You can join us along the coast!" Seeing that Zoro had put away the anchor, Chopper suddenly became as tall as a strong man and worked hard. Operating the rudder, turning the bow and leaving along the coastline.

At the same time, he said loudly towards the connected phone worm.


The sound of breaking through the air continued to scream.

The shells that were denser than the first round of test fired directly poured over.


Zoro leaped high, and in the cold light, the blade slammed open a few shells that had come.

And Usopp also used a slingshot to block the shells that hit the pirate ship, directly detonating them at a long distance.

"Damn it, was it discovered so soon?"

"I guess I was waiting for us here a long time ago. I missed that day. Didn't I say Sunday?"

"Chopper, we'll rush over right away, you guys be careful!"

On the other side, on peninsula 43.

Luffy, Sanji, Allen the Navigator, and Franky who received the call were full of anxiety and decisively gave up looking for the coating craftsman, discarded the unnecessary materials they had just purchased, and rushed with a few large barrels of Coke energy.

The more at this time, the more cola cannot be discarded, because this may be their hope of escape.

………For flowers 0……


"Marine is coming!!!"

However, at this time.

Countless pirates, bounty hunters, and residents screamed, scrambling to flee around.


A large number of Marines couldn't help pouring up, aggressively.

"The Straw Hat Pirates are here, absolutely can't let them run away!" Marine shouted, directly recognizing the makeup and wearing weird Straw Hat Crew.

"boom "

"Damn it, has it been discovered?"

"I don't have time to accompany them here!"

Straw hat Luffy, Sanji and others have ugly faces.

Dodging the sparse bullets, hurriedly ran towards the coast.

"Slap, slap"


A man in a black suit and mask rushed to the atmosphere.

"Don't want to run away!" Gaia kicked out a sharp new blow, tearing the atmosphere, and violently shot over: "Tempest Kick!"

"Boom boom"

The sky is full of dust.

There were huge scars on the ground.

"This slash is too exaggerated."

The terrible slash almost flashed past, and a few people in the straw hat broke out in cold sweat.

I've seen Sanji's half-hearted Tempest Kick before, but I can't compare with him at all.

Feeling a fatal crisis.

"Set sail now!"

"Be fast, Marine is really moving this time

"I can't manage that much, I won't go to The fish men island if I don't have a good coating, and I will talk about it after leaving here!"

Far away in the casino on the 31st peninsula, the supernova and other pirates who received the news, did not even care about redeeming their chips, and hurriedly took the horses and horses to the direction of their respective pirate ships, for fear One step later, I was taken up by Marine.

Only those cadres of the Kid Pirate Group were directly imprisoned.

The pirates who had been underestimating the Crocodile Pirate Group couldn't help but feel a little chill.

The so-called supernova is currently not qualified to fight against Shichibukai like Sand Crocodile.

But it was a little-known, "Princess Mononoke" who was in charge of watching the scene, easily crushed the Kid Pirates with two main bounty "Captain" Eustass-Kid and "Killing Warrior" Kira.


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